; Configuration for VuFind's Demo ILS driver (mainly used for testing). [Catalog] ; Identifier for the driver for testing multiple Demo driver's with the MultiBackend ; driver. Unique identifiers avoid the caches of different instances from getting ; mixed. ;id = demo1 ; Should we return record IDs in functions related to the user's account (true), or ; should we instead return titles only (false). idsInMyResearch = true ; Whether to support storage retrieval requests storageRetrievalRequests = true ; Whether to support ILL requests ILLRequests = true ; Patron login method to use. The following options are available: ; password Normal username+password (the default) ; email Username is an email address ;loginMethod = email ; Holdings configuration options. [Holdings] ; Max. no. of items displayed in the holdings tab. A paginator is used when there are ; more holdings to display. (Default = no limit) ;itemLimit = "10" ; Probability percentage that an item displayed in the holdings tab will include ; "bound-with" information. (Default = 25% chance) ;boundWithProbability = 25 ; Configuration for retrieving sample records [Records] ; Search backend to pull records from source = Solr ; Query to use for record retrieval query = "*:*" ; Define which services may be randomly chosen for availability status responses: services[] = 'loan' services[] = 'presentation' services[] = 'custom' ; This setting can be used to create fake checked out items for specific records. ; The value is a JSON document representing the status information returned by the ; driver. ;transactions = '[{"id":"1234", ... "renewable": true}]'; ; This setting can be used to create fake historic loan items for specific records. ; The value is a JSON document representing the status information returned by the ; driver. ;historicTransactions = '[{"id":"1234", ... "dueDate": "01/01/2017"}]'; ; This setting can be used to flag specific records as recently returned; if ; commented out, a random set of IDs will be selected. ;recently_returned[] = myBibId001 ;recently_returned[] = myBibId002 ; This setting can be used to flag specific records as newly acquired; if ; commented out, a random set of IDs will be selected. ;new_items[] = myBibId001 ;new_items[] = myBibId002 ; This setting may be used to simulate suppressed records (through the ; getSuppressedRecords method): ;suppressed[] = suppressedRecordId1 ;suppressed[] = suppressedRecordId2 ; This section can be used to create a set of fake users recognized by the ; Demo driver. If it is uncommented, only usernames and passwords listed here ; will be recognized for ILS login. If it is commented out, all username/password ; combinations will be accepted. ;[Users] ;user1 = "password1" ;user2 = "password2" ; This section can be used to create fake holdings for specific records. The ; key is the record ID, the value is a JSON document containing an array of ; objects representing holdings records. ; If you want the returned "availability" to be an instance of AvailabilityStatus you have to set ; "use_status_class" to true. Extra status information will be included in the instance if you add ; it in the field "extraStatusInformation". ; See the demo driver's getRandomHolding() method for a list of fields that are additionally supported. ; Any omitted fields will be overwritten with random results from getRandomHolding. ; ; This mechanism is primarily intended for use with automated testing. ; ; The example below forces two item records to be created for bib record 1234, ; with locations of "foo" and "bar" respectively. For the second item the availability will be ; returned as an instance of AvailabilityStatus and with the extra status information "{"extraInfo": true}"; ; All other details will be randomized. ;[StaticHoldings] ;1234 = '[{"location": "foo"}, {"location": "bar", "use_status_class": true, "extraStatusInformation": {"extraInfo": true}}]' ; This section controls how often the Demo driver simulates failure for various ; features. The key is the method name that might fail; the value is the probability ; of failure as a percentage (represented as a number between 0 and 100, with 0 ; meaning no failures and 100 meaning no successes). Each method has its own ; default value (usually 50%) which will be used if no value is provided below. [Failure_Probabilities] cancelHolds = 50 cancelILLRequests = 50 cancelStorageRetrievalRequests = 50 changePassword = 33 checkILLRequestIsValid = 10 checkIntermittentFailure = 0 ; chance of simulating low-level system failure checkRenewBlock = 25 checkRequestIsValid = 10 