; For the EBSCO Publication Finder data source [General] default_view = brief ; These are the default recommendations modules to use when no specific setting ; are found in the [TopRecommendations], [SideRecommendations] or ; [NoResultsRecommendations] sections below. ; See the comments above those sections for details on legal settings. You may ; repeat these lines to load multiple recommendations. ; ; Right now, VuFind is configured to use all facets ON the side. You can reconfigure ; this by changing the default_top_recommend setting and [Facets] / [FacetsTop] ; sections below. default_top_recommend[] = TopFacets:FacetsTop:EPF default_side_recommend[] = SideFacets:Facets:CheckboxFacets:EPF ;default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchTab default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchType default_noresults_recommend[] = RemoveFilters ; This is the URL of the EPF API endpoint: api_url = "https://eds-api.ebscohost.com/edsapi/publication" ; This is the URL of the EBSCO authorization endpoint: auth_url = "https://eds-api.ebscohost.com/authservice/rest" ; This is the URL of the EBSCO session creation endpoint: session_url = "https://eds-api.ebscohost.com/edsapi/rest" ; This controls whether results are loaded with JavaScript when paging or changing ; settings. Loading results this way improves performance and accessibility, and is ; enabled by default. Loading will automatically fall back to non-JS mode if ; JavaScript is not supported by the browser. load_results_with_js = true ; This setting can be used to configure pagination control on top of results. ; Possible options are: ; empty string or false No top pagination (default) ; simple Simple next/prev button pagination ; full Full pagination alike to the one at the bottom of results ;top_paginator = simple ; The order of display is controlled by EBSCO's administrative system. ; The name of the index field is on the left ; The display name of the field is on the right [Facets] SubjectPubDb = Subject TypePublicationPubD = Resource Type PublisherPubDb = Publisher ; These facets will be shown above search results if the TopFacets recommendations ; module is used, as opposed to the [Facets] section, which is shown to the side ; of search results when the SideFacets module is used. ; ; NOTE: This section is not used by default -- see default_top_recommend setting ; above for more details. [FacetsTop] ; This section controls where facet labels are retrieved from when facets are not ; explicitly configured. [FacetLabels] ; This setting lists configuration sections containing facet field => label ; mappings. Later values will override earlier values. These mappings will be used ; only when a label is not explicitly configured (i.e. through SideFacets settings). ; If you customize your facet display, be sure to add any new facet configuration ; sections to this list to ensure proper display in search history, etc. labelSections[] = FacetsTop labelSections[] = Facets ; This setting lists configuration settings defining checkbox facets. If you use ; a custom section to configure additional facets, be sure to add it to this list ; so labels display correctly in history, the advanced search editor, etc. If you ; are using the reverse label => filter format rather than filter => label, you ; should prefix the section name with a ~ character to ensure proper loading. checkboxSections[] = CheckboxFacets ; Facet display settings [Results_Settings] ; By default, the side facets will only show 6 facets and then the "show more" ; button. This can get configured with the showMore settings. ; You can use the * to set a new default setting. showMore[*] = 6 ; Or you can set a facet specific value by using the facet name as index. ;showMore['SourceType'] = 10 ; Number of rows of values for top facets to show above the "more" button top_rows = 2 ; Should we OR together facets rather than ANDing them? Set to * for ; all facets, use a comma-separated list to apply to some of the facets, set ; to false or omit to disable ORed facets. ; NOTE: In EDS, facet behavior is controlled through the EBSCO admin panel, ; but you should configure this setting to match the EBSCO settings so that ; VuFind displays match actual behavior. ;orFacets = * ; Prevent specific facet values from being displayed to the user. ; Use facet field names as keys and untranslated facet values as values. [HideFacetValue] ;TypePublicationPubD[] = "book" ; Prevent all but specific facet values from being displayed to the user. ; Use facet field names as keys and untranslated facet values as values. [ShowFacetValue] ;TypePublicationPubD[] = "book" ; This section represents the EBSCO EDS API Account credentials, ; which are also used for the EPF API. ; So these should be the same credentials as in EDS.ini if both are used. ; If using IP Authentication, then the user_name and password should remain blank ; and ip_auth should be set to true. [EBSCO_Account] ; IP authentication for the API ip_auth = false user_name = [USERNAME] password = [PASSWORD] profile = [PROFILE] organization_id = "VuFind from MyUniversity"