VuFind API Documentation

Orb extends AbstractCover
in package
implements CachingDownloaderAwareInterface Uses CachingDownloaderAwareTrait

Orb cover content loader.




Frédéric Demians

license GNU General Public License


Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums

Lightweight caching downloader aware marker interface.

Table of Contents

$apiKey  : string
API key for Orb
$apiUser  : string
API user for Orb
$cacheAllowed  : bool
Are we allowed to cache images from this source?
$cacheOptionsSection  : string
Cache Options Section. This can be overridden by child classes to declare a section in config.ini which will be parsed to override default settings.
$cachingDownloader  : CachingDownloader
Caching downloader
$directUrls  : bool
Use direct urls as image urls. When set to true, direct urls to content cover provider will be used in interface instead internal Cover/Show urls.
$downloaderCacheId  : string
Cache ID. This can be overridden by child classes if they want to use a separate cache.
$mandatoryBacklinkLocations  : array<string|int, mixed>
Are backlinks to source of cover mandatory?
$supportsIsbn  : bool
Does this plugin support ISBNs?
$supportsIsmn  : bool
Does this plugin support ISMNs?
$supportsIssn  : bool
Does this plugin support ISSNs?
$supportsNbn  : bool
Does this plugin support national bibliographies number?
$supportsOclc  : bool
Does this plugin support OCLC numbers?
$supportsRecordid  : bool
Does this plugin support getting cover by local id?
$supportsUpc  : bool
Does this plugin support UPC numbers?
$supportsUuid  : bool
Does this plugin support getting cover by UUID (Universally unique identifier)?
$url  : string
Base URL for Orb API
__construct()  : mixed
getMandatoryBacklinkLocations()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Which location are mandatory for backlinks, available locations are the same as used for cover size determination, see coversize setting in [Content] section of config.ini
getMetadata()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get cover metadata for a particular API key and set of IDs (or empty array).
getUrl()  : string|bool
Get image URL for a particular API key and set of IDs (or false if invalid).
isCacheAllowed()  : bool
Are we allowed to cache images from this source?
setCachingDownloader()  : void
Set caching downloader
supports()  : bool
Does this plugin support the provided ID array?
useDirectUrls()  : bool
Use direct urls? (Or proxied urls)



API key for Orb

protected string $apiKey


API user for Orb

protected string $apiUser


Are we allowed to cache images from this source?

protected bool $cacheAllowed = false


Cache Options Section. This can be overridden by child classes to declare a section in config.ini which will be parsed to override default settings.

protected string $cacheOptionsSection = null

Note that the prefix "Cache_" will be prepended on this string.


Use direct urls as image urls. When set to true, direct urls to content cover provider will be used in interface instead internal Cover/Show urls.

protected bool $directUrls = false


Cache ID. This can be overridden by child classes if they want to use a separate cache.

protected string $downloaderCacheId = 'downloader'


Are backlinks to source of cover mandatory?

protected array<string|int, mixed> $mandatoryBacklinkLocations = []


Does this plugin support ISBNs?

protected bool $supportsIsbn = false


Does this plugin support ISMNs?

protected bool $supportsIsmn = false


Does this plugin support ISSNs?

protected bool $supportsIssn = false


Does this plugin support national bibliographies number?

protected bool $supportsNbn = false


Does this plugin support OCLC numbers?

protected bool $supportsOclc = false


Does this plugin support getting cover by local id?

protected bool $supportsRecordid = false


Does this plugin support UPC numbers?

protected bool $supportsUpc = false


Does this plugin support getting cover by UUID (Universally unique identifier)?

protected bool $supportsUuid = false


Base URL for Orb API

protected string $url




public __construct(string $url, string $apiUser, string $apiKey) : mixed
$url : string

Base URL for Orb

$apiUser : string

API key for Orb

$apiKey : string

API key for Orb

Return values


Which location are mandatory for backlinks, available locations are the same as used for cover size determination, see coversize setting in [Content] section of config.ini

public getMandatoryBacklinkLocations() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get cover metadata for a particular API key and set of IDs (or empty array).

public getMetadata(string $key, string $size, array<string|int, mixed> $ids) : array<string|int, mixed>
$key : string

API key

$size : string

Size of image to load (small/medium/large)

$ids : array<string|int, mixed>

Associative array of identifiers (keys may include 'isbn' pointing to an ISBN object, 'issn' pointing to a string and 'oclc' pointing to an OCLC number string)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Array with keys: url, backlink_url, backlink_text


Get image URL for a particular API key and set of IDs (or false if invalid).

public getUrl(string $key, string $size, array<string|int, mixed> $ids) : string|bool
$key : string

API key

$size : string

Size of image to load (small/medium/large)

$ids : array<string|int, mixed>

Associative array of identifiers (keys may include 'isbn' pointing to an ISBN object and 'issn' pointing to a string)



Return values


Are we allowed to cache images from this source?

public isCacheAllowed() : bool
Return values


Set caching downloader

public setCachingDownloader( $cachingDownloader) : void
$cachingDownloader :


Return values


Does this plugin support the provided ID array?

public supports(array<string|int, mixed> $ids) : bool
$ids : array<string|int, mixed>

IDs that will later be sent to load() -- see below.

Return values


Use direct urls? (Or proxied urls)

public useDirectUrls() : bool
Return values

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