[General] ; Default driver for all methods ;main_driver = "driver1" ; (Optional) the path to the driver configurations relative to VuFind config ; dir -- omit to locate those in VuFind config dir -- it also could be an ; absolute path ;drivers_config_path = private ; Definition of all the used drivers in the form = ; The name of config file for a driver needs to be the same as [Drivers] ;driver1 = PAIA ;driver2 = DAIA ;driver3 = Demo ; For each driver method it can be specified which drivers should be used and how they can be composed. ; The section needs to be []. main_driver specifies the driver that is primarily used. ; The results of the main driver can be composed with other driver results. Therefore, one needs to specify ; merge_keys for the support drivers. All results of the support drivers are then matched with the keys of the main ; driver. E.g. for the method getHolding the results of multiple drivers can get composed if they match on "item_id". ; The array support_keys specifies which of there keys of the given support driver should be composed with the main result. ; The format is: support_keys[",,...," ; Here are some examples of how a configuration could look like for a combination of DAIA and PAIA ; but 'getHolding' most likely won't work with driver3. The Demo driver does not provide the same item_ids ; as the other drivers. ;[getStatus] ;main_driver = "driver2" ; ;[getStatuses] ;main_driver = "driver2" ; ;[getHolding] ;main_driver = "driver2" ;merge_keys["driver3"] = "item_id" ;support_keys["driver3"] = "summary,barcode,item_notes"