; Blender configuration. Note that all backends enabled here must have their own ; configuration set up properly first, i.e. VuFind must be configured to use each ; individual backend first before Blender can be used. ; Enabled backends and their labels. A label is a translatable string that is ; displayed in the results list for each result. Use an empty string for no label. ; Backend order defines the order the results are fetched from each backend. [Backends] ;Solr = "Items in Library" ;SolrAuth = "Authors" ;Primo = "CDI" ;EDS = "EDS" [Blending] ; Backends used for blending the first results for at most the initial 20 results: initialResults[] = Solr initialResults[] = Solr initialResults[] = SolrAuth initialResults[] = SolrAuth initialResults[] = Primo initialResults[] = EDS initialResults[] = Primo initialResults[] = EDS ; The number of records to take from each backend when filling a result list in a ; round-robin fashion: blockSize = 7 ; Block size based on result count (result count range[colon]block size): ;adaptiveBlockSizes[] = "0-20:3" ;adaptiveBlockSizes[] = "21-10000:5" ; ---------- searches.ini settings ---------- [General] default_handler = AllFields default_sort = "relevance,id asc" default_view = list default_limit = 20 ;limit_options = 10,20,40,60,80,100 case_sensitive_bools = true case_sensitive_ranges = true default_top_recommend[] = SpellingSuggestions ;default_top_recommend[] = VisualFacets:Visual_Settings default_side_recommend[] = SideFacets:Results:CheckboxFacets:Blender ;default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchTab default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchType default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchQuery:::fuzzy default_noresults_recommend[] = SpellingSuggestions default_noresults_recommend[] = RemoveFilters ; Set this to true in order to highlight keywords from the search query when they ; appear in fields displayed in search results. highlighting = true ; Set this to restrict the list of fields that will be highlighted (the hl.fl ; Solr parameter); default = '*' for all fields: ;highlighting_fields = * snippets = true retain_filters_by_default = true always_display_reset_filters = false ;default_filters[] = "format:Book" ;default_filters[] = "institution:MyInstitution" ; OR filter: ;default_filters[] = "~format:Book" ;default_filters[] = "~format:Journal" ; Whether the "versions" (FRBR) link and record tab are enabled. Default is true. ;display_versions = true ; This setting allows to limit pagination of a search result as deep pagination ; costs a lot of performance and most users are not very likely to navigate ; further down than 20 pages of a search result. ; This is especially useful to prevent webcrawlers from descending too deep and ; eating up search backend performance. Default is set to unlimited. ; With Blender it is recommended to keep this as low as possible. result_limit = 400 ; This controls whether results are loaded with JavaScript when paging or changing ; settings. Loading results this way improves performance and accessibility, and is ; enabled by default. Loading will automatically fall back to non-JS mode if ; JavaScript is not supported by the browser. load_results_with_js = true ; This setting can be used to configure pagination control on top of results. ; Possible options are: ; empty string or false No top pagination (default) ; simple Simple next/prev button pagination ; full Full pagination alike to the one at the bottom of results ;top_paginator = simple ; This section controls the search handler options displayed in simple search. ; The name of each setting below corresponds with a Search/Fields mapping in ; BlenderMappings.yaml. [Basic_Searches] AllFields = "All Fields" Title = Title Author = Author Subject = Subject ; This section defines which search options will be included on the advanced ; search screen. ; The name of each setting below corresponds with a Search/Fields mapping in ; BlenderMappings.yaml. ; Note that you will need to ensure that all enabled backends support advanced ; searches (Solr, SolrAuth, EDS and Primo do). You can comment out or delete all ; of the options in this section to disable advanced search in situations where ; all backends cannot support it. [Advanced_Searches] AllFields = adv_search_all Title = adv_search_title Author = adv_search_author Subject = adv_search_subject [Sorting] relevance = sort_relevance year = sort_year year asc = "sort_year asc" [HiddenSorting] ;pattern[] = .* ; ---------- facets.ini settings ---------- ; The order of display is as shown below ; The name of the index field is on the left ; The display name of the field is on the right [Results] ; blender_backend is a pseudo-facet that returns result counts for each searched ; backend: ;blender_backend = Source institution = Institution building = Library format = Format author_facet = Author language = Language genre_facet = Genre era_facet = Era geographic_facet = Region publish_date = adv_search_year ; share year string w/advanced search page ; Authority facets: occupation = Occupation gender = Gender [FacetLabels] labelSections[] = Advanced_Facets labelSections[] = HomePage_Facets labelSections[] = ResultsTop labelSections[] = Results labelSections[] = ExtraFacetLabels checkboxSections[] = CheckboxFacets ; This setting lists configuration settings defining checkbox facets. If you use ; a custom section to configure additional facets, be sure to add it to this list ; so labels display correctly in history, the advanced search editor, etc. checkboxSections[] = CheckboxFacets ; This section is used to identify facets for special treatment by the SideFacets ; recommendations module. [SpecialFacets] ; Any