VuFind API Documentation

TagService extends AbstractDbService
in package
implements TagServiceInterface, DbTableAwareInterface Uses DbTableAwareTrait

Database service for tags.




Demian Katz

license GNU General Public License



Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums

Database service interface for tags.
Marker interface for classes that depend on the \VuFind\Db\Table\PluginManager

Table of Contents

$tableManager  : PluginManager
Database table plugin manager
createEntity()  : TagsEntityInterface
Create a new Tag entity.
deleteOrphanedTags()  : void
Delete orphaned tags (those not present in resource_tags) from the tags table.
getDbTable()  : Gateway
Get a database table object.
getDbTableManager()  : PluginManager
Get the table plugin manager. Throw an exception if it is missing.
getDuplicateTags()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get a list of duplicate tags (this should never happen, but past bugs and the introduction of case-insensitive tags have introduced problems).
getListTags()  : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
Get tags assigned to a user list. Returns an array of arrays with id and tag keys.
getNonListTagsFuzzilyMatchingString()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get the tags that match a string
getRecordTags()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get all tags associated with the specified record (and matching provided filters).
getRecordTagsFromFavorites()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get all tags from favorite lists associated with the specified record (and matching provided filters).
getRecordTagsNotInFavorites()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get all tags outside of favorite lists associated with the specified record (and matching provided filters).
getResourcesMatchingTagQuery()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get all resources associated with the provided tag query.
getStatistics()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get statistics on use of tags.
getTagBrowseList()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get a list of tags for the browse interface.
getTagById()  : TagsEntityInterface|null
Retrieve a tag by ID.
getTagByText()  : array<string|int, TagsEntityInterface>
Get the first available matching tag by text; return null if no match is found.
getTagsByText()  : array<string|int, TagsEntityInterface>
Get all matching tags by text. Normally, 0 or 1 results will be retrieved, but more may be retrieved under exceptional circumstances (e.g. if retrieving case-insensitively after storing data case-sensitively).
getUserTagsFromFavorites()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get a list of all tags generated by the user in favorites lists. Note that the returned list WILL NOT include tags attached to records that are not saved in favorites lists. Returns an array of arrays with id and tag keys.
persistEntity()  : void
Persist an entity.
setDbTableManager()  : void
Set the table plugin manager.




Delete orphaned tags (those not present in resource_tags) from the tags table.

public deleteOrphanedTags() : void
Return values


Get a database table object.

public getDbTable(string $table) : Gateway
$table : string

Table to load.

Return values


Get a list of duplicate tags (this should never happen, but past bugs and the introduction of case-insensitive tags have introduced problems).

public getDuplicateTags([bool $caseSensitive = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$caseSensitive : bool = false

Treat tags as case-sensitive?

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get tags assigned to a user list. Returns an array of arrays with id and tag keys.

public getListTags(UserListEntityInterface|int $listOrId[, UserEntityInterface|int|null $userOrId = null ][, bool $caseSensitive = false ]) : array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>
$listOrId : UserListEntityInterface|int

List ID or entity

$userOrId : UserEntityInterface|int|null = null

User ID or entity to look up (null for no filter).

$caseSensitive : bool = false

Treat tags as case-sensitive?

Return values
array<string|int, array<string|int, mixed>>


Get the tags that match a string

public getNonListTagsFuzzilyMatchingString(string $text[, string $sort = 'alphabetical' ][, int $limit = 100 ][, bool $caseSensitive = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$text : string

Tag to look up.

$sort : string = 'alphabetical'

Sort type

$limit : int = 100

Maximum results to retrieve

$caseSensitive : bool = false

Should tags be treated as case-sensitive?

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get all tags associated with the specified record (and matching provided filters).

public getRecordTags(string $id[, string $source = DEFAULT_SEARCH_BACKEND ], int $limit[, UserListEntityInterface|int|null $listOrId = null ][, UserEntityInterface|int|null $userOrId = null ][, string $sort = 'count' ][, UserEntityInterface|int|null $ownerOrId = null ][, bool $caseSensitive = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$id : string

Record ID to look up

$source : string = DEFAULT_SEARCH_BACKEND

Source of record to look up

$limit : int

Max. number of tags to return (0 = no limit)

$listOrId : UserListEntityInterface|int|null = null

ID of list to load tags from (null for no restriction)

$userOrId : UserEntityInterface|int|null = null

ID of user to load tags from (null for all users)

$sort : string = 'count'

Sort type ('count' or 'tag')

$ownerOrId : UserEntityInterface|int|null = null

ID of user to check for ownership

$caseSensitive : bool = false

Treat tags as case-sensitive?

