# Fields in each configuration provide mappings from field names used in Blender.ini # to field names used in each backend. # This example configuration is designed with the assumption that Solr is the primary # search backend used, so the field names are based on the Solr fields. There is no # dependency on Solr; it can be thought of as simply a naming convention. # Any missing mapping means that the backend does not support the field. For facets # this means that any filter is ignored for the backend. For searches and sorting # enabling a field that is not supported by all backends should be avoided as any # missing fields are set to empty. # In Facets Type indicates what kind of processing the facet needs. Allowed values # are normal (default) and boolean (checkbox facet). # Facet settings include filter mappings e.g. for checkbox facets. # # Settings for mappings: # Field Field name in backend # Values Mappings from backend values to VuFind for facets and the other way # for active filters. # Hierarchical Boolean setting indicating that the values should be mapped to a # hierarchical facet. This ensures that when a value is mapped to # a sub-level hierarchy item, facet counts for its parents get # incremented as well. # Unmapped How to handle values with no mappings when building facets. Possible # values: # "keep" - Use the values as is (default) # "drop" - Drop the values from facets # Ignore true to ignore all values for a filter, or an array of values to # ignore. Otherwise any filter value that does not have a field and # value mapping causes the backend to be disabled for the search. # DefaultValue Filter value used for the backend unless a filter is active. # For example the pcAvailability filter by default limits results to # those that have full text available, so a DefaultValue can be used to # override it. # # Example: # # Facets: # Facet configuration section # Fields: # Field configuration # fulltext: # Field name in VuFind # Type: boolean # Field type # Mappings: # Mappings for backends # Solr: # Solr backend # Field: fulltext_boolean # Use fulltext_boolean field with Solr # Primo: # Primo backend # Field: pcAvailability # Use pcAvailability field with Primo # Values: # Value mappings # "false": 1 # Map 1 in VuFind to "false" # DefaultValue: "true" # If no filter set, use "pcAvailability=true" # EDS: # EDS backend # Field: "LIMIT|FT" # Use limiter "LIMIT|FT" with EDS # Values: # Map 1 in VuFind to "y" # y: 1 # Facet and filter mappings Facets: Fields: author_facet: Mappings: EDS: Field: "LIMIT|AU" Primo: Field: creator Solr: Field: author_facet building: Type: hierarchical Mappings: Solr: Field: building format: Mappings: EDS: Field: SourceType Values: Academic Journals: Journal Magazines: Article Books: Book Conference Materials: Conference Proceeding Reviews: Review Trade Publications: Trade Publications Reports: Report Electronic Resources: Electronic eBooks: eBook Non-Print Resources: Text Biographies: Biography Dissertations: Thesis Audio: Audio Music Scores: Music Score Videos: Video Primary Source Documents: Primary Source Document Maps: Map Research Starters: Research Starter Audiobooks: Audiobook Primo: Field: rtype Values: archival_material_manuscripts: Archival Material / Manuscript articles: Article audios: Audio book_chapters: Book Chapter books: Book conference_proceedings: Conference Proceeding databases: Database datasets: Data Set dissertations: Thesis government_documents: Government Document images: Image journals: Journal legal_documents: Legal Document maps: Map media: Media newsletterarticle: Newsletter Article newspaper_articles: Newspaper Article other: Other patents: Patent reference_entrys: Reference Entry reports: Report research_datasets: Research Data reviews: Review scores: Score standards: Standard statistical_data_sets: Data Set technical_reports: Technical Report text_resources: Text videos: Video websites: Web Resource web_resources: