; IMPORTANT NOTE: By default, VuFind will block access to certain EDS content ; unless it knows which users are authorized (by IP, etc.). Please configure the ; access.EDSExtendedResults permission in permissions.ini to allow users to ; see this content. You are responsible for complying with your license. ; This section contains global settings affecting search behavior. [General] ; This setting controls the default sort order of search results; the selected ; option should be one of the options present in the [Sorting] section below. default_sort = relevance ; These settings control the result limit options for search results. default_limit ; sets the default number of results per page. limit_options is a comma-separated ; list of numbers to be presented to the end-user. If only one limit is required, ; set default_limit and leave limit_options commented out. limit_options = 5,10,20,30,40,50 default_limit = 20 ; Set this to true in order to highlight keywords from the search query when they ; appear in fields displayed in search results. highlighting = true ; Common limiters are select type limiters to display on the basic search screen; ; the order of values in this comma-separated list will impact display order. common_limiters = FC,FT,RV ; Advanced limiters are select type limiters to show on the advanced search screen; ; omit this to display all available limiters. See [Facets] below for a list of legal ; values. Order of values here controls display order in the form. ;advanced_limiters = RV,FC,FT common_expanders = fulltext default_view = brief ; These are the default recommendations modules to use when no specific setting ; are found in the [TopRecommendations], [SideRecommendations] or ; [NoResultsRecommendations] sections below. ; See the comments above those sections for details on legal settings. You may ; repeat these lines to load multiple recommendations. ; ; Right now, VuFind is configured to use all facets ON the side. You can reconfigure ; this by changing the default_top_recommend setting and [Facets] / [FacetsTop] ; sections below. ;default_top_recommend[] = TopFacets:FacetsTop:EDS default_side_recommend[] = SideFacets:Facets:CheckboxFacets:EDS ;default_side_recommend[] = Databases:5:EDS ;default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchTab default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchType default_noresults_recommend[] = RemoveFilters ; When you filter a search using facets, should VuFind retain your current filters ; on the next search and provide a reset button to clear them (true), or should it ; always perform new searches unfiltered (false)? retain_filters_by_default = true ; Whether to always (when there are active filters) display the "Reset Filters" ; button regardless of the retain_filters_by_default setting. Default is false. always_display_reset_filters = false ; This is the timeout in seconds when communicating with the EDS server. timeout = 120 ; By default the SSL certificate needs to be valid for the server. Uncomment this ; setting to allow an untrusted certificate. ;sslverifypeer = false ; This is the HTTP method to use for EDS search operations; legal options are GET ; or POST (the default). GET and POST use significantly different APIs, so it ; may be useful to switch between methods for troubleshooting purposes. Under ; normal circumstances, POST is preferred because GET has some character length ; limits that do not affect the POST-based API. search_http_method = POST ; This is the URL of the EDS API endpoint: api_url = "https://eds-api.ebscohost.com/edsapi/rest" ; This is the URL of the EBSCO authorization endpoint: auth_url = "https://eds-api.ebscohost.com/authservice/rest" ; This is the URL of the EBSCO session creation endpoint: session_url = "https://eds-api.ebscohost.com/edsapi/rest" ; This controls whether results are loaded with JavaScript when paging or changing ; settings. Loading results this way improves performance and accessibility, and is ; enabled by default. Loading will automatically fall back to non-JS mode if ; JavaScript is not supported by the browser. load_results_with_js = true ; This setting can be used to configure pagination control on top of results. ; Possible options are: ; empty string or false No top pagination (default) ; simple Simple next/prev button pagination ; full Full pagination alike to the one at the bottom of results ;top_paginator = simple ; The following two sections can be used to associate specific recommendations ; modules with specific search types defined in the [Basic_Searches] section ; below. For all the details on how these sections work, see the comments above ; the equivalent sections of searches.ini. Recommendations work the same in ; EDS as they do in the regular Search module. [SideRecommendations] ; No search-specific settings by default -- add your own here. [TopRecommendations] ; No search-specific settings by default -- add your own here. [NoResultsRecommendations] ; No search-specific settings by default -- add your own here. ; This section is used to identify facets for special treatment by the SideFacets ; recommendations module. [SpecialFacets] ; Any fields listed below will be treated as date ranges rather than plain facets: dateRange[] = PublicationDate ; This section is reserved for special boolean facets. These are displayed ; as checkboxes. If the box is checked, the filter on the left side of the ; equal sign is applied. If the box is not checked, the filter is not applied. ; The value on the right side of the equal sign is the text to display to the ; user. It will be run through the translation code, so be sure to update the ; language files appropriately. [CheckboxFacets] ; The order of display is controlled by EBSCO's administrative system. ; The name of the index field is on the left ; The display name of the field is on the right [Facets] SourceType = Format SubjectEDS = Subject Publisher = Publisher Journal = "Published