[Catalog] ; The base URL for your Alma instance (example is public demo): apiBaseUrl = "https://api-eu.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/almaws/v1" ; An API key configured to allow access to Alma: apiKey = "your-key-here" ; Timeout in seconds when making HTTP requests to the Alma APIs: http_timeout = 30 ; Patron login method to use. The following options are available: ; vufind Use VuFind's user database for authentication -- patrons are retrieved ; from Alma without a password (default). This is only useful when ; VuFind is set up to use AlmaDatabase authentication in config.ini. In any ; other setting it would allow login without proper password. ; password Use password authentication with Alma internal users. This method is ; supported with the normal ILS and MultiILS authentication methods in ; VuFind. Note that it will not work with external users in Alma since they ; don't have a password in Alma. ; email Username needs to be a valid email address or other unique identifier for ; the user. An authentication link is sent by email to user's preferred ; email address registered in Alma. This method can be used with both ; internal and external Alma users and it is supported with the normal ILS ; and MultiILS authentication methods in VuFind. ;loginMethod = vufind ; Translation prefix to use for codes coming from Alma. By default a prefix is not ; used, but a prefix may be used to distinguish the codes from any other ; translations (or other libraries). You can use a simple prefix in the default ; domain (e.g. "alma_") or a custom text domain (e.g. "ILSMessages::"). ;translationPrefix = "ILSMessages::" ; This section controls hold behavior; note that you must also ensure that Holds are ; enabled in the [Catalog] section of config.ini in order to take advantage of these ; settings. Additional notes about some of these settings are available in the wiki: ; https://vufind.org/wiki/configuration:ils:holds [Holds] ; HMACKeys - A list of hold form element names that will be analyzed for consistency ; during hold form processing. Most users should not need to change this setting. ; For activating title level hold request, add "description" and "level". HMACKeys = id:item_id:holdings_id ; defaultRequiredDate - A colon-separated list used to set the default "not required ; after" date for holds in the format days:months:years ; e.g. 0:1:0 will set a "not required after" date of 1 month from the current date defaultRequiredDate = 0:1:0 ; extraHoldFields - A colon-separated list used to display extra visible fields in the ; place holds form. Supported values are "comments", "requiredByDate", ; "pickUpLocation" and "requestGroup" extraHoldFields = comments:requiredByDate:pickUpLocation ; A Pick Up Location Code used to pre-select the pick up location drop down list and ; provide a default option if others are not available. Must be one of the following: ; 1) empty string to indicate that the first location is default (default setting) ; 2) "user-selected" to indicate that the user always has to choose the location ; 3) a value within the Location IDs returned by getPickUpLocations() defaultPickUpLocation = "" ; By default a request can be canceled even if the item is available for pickup. ; Uncomment this to disable canceling of available requests. ;allowCancelingAvailableRequests = false ; Fields that can be updated for holds (unless the hold is already in transit or ; available for pickup). The only supported value is "pickUpLocation". updateFields = pickUpLocation ; Optional help texts that can be displayed on the hold form. Displayed as is; ; HTML tags can be used, and everything needs to be properly escaped. ;helpText[*] = "Default help text used if not overridden." ;helpText[en-gb] = "Help text for British English localization." ; Optional help texts that can be displayed on the hold update form. Displayed as is; ; HTML tags can be used, and everything needs to be properly escaped. ;updateHelpText[*] = "Hold update default help text used if not overridden." ;updateHelpText[en-gb] = "Hold update help text for British English localization." ; The "NewUser" section defines some default values that are used when creating an account ; in Alma via its API. This is only relevant if you use the authentication method "AlmaDatabase" ; in the "Authentication" section of the "config.ini" file. [NewUser] ; Mandatory. The Alma user record type. Usually "PUBLIC". recordType = PUBLIC ; Mandatory. The Alma user account type. Usually this is "INTERNAL" if you use the AlmaDatabase ; authentication method. accountType = INTERNAL ; Mandatory. The status of the Alma user account. Usually "ACTIVE". status = ACTIVE ; Mandatory. The user group to which the new Alma account should belong. Use the code of one of ; the user groups that are defined in Alma (see "Alma Configuration -> User Management -> User Groups"). userGroup = ; Mandatory. The type of ID under which the username should be saved to Alma. Log in to the ExLibris developer ; network and check the Alma API documentation for possible values on this site: ; https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/alma/apis/xsd/rest_user.xsd?tags=POST#user_identifier idType = ; Mandatory. The preferred language of the new Alma account. This should normally be the Alma language ; code of your local language (see "Alma Configuration -> General -> Institution Languages"). preferredLanguage = ; Mandatory. The type of eMail of the users eMail address. Log in to the ExLibris developer network and ; check the Alma API documentation for possible values on this site: ; https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/alma/apis/xsd/rest_user.xsd?tags=POST#email_types emailType = ; Optional. Set the time period when the Alma account should expire. The given period will be added to the ; point in time of the Alma account creation. Use the DateInterval notation of PHP to express the period. See: ; https://secure.php.net/manual/en/dateinterval.construct.php#refsect1-dateinterval.construct-parameters ; If not set, 1 year (P1Y) will be used as default value. expiryDate = ; Optional. Set the time period that should be used for the Alma user account purge date. The given period ; will be added to the point in time of the Alma account creation. Use the DateInterval notation of PHP to ; express the period. See: ; https://secure.php.net/manual/en/dateinterval.construct.php#refsect1-dateinterval.construct-parameters ; If not set, the purge date of the Alma user account will be empty. purgeDate = [Webhook] ; The webhook secret. This must be the same value that was added to the Alma webhook configuration as a secret. secret = YOUR_WEBHOOK_SECRET_FROM_ALMA [Holdings] ; Max. no. of items displayed in the holdings tab. A paginator is used when there are ; more holdings to display. itemLimit = "10" ; The digital delivery URL for your Alma instance. Replace at least SOMETHING and ; INSTITUTION with correct values. ;digitalDeliveryUrl = "https://SOMETHING.alma.exlibrisgroup.com/view/delivery/INSTITUTION/%%id%%" ; Inventory types to display from Alma. A colon-separated list. Supported values ; are "physical", "electronic" and "digital". By default all are displayed. ;inventoryTypes = "physical:electronic" ; Optional mappings from location types to item statuses. These mappings override any ; other item statuses. The value consists of two colon-separated values: ; - Status string that can be translated. ; - General availability status (available, unavailable or uncertain) that affects ; how the status is displayed. If this part is omitted, availability is determined ; from the item information. ;locationTypeItemStatus['UNAVAIL'] = "Staff Use:uncertain"