--- # Listing of configured forms. # # Configured forms are listed in the top level 'forms' array and can accessed via the URL: # /Feedback/Form/ # # The main Feedback form (id: FeedbackSite) can be accessed with a shorter URL /Feedback # # Form supports the following options: # # enabled (boolean) Is the form enabled? (default = true) # useCaptcha (boolean) Should the form use Captcha validation? Requires the "feedback" # option to be turned on in the config.ini [Captcha] form setting. # (default = true, if Captcha turned on for feedback overall). # reportReferrer (boolean) Should the form report the page from which it was invoked # reportUserAgent (boolean) Should the form report the browser's user agent string # title (string) Form title (translation key) # onlyForLoggedUsers (boolean) Require the user to be logged in to see the form # (default = false) # emailSubject (string) Email subject (translation key). (default = email_subject # value from config.ini [Feedback] section, or 'VuFind Feedback') # The subject may contain placeholders (for example %%receiver%%) # that are replaced with submitted form values. # emailFrom (address in email envelope, separate from user's email) # name (string) Sender name (default = sender_name setting from config.ini # [Feedback] section) # email (string) Sender email (default = sender_email setting from # config.ini [Feedback] section) # recipient # name (string) Recipient name (default = recipient_name setting from config.ini # [Feedback] section) # email (string) Recipient email address (default = recipient_email setting from # config.ini [Feedback] section) # # Multiple recipients can be configured using a list: # # recipient: # - name: Recipient 1 # email: recipient1@email # - name: Recipient 2 # email: recipient2@email # # response (string) Response after form submit (translation key) # senderInfoRequired (boolean) Require sender to fill out name and email fields - deprecated # senderEmailRequired (boolean) Require sender to fill out email field # senderNameRequired (boolean) Require sender to fill out name field # # primaryHandler (string) Handlers to process form data - default is 'email', available # options are: 'email', 'database'. When this handler fails, the # whole feedback send action fails. You can add your own handler # by implementing \VuFind\Form\Handler\HandlerInterface, and adding # it to module config under key: # 'vufind' -> 'plugin_manager' -> 'form_handler' # Example: # primaryHandler: database # secondaryHandlers (array) Additional handlers could be defined here. They can fail silently, # but could be useful as safety/notify handlers. # Example: # secondaryHandlers: # - email # # help # pre (string) Help text displayed at the beginning of the form (translation key). # post (string) Help text displayed at the end of the form (translation key) # # Help texts may contain HTML-formatting. # # prefillFields (array) Fields that could be prefilled by passing parameter to form URL. Could be # used only with hidden, text and textarea types. # Example: # prefillFields: # - siteCode # With configured field 'siteCode' enables prefilling the field with # /Feedback/Form/FeedbackSite?siteCode=website # # fields (array) List of form elements with the following options: # # name (string) Element name (see below for reserved element names) # label (string) Element label (translation key) # required (boolean) Is the element required? (for checkbox elements this means that # all options have to be selected.) # requireOne (boolean) Require at least one checkbox option to be selected. # settings (array) HTML attributes as key-value pairs, for example: # - class: "custom-css-class another-class" # or # - [class, "custom-css-class another-class"] # type (string) Element type (text|textarea|date|email|url|select|radio|checkbox|hidden) # # help (string) Element help text (translation key) that is displayed before the element. # To include HTML formatting, use a translation key ending # in '_html' here, and define markup in the language files. # # or # # help (array) # pre (string) Like above. # post (string) Like above but the help text is displayed after the element. # # # Additional settings for date element: # # format Date format to use in the resulting message (default is # displayDateFormat in config.ini). Format of the actual field # displayed on the form is controlled by user's browser. # minValue Minimum acceptable date. A string that PHP's strtotime can # parse (e.g. 'now' or '2021-09-09'). # maxValue Maximum acceptable date. A string that PHP's strtotime can # parse (e.g. 'now' or '2021-09-09'). # # Additional settings for select, radio and checkbox elements: # # options (array) List of select values (translation keys) # or a list of options with 'value' and 'label' (translation) keys. # Examples: # options: # - option-1 # - option-2 # # or # # options: # - value: value-1 # label: label-1 # - value: value-2 # label: label-2 # # Alternative settings for select elements: # # optionGroups (array) List of option groups with keys: # label (string) Group label (translation key) # options (array) List of select values (see above) # # placeholder (string) Placeholder label (translation key). Used to instruct or force # (when combined with 'required' attribute) the user to make a selection from the # options-list. Only select elements with 'options' are supported. # For text, textarea, email and url elements, a placeholder text (translation key) # can be configured by adding a HTML-attribute via 'settings', for example: # settings: # - [placeholder, Please select...] # # # Reserved element names: # # - name Sender name. You can add the field to fields configuration to define # its position on the form. # - email Sender email. You can add the field to fields configuration to define # its position on the form. # - referrer Used for browser's referrer information when reportReferrer is # enabled. # - useragent Used for reporting browser's user agent string when reportUserAgent is # enabled. # - submit Form submit button. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- forms: # Main Feedback form FeedbackSite: title: feedback_title enabled: true useCaptcha: true reportReferrer: false reportUserAgent: true #emailFrom: # name: Your Library - Site Feedback #recipient: # name: Your Library # email: feedback@myuniversity.edu primaryHandler: email onlyForLoggedUsers: false #emailSubject: VuFind Feedback response: feedback_response senderEmailRequired: false senderNameRequired: false #help: # pre: feedback_help_pre # post: feedback_help_post fields: - name: message type: textarea label: Comments required: true settings: # help: message_help # Example for an acquisition request form AcquisitionRequest: enabled: false title: Acquisition Request onlyForLoggedUsers: false emailSubject: Acquisition Request response: feedback_response primaryHandler: email recipient: name: Your Library email: feedback@myuniversity.edu help: pre: acquisition_request_info_pre post: acquisition_request_info_post fields: - name: receiver type: select label: acquisition_request_receiver required: true, options: - Feedback - bar - name: receiver2 type: select label: acquisition_request_receiver required: true, optionGroups: - label: Library 1 options: - Branch 1 - Branch 2 - Branch 3 - label: Library 2 options: - Branch 1 - Branch 2 - name: title type: text label: Title required: true - name: author type: text label: Author required: true - name: format type: text label: Format required: true - name: last_interest_date type: date label: Last interest date required: false min: now max: 'now + 1 year' - name: boolean type: radio label: feedback_help_label required: true options: - Yes - No