in" ContentProvider = Source SubjectGeographic = Geography CollectionLibrary = Collection LocationLibrary = Location PublicationDate = adv_search_year ; These are limiter identifiers that are treated as facets in VuFind. They are ; listed here to assist in translation of the interface. AU = "Author" DT1 = "Published" FC = eds_limiter_FC ; Catalog Only FC1 = eds_limiter_FC1 ; Institutional Repository Only FM6 = eds_limiter_FM6 ; Audio Available FR = eds_limiter_FR ; References Available FT = eds_limiter_FT ; Full text FT1 = eds_limiter_FT1 ; Available in Library Collection GZ = "Collection" LA99 = "Language" LB = "Location" RV = eds_limiter_RV ; Peer Reviewed SO = "Journal Title" TI = "Title" ; search mode SEARCHMODE = "Search Mode" ; These facets will be shown above search results if the TopFacets recommendations ; module is used, as opposed to the [Facets] section, which is shown to the side ; of search results when the SideFacets module is used. ; ; NOTE: This section is not used by default -- see default_top_recommend setting ; above for more details. [FacetsTop] ; This section controls where facet labels are retrieved from when facets are not ; explicitly configured. [FacetLabels] ; This setting lists configuration sections containing facet field => label ; mappings. Later values will override earlier values. These mappings will be used ; only when a label is not explicitly configured (i.e. through SideFacets settings). ; If you customize your facet display, be sure to add any new facet configuration ; sections to this list to ensure proper display in search history, etc. labelSections[] = FacetsTop labelSections[] = Facets ; This setting lists configuration settings defining checkbox facets. If you use ; a custom section to configure additional facets, be sure to add it to this list ; so labels display correctly in history, the advanced search editor, etc. If you ; are using the reverse label => filter format rather than filter => label, you ; should prefix the section name with a ~ character to ensure proper loading. checkboxSections[] = CheckboxFacets ; Facet display settings [Results_Settings] ; By default, the side facets will only show 6 facets and then the "show more" ; button. This can get configured with the showMore settings. ; You can use the * to set a new default setting. showMore[*] = 6 ; Or you can set a facet specific value by using the facet name as index. ;showMore['SourceType'] = 10 ; Number of rows of values for top facets to show above the "more" button top_rows = 2 ; Should we OR together facets rather than ANDing them? Set to * for ; all facets, use a comma-separated list to apply to some of the facets, set ; to false or omit to disable ORed facets. ; NOTE: In EDS, facet behavior is controlled through the EBSCO admin panel, ; but you should configure this setting to match the EBSCO settings so that ; VuFind displays match actual behavior. ;orFacets = * ; These settings affect the way facets are displayed on the advanced screen [Advanced_Facet_Settings] ; Should we OR together facets rather than ANDing them? Set to * for ; all facets, use a comma-separated list to apply to some of the facets, set ; to false or omit to disable ORed facets. orFacets = * ; Any facets named in the list below will have their values run through the ; translation code; unlisted facets will displayed as-is without translation. For ; translated facets, be sure that all of the necessary strings are included in the ; language files found in the languages directory. You may add a colon and the ; name of a text domain after the field name to specify translations in a specific ; text domain (subdirectory of the languages folder). If you comment out the lines ; below, no facets will be translated. translated_facets[] = SourceType ; Prevent specific facet values from being displayed to the user. ; Use facet field names as keys and untranslated facet values as values. [HideFacetValue] ;SourceType[] = "Book" ; Prevent all but specific facet values from being displayed to the user. ; Use facet field names as keys and untranslated facet values as values. [ShowFacetValue] ;SourceType[] = "Book" ; This section controls the behavior of the EDS/Home screen. [HomePage] ; Content blocks can be selected from the list in searches.ini. ; This section shows which search types will display in the basic search box at ; the top of EDS pages. The name of each setting below corresponds with an ; index defined in the EDS API. The value of each setting is the text to ; display on screen. All on-screen text will be run through the translator, so ; be sure to update language files if necessary. The order of these settings ; will be maintained in the drop-down list in the UI. ; ; Note: The search type of "AllFields" is a special case that searches all ; fields. ; ; If left empty, these will be populated from a call to the EDS API Info Method. [Basic_Searches] AllFields = "All Fields" TI = Title AU = Author SU = Subject ; This section defines which search options will be included on the advanced ; search screen. All the notes above [Basic_Searches] also apply here. [Advanced_Searches] ; This section defines the sort options available on EDS search results. ; Values on the left of the equal sign are either the reserved term "relevance" ; or the name of an EDS index to use for sorting. Values on the right ; of the equal sign are text that will be run through the translation module and ; displayed on screen. If no values are provided here, default sort options will ; be dynamically loaded from the API. [Sorting] ; This section allows you to specify hidden sorting options. They can be used to create a ; whitelist of sort values using regular expressions. If you want to do this add regexes to ; the pattern[] array. All sort values that match at least one of these pattern are allowed ; in searches. But they will not be shown in the sort selection in the result list. [HiddenSorting] ;pattern[] = .