[Catalog] host = catalog.library.myuniversity.edu port = portnumber username = myusername password = mypassword database = mydatabase [Webservices] profile = "xxx--1" HIPurl = http://hip.myuniversity.edu/ipac20/ipac.jsp ; Specify the date format used by HIP. m/d/Y or d/m/Y dateformat = "m/d/Y" ; This OPTIONAL setting is used to override the pickup location codes and names retrieved ; from the ILS database. ; IMPORTANT: The locationCode is case sensitive and MUST match the case of the ; code in the Horizon location table. ;[pickUpLocations] ;locationCode = "locationName" ; This section controls hold behavior; note that you must also ensure that Holds are ; enabled in the [Catalog] section of config.ini in order to take advantage of these ; settings. Additional notes about some of these settings are available in the wiki: ; https://vufind.org/wiki/configuration:ils:holds [Holds] ; HMACKeys - A list of hold form element names that will be analyzed for consistency ; during hold form processing. Most users should not need to change this setting. HMACKeys = item_id:id:level ; notify - The method by which users are notified when their hold / request is ; available. Must correspond with a Horizon system setting. notify = "e-mail" ; defaultRequiredDate - A colon-separated list used to set the default "not required ; after" date for holds in the format days:months:years ; e.g. 0:1:0 will set a "not required after" date of 1 month from the current date defaultRequiredDate = 0:1:0 ; This OPTIONAL setting is used to override the default pickup location for borrowers ; that is retrieved from the borrower record in the ILS database. ; This MUST match one of the locations listed in pickUpLocations above or the ; pickup_location_sort table in the ILS. This setting is case sensitive. ;defaultPickUpLocation = "locationCode" ; extraHoldFields - A colon-separated list used to display extra visible fields in ; the place holds form. Supported values are "comments", "requiredByDate" and ; "pickUpLocation" extraHoldFields = pickUpLocation ; Optional help texts that can be displayed on the hold form. Displayed as is; ; HTML tags can be used, and everything needs to be properly escaped. ;helpText[*] = "Default help text used if not overridden." ;helpText[en-gb] = "Help text for British English localization." [Statuses] ; custom item statuses - A coma-separated list of value pairs. Supported values are ; available:1, available:0, reserve:N, reserve:Y, and duedate:0. duedate:0 is only ; used to designate that an item does not have a due date (e.g. it is lost). By ; default all other item statuses have a duedate, so nothing else is needed i = "available:1", "reserve:N" h = "available:0", "reserve:N" rb = "available:0", "reserve:Y" l = "available:0", "reserve:N", "duedate:0" m = "available:0", "reserve:N", "duedate:0"