checkStorageRetrievalRequestIsValid = 10 getAccountBlocks = 10 getDefaultRequestGroup = 50 getHoldDefaultRequiredDate = 50 getRequestBlocks = 10 placeHold = 50 placeILLRequest = 50 placeStorageRetrievalRequest = 50 purgeTransactionHistory = 50 renewMyItems = 50 updateHolds = 25 getStatuses = 0 getHolding = 0 ; Uncomment the following lines to override default config.ini password settings ; (see [Authorization] section). ;[changePassword] ;minLength = 4 ;maxLength = 20 ;pattern = "alphanumeric" ;hint = "Your optional custom hint can go here." [Loans] ; Whether to support paging in the "ILS". Default is false, which means that all ; loans are always returned from the driver. ;paging = true ; If paging is enabled, how many results can be returned at a time. Default is 100. ;max_page_size = 100 [TransactionHistory] ; By default the loan history is disabled. Uncomment the following line to enable it. ;enabled = true ; By default selective purging of loan history is enabled. Uncomment the following ; line to disable it: ;purgeSelected = false ; By default purging of all loan history is enabled. Uncomment the following line ; to disable it: ;purgeAll = false ; This section controls hold behavior; note that you must also ensure that Holds are ; enabled in the [Catalog] section of config.ini in order to take advantage of these ; settings. Additional notes about some of these settings are available in the wiki: ; https://vufind.org/wiki/configuration:ils:holds [Holds] ; HMACKeys - A list of hold form element names that will be analyzed for consistency ; during hold form processing. Most users should not need to change this setting. HMACKeys = "id:item_id:level" ; defaultRequiredDate - A colon-separated list used to set the default "not required ; after" date for holds in the format days:months:years ; e.g. 0:1:0 will set a "not required after" date of 1 month from the current date. ; You may prefix this string with "driver:" to attempt to load a default date from ; the ILS based on internal rules instead of calculating one in VuFind; if the ILS ; call fails, the relative rules will still be used. ; e.g. "driver:0:1:0" tries to get the date from the ILS and uses one month from the ; current date as a fallback. ; Set to empty for no default. defaultRequiredDate = 'driver:0:2:0' ; extraHoldFields - A colon-separated list used to display extra visible fields in ; the place holds form. Supported values are "comments", "requestGroup", ; "pickUpLocation", "proxiedUsers", "startDate", "requiredByDate" and ;"requiredByDateOptional" extraHoldFields = "comments:requestGroup:pickUpLocation:proxiedUsers:startDate:requiredByDate" ; Optional help texts that can be displayed on the hold form. Displayed as is; ; HTML tags can be used, and everything needs to be properly escaped. ;helpText[*] = "Default help text used if not overridden." ;helpText[en-gb] = "Help text for British English localization." ; Optional help texts that can be displayed on the hold update form. Displayed as is; ; HTML tags can be used, and everything needs to be properly escaped. ;updateHelpText[*] = "Hold update default help text used if not overridden." ;updateHelpText[en-gb] = "Hold update help text for British English localization." ; Fields that can be updated for holds (unless the hold is already in transit or ; available for pickup). Supported values are "frozen", "frozenThrough" and ; "pickUpLocation" ;updateFields = frozen:frozenThrough:pickUpLocation ; Maximum number of holds to checks for differences in valid pickup locations when ; editing selected holds. Default is 0 for no limit. ;pickUpLocationCheckLimit = 20 ; A Pick Up Location Code used to pre-select the pick up location drop down list and ; provide a default option if others are not available. Must be one of the following: ; 1) empty string to indicate that the first location is default (default setting) ; 2) "user-selected" to indicate that the user always has to choose the location ; 3) a value within the Location IDs returned by getPickUpLocations() ;defaultPickUpLocation = "" ; This setting can be used to exclude locations from the pickup location list ;excludePickupLocations = A:B ; This section can be used to create simulated proxied users (for testing proxy ; requests) [ProxiedUsers] ;id1 = User 1 ;id2 = User 2 ; This section can be used to create simulated users who serve as proxies for ; the active user (for testing "list proxies" functionality) [ProxyingUsers] ;id3 = User 3 ;id4 = User 4 ; This section controls record link behavior [RecordLinks] ; Should we include a link to a fake OPAC? fakeOpacLink = false