* ; E.g. uncomment this line to allow any value ; This section controls the behavior of the EDSRecord module. [Record] ; Set this to true in order to enable "next" and "previous" links to navigate ; through the current result set from within the record view. next_prev_navigation = false ; This section represents the EBSCO EDS API Account credentials. ; If using IP Authentication, then the user_name and password should remain blank ; and ip_auth should be set to true. [EBSCO_Account] ; IP authentication for the API ip_auth = false user_name = "USERNAME" password = "PASSWORD" profile = "PROFILE" organization_id = "VuFind from MyUniversity" ; This section controls what happens when a record title in a search result list ; is clicked. VuFind can either embed the full result directly in the list using ; AJAX or can display it at its own separate URL as a full HTML page. ; full - separate page (default) ; tabs - embedded using tabs (see record/tabs.phtml) ; accordion - embedded using an accordion (see record/accordion.phtml) ; NOTE: To turn this feature on for favorite lists, see the lists_view setting ; in the [Social] section of config.ini. ; NOTE: This feature is incompatible with SyndeticsPlus content; please use ; regular Syndetics if necessary. [List] view=full ; This section controls the behavior of the Autocomplete of EDS ; If enabled the option "autocomplete" is send for UIDAuth to get the token ; and the url. [Autocomplete] ; Set this to false to disable all autocomplete behavior enabled = true ; Define a default_handler default_handler = Eds ; Auto-submit autocomplete on click or enter auto_submit = true ; Query formatting rules for autocomplete, indexed by search handler name; ; formatting_rule[*] defines a rule that is used by default if a more specific type ; is not provided. Currently supported rules: ; - phrase: Put the value in double quotes, and backslash-escape quotes in the phrase ; - none: Search for the term exactly as-is, with no manipulation. formatting_rule[*] = "phrase" ; In this section, set the key equal to a search type from [Basic_Searches] and ; the value equal to an autocomplete handler in order to customize autocompletion ; behavior when that search type is selected. (default: Eds:rawqueries) ; These values are available: None, Eds:rawqueries and Eds:holdings ; Use None to disable autocomplete for a specific search type ; Use Eds:holdings for title completion in PubFinder. ; Use Eds:rawqueries for completion of basic textual queries. [Autocomplete_Types] ;AllFields = Eds:rawqueries ;TI = Eds:holdings AU = None ; This section can be used to filter out unwanted items from display in any context. [ItemGlobalFilter] ; This repeatable setting can be used to filter out values based on their labels: ;excludeLabel[] = 'Availability' ; This repeatable setting can be used to filter out values using group codes: ;excludeGroup[] = 'URL' ; Similar to [ItemGlobalFilter] but applied only for record view. [ItemCoreFilter] ; This repeatable setting can be used to filter out values based on their labels: ;excludeLabel[] = 'Availability' ; This repeatable setting can be used to filter out values using group codes: ;excludeGroup[] = 'URL' ; Similar to [ItemGlobalFilter] but applied only for search result view. [ItemResultListFilter] ; This repeatable setting can be used to filter out values based on their labels: ;excludeLabel[] = 'Availability' ; This repeatable setting can be used to filter out values using group codes: ;excludeGroup[] = 'URL' ; This section can be used to order items fields, based on their labels, in both the record view and results pages. ; You should order item fields consecutively, starting from 1, like the Title field is below. [ItemGlobalOrder] ; Note the order on the left of the equals and the item field label from the EDS API on the right. ;1 = Title ;2 = Authors ;3 = Source ;4 = Abstract ;5 = Subject Terms ; This section provides settings for optional caching of search requests. [SearchCache] ; Supported adapters: Memcached, Filesystem. Others may also work, but have not been ; tested. ;adapter = Memcached ; Comma-separated list of servers for Memcached adapter: ;options[servers] = "localhost:11211" ; Cache directory for Filesystem adapter: ;options[cache_dir] = "/tmp/search-cache" ; Other options. See https://docs.laminas.dev/laminas-cache/storage/adapter/ for ; documentation on options for different adapters. ; ttl, Time to Live, i.e. cache entry life time in seconds. 300 seconds by default. ;options[ttl] = 300 ; This section supports the Databases recommendation module, ; which displays a list of the results' databases, each linking ; to that database's individual website. [Databases] ; Define the facet hierarchy path leading to each database. ; For EDS (the databases are at ContentProvider/list): ;resultFacet[] = 'ContentProvider' ;resultFacet[] = 'list' ; For each database facet, define the key to the database name ; For EDS: ;resultFacetNameKey = 'value' ; Also display databases whose names contain the search query. ; Default is true. These are displayed above facet matches. ;useQuery = true ; Ignore the search query if it is below this length, ignoring ; useQuery above. ;useQueryMinLength = 3 ; Display a link to an external list of all databases, below the ; results. Default (false) omits the link. ;linkToAllDatabases = https://some.url ; Load database URLs from LibGuides. Default is false. ; Requires configuration in LibGuidesAPI.ini. ;useLibGuides = true ; Find database URLs by the LibGuides alternate names field in addition ; to the primary name. Default is true. Requires useLibGuides = true. ;useLibGuidesAlternateNames = false ; Map of database name (matching EDS API 'DbLabel' value) to website URL. ; These databases are added to any retrieved from LibGuides, and override ; the LibGuides URLs if the same name is present here. ;url[Expensive Science Database] = https://some.url ;url[Cool Humanities Database] = https://another.url