; This section contains global settings affecting search behavior. ; For BrowZine API documentation: ; https://thirdiron.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BrowZineAPIDocs/overview [General] ; BrowZine-issued access token for API access_token = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" ; The ID number of your library (found in your BrowZine public access URL) library_id = "yyy" ; HTTP timeout timeout = 30 ; This setting controls the default view for search results; the selected option ; should be one of the options present in the [Views] section below. default_view = list ; This controls whether results are loaded with JavaScript when paging or changing ; settings. Loading results this way improves performance and accessibility, and is ; enabled by default. Loading will automatically fall back to non-JS mode if ; JavaScript is not supported by the browser. load_results_with_js = true ; This setting can be used to configure pagination control on top of results. ; Possible options are: ; empty string or false No top pagination (default) ; simple Simple next/prev button pagination ; full Full pagination alike to the one at the bottom of results ;top_paginator = simple ; This section controls the behavior of the BrowZine DOI handler; see also ; the [DOI] section of config.ini to activate the handler. [DOI] ; Can be set to "include" to include only the options listed in the "filter" ; setting, or to "exclude" to filter out the options listed in the "filter" ; setting. The default is "none," which performs no filtering. ;filterType = exclude ; This repeatable section can be used to filter based on link type; legal ; options are the keys defined in DOIServices section. ; Note that this setting is available for convenience and compatibility with previous ; versions. You can get the same results by changing the DOIServices section. ;filter[] = "browzineWebLink" ;filter[] = "fullTextFile" ; This setting controls icons displayed with links. If set to false, icons are loaded ; from Third Iron's assets. If true, icons defined in the DOIServices section are ; used. Default is false. local_icons = false ; This section defines the services to display from BrowZine and their display order. ; Each key is a service name (see https://thirdiron.atlassian.net/wiki/x/WIDqAw for ; more information) and value contains translation key, local icon and Third Iron's ; icon asset (optional) separated by a pipe character. [DOIServices] browzineWebLink = "View Complete Issue|browzine-issue|https://assets.thirdiron.com/images/integrations/browzine-open-book-icon.svg" fullTextFile = "PDF Full Text|browzine-pdf|https://assets.thirdiron.com/images/integrations/browzine-pdf-download-icon.svg" retractionNoticeUrl = "View Retraction Notice|browzine-retraction" ; This section defines the view options available on standard search results. ; If only one view is required, set default_view under [General] above, and ; leave this section commented out. ;[Views] ;list = List ;grid = Grid