fields listed below will be treated as year-based date ranges rather than plain ; facets: dateRange[] = publish_date ; Any fields listed below will be treated as year/month/day-based date ranges rather ; than plain facets: ;fullDateRange[] = example_field_date ; Any fields listed below will be treated as numeric ranges rather than plain facets: ;numericRange[] = example_field_str ; Any fields listed below will be treated as free-form ranges rather than plain ; facets: ;genericRange[] = example_field_str ; Any fields listed below will be treated as hierarchical facets ; (see https://wiki.apache.org/solr/HierarchicalFaceting but note that we always ; use a trailing slash to avoid ambiquities) ;hierarchical[] = building ;hierarchical[] = format ; Sort options for hierarchical facets: ; How hierarchical facets are sorted. Default is result count, but alternative ways ; can be specified: ; top = Sort the top level list alphabetically, others by result count (useful e.g. ; for a large number of building facets where top level is organization and ; second level the library branch) ; all = Sort all levels alphabetically hierarchicalFacetSortOptions[building] = top ; How hierarchical facet values are displayed in the records: ; single = Display only the deepest level (default) ; full = Display full hierarchy for each entry ;hierarchicalFacetDisplayStyles[format] = full ; Separator used when display hierarchical facet levels (default is "/") ;hierarchicalFacetSeparators[format] = " > " ; This section is reserved for special boolean facets. These are displayed ; as checkboxes. If the box is checked, the filter on the left side of the ; equal sign is applied. If the box is not checked, the filter is not applied. ; The value on the right side of the equal sign is the text to display to the ; user. It will be run through the translation code, so be sure to update the ; language files appropriately. ; ; Leave the section empty if you do not need checkbox facets. [CheckboxFacets] ; blender_backend facet is special and allows limiting of results to one of the ; actual backends: ;blender_backend:Solr = "Items in Library" ;blender_backend:SolrAuth = "Authors" ;blender_backend:Primo = "Electronic Material (Ex Libris CDI)" ;blender_backend:EDS = "Electronic Material (EBSCO EDS)" peer_reviewed:1 = peer_reviewed fulltext:1 = online_resources ; These settings affect the way the [Results] facets are displayed ; If using facets at the top of search results you have more room for text. [Results_Settings] ; By default, the side facets will only show 6 facets and then the "show more" ; button. This can get configured with the showMore settings. ; You can use the * to set a new default setting. showMore[*] = 6 ; Or you can set a facet specific value by using the facet name as index. ;showMore['format'] = 10 ; Number of rows of values for top facets to show above the "more" button top_rows = 2 ; Should we show "exclude" links for some or all of the facets? Set to * for ; all facets, use a comma-separated list to show for some of the facets, set ; to false or omit to disable "exclude" links. exclude = blender_backend ; Should we OR together facets rather than ANDing them? Set to * for ; all facets, use a comma-separated list to apply to some of the facets, set ; to false or omit to disable ORed facets. ; NOTE: In EDS, facet behavior is controlled through the EBSCO admin panel, ; but you should configure this setting to match the EBSCO settings so that ; VuFind displays match actual behavior. ;orFacets = * ; Do we want any facets to be collapsed by default? ;collapsedFacets = * ; Most of these settings affect the way the [Advanced] facets are displayed; the ; translated_facets setting affects facets globally. [Advanced_Settings] ; A default delimiter for use with delimited facets (see below). delimiter = "{{{_:::_}}}" ; The facets listed under the [Advanced] section above will be used as limiters on ; the advanced search screen and will be displayed uniformly as multi-select boxes. ; Some facet types don't lend themselves to this format, and they can be turned on ; by inclusion in the comma-separated list below, or turned off by being excluded. ; Currently, just two values are supported: "illustrated", for the "illustrated/not ; illustrated" radio button limiter and "daterange" for the publication year range ; control. special_facets = "daterange" ; Any facets named in the list below will have their values run through the ; translation code; unlisted facets will displayed as-is without translation. For ; translated facets, be sure that all of the necessary strings are included in the ; language files found in the web/lang directory. By default, no facets are ; translated -- uncomment or add lines below to turn on this feature. translated_facets[] = blender_backend translated_facets[] = format translated_facets[] = language ; Any facets named here will be treated as a delimited facet. ; Delimited facets can be used to display a text value for otherwise incomprehensible ; facet values. It can also be used in combination with sorted_by_index (above) ; to fully control the display order of facet values. The delimiter may be present in ; the string an unlimited number of times; only the text after the last delimiter ; will be displayed to the user. ; e.g. facetValue{{{_:::_}}}displayText ; e.g. sortKey{{{_:::_}}}facetValue{{{_:::_}}}displayText ; Per-field delimiters can be set here following a pipe after the facet name. ; e.g. "author_id_str|:::" ; If no delimiter is set, the default delimiter (set above) will be used. ;delimited_facets[] = author_id_str ;delimited_facets[] = "author_id_str|:::" delimited_facets[] = "blender_backend|{{{_:::_}}}"