VuFind API Documentation


Table of Contents

VuFind/src/VuFind/Auth/Email.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/ChannelProvider/AlphaBrowse.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/Config/Writer.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/Content/Reviews/Guardian.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/Controller/OverdriveController.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/Controller/Plugin/AbstractRequestBase.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/DigitalContent/OverdriveConnector.php 3
VuFind/src/VuFind/Hierarchy/TreeDataFormatter/AbstractBase.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/Http/GuzzleService.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/I18n/Locale/LocaleDetectorFactory.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Aleph.php 6
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Alma.php 4
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Amicus.php 2
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Evergreen.php 6
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Innovative.php 4
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Koha.php 2
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/KohaILSDI.php 6
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/KohaRest.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/NewGenLib.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/PAIA.php 3
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Polaris.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/SierraRest.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Symphony.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Unicorn.php 3
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/Virtua.php 7
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Driver/XCNCIP2.php 3
VuFind/src/VuFind/ILS/Logic/TitleHolds.php 1
VuFind/src/VuFind/Search/Base/Results.php 1
VuFind/tests/integration-tests/src/VuFindTest/Mink/ListViewsTest.php 2
VuFind/tests/integration-tests/src/VuFindTest/Mink/RecordActionsTest.php 2
VuFind/tests/unit-tests/src/VuFindTest/Search/Solr/HierarchicalFacetHelperTest.php 1
VuFind/tests/unit-tests/src/VuFindTest/Session/MemcacheTest.php 1
VuFindConsole/src/VuFindConsole/Generator/GeneratorTools.php 1
VuFindSearch/src/VuFindSearch/Backend/Blender/Response/Json/RecordCollection.php 1
VuFindSearch/src/VuFindSearch/Backend/Primo/Connector.php 2
VuFindSearch/src/VuFindSearch/Backend/Solr/LuceneSyntaxHelper.php 2
VuFindSearch/src/VuFindSearch/Backend/Solr/SearchHandler.php 1
VuFindSearch/src/VuFindSearch/Query/QueryGroup.php 1
VuFindSearch/tests/unit-tests/src/VuFindTest/Backend/Solr/BackendTest.php 1
VuFindTheme/src/VuFindTheme/ResourceContainer.php 1
VuFindTheme/src/VuFindTheme/View/Helper/ConcatTrait.php 1


Type Line Description
TODO 106 This is not a very nice way of carrying this information


Type Line Description
TODO 239 better thumbnails!


Type Line Description
TODO 253 replace $autoIndex code with array_is_list() check


Type Line Description
TODO 95 Make this configurable (or store it locally), so users


Type Line Description
TODO 213 Deal with situation that an unlogged in user requests an action but the action is no longer valid since they already have the content on hold/checked out or do not have access


Type Line Description
TODO 138 investigate whether this limitation has been lifted.


Type Line Description
TODO 66 provide option for autocheckout by default in config allow override for cover display using other covers provide option for not requiring email for holds provide option for giving users option for every hold provide option for asking about autocheckout for every hold provide config options for how to handle patrons with no access to OD
TODO 303 if more than 25 passed in, make multiple calls
TODO 1061 if more than 25 passed in, make multiple calls


Type Line Description
TODO 237 handle missing titles more gracefully (title not available?)


Type Line Description
TODO 44 Merge with PSR-18 HTTP Client Service when implemented


Type Line Description
TODO 82 implement mappings in the future?


Type Line Description
TODO 1734 return [];
TODO 1760 $items = [];
TODO 1775 return [];
TODO 1789 return [];
TODO 1803 return [];
TODO 1823 return [];


Type Line Description
TODO 411 support reserve status
TODO 414 support recent returns
TODO 1429 Alma getPurchaseHistory
TODO 2051 implement me!


Type Line Description
TODO 503 make this smarter if you use course reserves:
TODO 507 fill this in if you want "recently returned" support:


Type Line Description
TODO 326 return [];
TODO 746 implement paging support
TODO 838 return [];
TODO 852 return [];
TODO 866 return [];
TODO 886 return [];


Type Line Description
TODO 236 Should be dependent on settings variable, if bib level
TODO 306 return [];
TODO 366 if username is a barcode, test to make sure it fits proper format
TODO 442 use screen scrape


Type Line Description
TODO 612 return [];
TODO 664 return [];


Type Line Description
FIXME 654 Not yet possible: API incomplete.
TODO 655 When API: pull locations dynamically from API.
TODO 770 - test this new functionality
FIXME 1263 require accountlines.itemnumber -> issues.issuedate data
FIXME 1268 require accountlines.itemnumber -> issues.date_due data.
FIXME 1270 require accountlines.itemnumber -> items.biblionumber data


Type Line Description
TODO 1665 Make this use X-Koha-Embed when the endpoint allows


Type Line Description
TODO 551 return [];


Type Line Description
TODO 996 also have exception contain content of 'error' as for at least
TODO 1426 implement parsing of user details according to types set
TODO 1989 make this more configurable


Type Line Description
TODO 882 use real pagination, not just recent items.


Type Line Description
TODO 1087 Support for handling frozen and pickup location change


Type Line Description
TODO 998 policy description override


Type Line Description
TODO 403 return [];
FIXME 1241 There must be a better way of getting recall due date
TODO 1329 Check if is OK to print multiple times textual holdings that had more than one $8.


Type Line Description
TODO 210 create a configuration file mechanism for
TODO 247 create a configuration file mechanism for specifying locations
TODO 266 make these configurable through Virtua.ini.
TODO 422 Make this configurable through Virtua.ini.
TODO 509 Make this configurable through Virtua.ini.
TODO 531 Make this configurable through Virtua.ini.
TODO 1657 implement standard VuFind holds API; utilize cancelHold()


Type Line Description
TODO 1453 distinguish between more formatting types; look
TODO 1482 phone number support
FIXME 2671 We are using the first defined agency, it will probably not work in


Type Line Description
TODO 123 Indicate login failure or ILS connection failure somehow?


Type Line Description
TODO 732 May better error handling, throw a custom exception if search service not present


Type Line Description
TODO 96 Enable HTML validation when the issues are fixed in the upstream code
TODO 132 Enable HTML validation when the issues are fixed in the upstream code


Type Line Description
TODO 110 Rewrite for comment and login coming
TODO 164 Rewrite for comment and login coming


Type Line Description
TODO 47 Test buildFacetArray using url helper


Type Line Description
TODO 55 remove this check after raising minimum PHP version to 8;


Type Line Description
TODO 771 this is a workaround for an apparent bug in Laminas\Code which


Type Line Description
TODO 332 Could we support alphabetical order?


Type Line Description
TODO 327 put bulksize in conf file? set a reasonable cap...
TODO 436 would these be useful?


Type Line Description
TODO 559 Check if it is safe to assume $input to be an UTF-8 encoded string.
TODO 648 Check possible problem with umlauts/non-ASCII word characters


Type Line Description
TODO 517 Maybe rename?


Type Line Description
TODO 63 Check if we actually use/need this feature


Type Line Description
TODO 517 currently this test is concerned with ensuring that the right


Type Line Description
TODO 396 replace this method with a deprecation warning when all configs


Type Line Description
TODO 241 it might be better to use \VuFind\Cache\Manager here.

Search results