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get all tags from favorite lists associated with the specified record (and matching provided filters).

public getRecordTagsFromFavorites(string $id[, string $source = DEFAULT_SEARCH_BACKEND ], int $limit[, UserListEntityInterface|int|null $listOrId = null ][, UserEntityInterface|int|null $userOrId = null ][, string $sort = 'count' ][, UserEntityInterface|int|null $ownerOrId = null ][, bool $caseSensitive = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$id : string

Record ID to look up

$source : string = DEFAULT_SEARCH_BACKEND

Source of record to look up

$limit : int

Max. number of tags to return (0 = no limit)

$listOrId : UserListEntityInterface|int|null = null

ID of list to load tags from (null for tags that are associated with ANY list, but excluding non-list tags)

$userOrId : UserEntityInterface|int|null = null

ID of user to load tags from (null for all users)

$sort : string = 'count'

Sort type ('count' or 'tag')

$ownerOrId : UserEntityInterface|int|null = null

ID of user to check for ownership (this will not filter the result list, but rows owned by this user will have an is_me column set to 1)

$caseSensitive : bool = false

Treat tags as case-sensitive?

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get all tags outside of favorite lists associated with the specified record (and matching provided filters).

public getRecordTagsNotInFavorites(string $id[, string $source = DEFAULT_SEARCH_BACKEND ], int $limit[, UserEntityInterface|int|null $userOrId = null ][, string $sort = 'count' ][, UserEntityInterface|int|null $ownerOrId = null ][, bool $caseSensitive = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$id : string

Record ID to look up

$source : string = DEFAULT_SEARCH_BACKEND

Source of record to look up

$limit : int

Max. number of tags to return (0 = no limit)

$userOrId : UserEntityInterface|int|null = null

User entity/ID to load tags from (null for all users)

$sort : string = 'count'

Sort type ('count' or 'tag')

$ownerOrId : UserEntityInterface|int|null = null

Entity/ID representing user to check for ownership (this will not filter the result list, but rows owned by this user will have an is_me column set to 1)

$caseSensitive : bool = false

Treat tags as case-sensitive?

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get all resources associated with the provided tag query.

public getResourcesMatchingTagQuery(string $q[, string $source = null ][, string $sort = null ], int $offset[, int|null $limit = null ][, bool $fuzzy = true ][, bool|null $caseSensitive = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$q : string

Search query

$source : string = null

Record source (optional limiter)

$sort : string = null

Resource field to sort on (optional)

$offset : int

Offset for results

$limit : int|null = null

Limit for results (null for none)

$fuzzy : bool = true

Are we doing an exact (false) or fuzzy (true) search?

$caseSensitive : bool|null = false

Should search be case sensitive? (Ignored when fuzzy = true)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get statistics on use of tags.

public getStatistics([bool $extended = false ][, bool $caseSensitiveTags = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$extended : bool = false

Include extended (unique/anonymous) stats.

$caseSensitiveTags : bool = false

Should we treat tags case-sensitively?

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get a list of tags for the browse interface.

public getTagBrowseList(string $sort, int $limit[, bool $caseSensitive = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$sort : string

Sort/search parameter

$limit : int

Maximum number of tags (default = 100, < 1 = no limit)

$caseSensitive : bool = false

Treat tags as case-sensitive?

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get the first available matching tag by text; return null if no match is found.

public getTagByText(string $text[, bool $caseSensitive = false ]) : array<string|int, TagsEntityInterface>
$text : string

Tag text to match

$caseSensitive : bool = false

Should tags be retrieved case-sensitively?

Return values
array<string|int, TagsEntityInterface>


Get all matching tags by text. Normally, 0 or 1 results will be retrieved, but more may be retrieved under exceptional circumstances (e.g. if retrieving case-insensitively after storing data case-sensitively).

public getTagsByText(string $text[, bool $caseSensitive = false ]) : array<string|int, TagsEntityInterface>
$text : string

Tag text to match

$caseSensitive : bool = false

Should tags be retrieved case-sensitively?

Return values
array<string|int, TagsEntityInterface>


Get a list of all tags generated by the user in favorites lists. Note that the returned list WILL NOT include tags attached to records that are not saved in favorites lists. Returns an array of arrays with id and tag keys.

public getUserTagsFromFavorites(UserEntityInterface|int $userOrId[, UserListEntityInterface|int|null $listOrId = null ][, string|null $recordId = null ][, string|null $source = null ][, bool $caseSensitive = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$userOrId : UserEntityInterface|int

User ID to look up.

$listOrId : UserListEntityInterface|int|null = null

Filter for tags tied to a specific list (null for no filter).

$recordId : string|null = null

Filter for tags tied to a specific resource (null for no filter).

$source : string|null = null

Filter for tags tied to a specific record source (null for no filter).

$caseSensitive : bool = false

Treat tags as case-sensitive?

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Search results