; This file controls the Collection module (the page accessed by viewing a record ; which is a collection). ; These settings control the top and side recommendations (see searches.ini for ; details on recommendation modules). [Recommend] ;top[] = "PubDateVisAjax:true:publishDate" side[] = "CollectionSideFacets:Facets::Collection:true" ; This is a facet section similar to those found in facets.ini, but this is used for ; the Collection module screen. [Facets] geographic_facet = Location topic_facet = Subjects author_facet = Author hierarchy_parent_title = Subcollection genre_facet = Genre era_facet = Era publishDate = "adv_search_year" ; share year string w/advanced search page ; This section is used to identify facets for special treatment by the SideFacets ; recommendations module. [SpecialFacets] ; Any fields listed below will be treated as date ranges rather than plain facets: dateRange[] = publishDate ; These settings affect the way the facets are displayed [Results_Settings] ; By default, how many values should we show for each facet? (-1 for no limit) facet_limit = 30 ; Override facet_limit on a per-field basis using this array: ;facet_limit_by_field[format] = 50 ; By default, the side facets will only show 6 facets and then the "show more" ; button. This can get configured with the showMore settings. ; You can use the * to set a new default setting. showMore[*] = 6 ; Or you can set a facet specific value by using the facet name as index. ;showMore['format'] = 10 ; Show more facets in a lightbox (paginated, no limit) ; If false, facets expand in side bar to show facets up to the above limit ; If "more", facets expand and offer an option at the bottom to open the lightbox ; If true, facets immediately open in the lightbox showMoreInLightbox[*] = more ;lightboxLimit = 50 ; page size for the lightbox ; Should we show "exclude" links for some or all of the facets? Set to * for ; all facets, use a comma-separated list to show for some of the facets, set ; to false or omit to disable "exclude" links ;exclude = * ; Should we OR together facets rather than ANDing them? Set to * for ; all facets, use a comma-separated list to apply to some of the facets, set ; to false or omit to disable ORed facets. ;orFacets = * ; Do we want any facets to be collapsed by default? ;collapsedFacets = * ; These settings control which fields are available to sort on in the Collection ; module. [Sort] title = sort_title year = sort_year year asc = "sort_year asc" author = sort_author ; See searches.ini for documentation on these sections. Collections will always ; use the filters applied in searches.ini; any additional filters defined here ; will be combined with those existing filters. Use these if you want to apply ; additional filtering to records displayed in the collection context. ;[HiddenFilters] ;[RawHiddenFilters]