Web Resource Solr: Field: format SolrAuth: Field: record_type # Example mappings for a hierarchical format facet: #format: # Mappings: # EDS: # Field: SourceType # Hierarchical: true # Values: # Academic Journals: "1/Journal/eJournal/" # Magazines: "1/Journal/eArticle/" # Books: "1/Book/eBook/" # Conference Materials: "1/OtherText/ConferenceProceeding/" # Reviews: "1/OtherText/Text/" # Trade Publications: "1/Other/Other/" # Reports: "1/OtherText/ResearchReport/" # Electronic Resources: "1/Other/Electronic/" # eBooks: "1/Book/eBook/" # Non-Print Resources: "1/OtherText/Text/" # Biographies: "1/OtherText/Text/" # Dissertations: "1/Thesis/Thesis/" # Audio: "1/Sound/SoundRecording/" # Music Scores: "1/MusicalScore/MusicalScore/" # Videos: "1/Video/Video/" # Primary Source Documents: "1/OtherText/Text/" # Maps: "1/Map/Map/" # Research Starters: "1/OtherText/Text/" # Audiobooks: "1/Sound/NonmusicalRecording/" # Primo: # Field: rtype # Hierarchical: true # Values: # archival_material_manuscripts: "0/Archival Material or Manuscript/" # articles: "1/Journal/eArticle/" # audios: "1/Sound/SoundRecording/" # book_chapters: "1/Book/eBookSection/" # books: "1/Book/eBook/" # conference_proceedings: "1/OtherText/ConferenceProceeding/" # databases: "0/Database/" # datasets: "0/Data Set/" # dissertations: "1/Thesis/Thesis/" # government_documents: "1/OtherText/Text/" # images: "1/Image/Image/" # journals: "1/Journal/eJournal/" # legal_documents: "1/OtherText/Text/" # maps: "1/Map/Map/" # media: "1/Other/Electronic/" # newsletterarticle: "0/Newsletter Article/" # newspaper_articles: "1/Journal/NewspaperArticle/" # other: "1/Other/Other/" # patents: "1/OtherText/Text/" # reference_entrys: "1/OtherText/Text/" # reports: "1/OtherText/ResearchReport/" # research_datasets: "1/Other/ResearchData/" # reviews: "1/OtherText/Text/" # scores: "1/MusicalScore/MusicalScore/" # standards: "0/Standard/" # statistical_data_sets: "1/Other/Other/" # technical_reports: "1/OtherText/Text/" # text_resources: "1/OtherText/Text/" # videos: "1/Video/Video/" # websites: "1/Other/Electronic/" # web_resources: "1/Other/Electronic/" # Solr: # Field: format fulltext: Type: boolean Mappings: EDS: Field: "LIMIT|FT" Values: "y": true Primo: Field: pcAvailability Values: "false": 1 DefaultValue: "true" Solr: Field: fulltext_boolean gender: Mappings: SolrAuth: Field: gender institution: Mappings: EDS: Field: ContentProvider Primo: Field: domain Solr: Field: institution language: Mappings: Primo: Field: lang Solr: Field: language SolrAuth: Field: language occupation: Mappings: SolrAuth: Field: occupation online: Type: boolean Mappings: Primo: Field: tlevel Values: online_resources: true Solr: Field: online_boolean open_access: Type: boolean Mappings: Primo: Field: tlevel Values: open_access: true Solr: Field: open_access_boolean peer_reviewed: Type: boolean Mappings: EDS: Field: "LIMIT|RV" Values: "y": true Primo: Field: tlevel Values: peer_reviewed: true Solr: Field: peer_reviewed_boolean publish_date: Mappings: EDS: Field: PublicationDate Primo: Field: creationdate Solr: Field: publishDate topic: Mappings: EDS: Field: SubjectEDS Primo: Field: topic Solr: Field: topic # Search type mappings between backends Search: Fields: AllFields: Mappings: EDS: AllFields Primo: AllFields Solr: AllFields Author: Mappings: EDS: AU Primo: Author Solr: Author SolrAuth: Heading Subject: Mappings: EDS: SU Primo: Subject Solr: Subject Title: Mappings: EDS: TI Primo: Title Solr: Title SolrAuth: Heading # Sort mappings between backends Sorting: Fields: author: Mappings: Primo: screator Solr: author SolrAuth: heading relevance: Mappings: EDS: relevance Primo: relevance Solr: relevance title: Mappings: Primo: title Solr: title SolrAuth: heading year: Mappings: EDS: date Primo: scdate Solr: year # This is mapped to the actual Solr field by VuFind "year asc": Mappings: EDS: date2 Primo: scdate2 Solr: year asc # This is mapped to the actual Solr field by VuFind