; This configuration file controls the scripts that can be executed via the ; System Maintenance menu of the Admin module. ; ; PLEASE USE THIS FEATURE WITH CAUTION -- ALLOWING WEB-BASED EXECUTION OF COMMANDS IS ; POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS IF USED IRRESPONSIBLY. ; ; Each section represents a command. The section header is the URL segment used ; to run the command -- e.g. [Hello] maps to http://your-server/Admin/Script/Hello ; You can use any valid name except for [Global], which is reserved for global ; settings. ; ; Each section should contain some or all of the following settings: ; ; label - The display name for the script in the menu (section name is used as ; a fallback if this is undefined) ; command - The actual command line to execute (REQUIRED) ; successCode - The return value for the command that indicates success (default = 0) ; permission - The permission required for a user to execute the script (if omitted, ; the [Global] defaultPermission will be used, and if that is blank, ; any user with access to the Admin module can run the script; you can ; also bypass defaultPermission and fail back to standard Admin access ; by setting this to false). ; ; Important notes on commands: ; ; 1.) All commands will be run by the web server (usually as a user like apache or ; www-data, depending on your platform). Be sure that appropriate permissions are set ; to allow this. ; ; 2.) Commands are run synchronously and may time out if they take a long time. This ; feature is primarily intended for short-running commands. If you need to trigger a ; longer process, consider writing a script that forks a background process or adds ; an entry to a queue that is processed elsewhere. ; ; 3.) You should include full paths, since the present working directory of the web ; server may vary depending on configuration. ; ; See below for an example. ;[Hello] ;label = "Example Hello World Script" ;command = "echo hello world" ;successCode = 0 ;permission = access.HelloWorldScript ; This special section contains global settings affecting all admin scripts. [Global] ; This is the permission that will be used to restrict access to admin scripts, ; unless a more specific "permission" setting is defined in an individual script ; section elsewhere in this file. If this setting is omitted, any user with access ; to the admin module can run scripts that do not define more specific permissions. defaultPermission = access.AdminScriptRunner