; KohaILSDI Driver Config ; This driver differs that it uses the ISL-DI API instead of direct database calls ; It does however, fallback to direct database calls to enhance functionality ; that is not available in in the ILS-DI API. ; You must enable ILS-DI in the Web services preferences in Koha [Catalog] ; database host, port, user, password, database host = localhost port = 3306 username = mysqlusername password = mysqlpassword database = koha ; Url to the ILS-DI API url = http://library.myuniversity.edu/cgi-bin/koha/ilsdi.pl ; If we trust our authentication source and know it to be the same as the one used by ; Koha then we can choose to not validate our patron's passwords (Useful if you are ; using SAML/Shibboleth for authentication for both VuFind and Koha) dontValidatePasswords = false ; If we need to we can set the Authorised Values Category that is used to lookup ; the location of items. The default is `LOC` but some Koha installs may prefer ; to use `CCODE` instead. ;locationAuthorisedValuesCategory = LOC ;; In addition you can set 'renewals_enabled' and ;; 'cancel_holds_enabled' in config.ini to 'true' using this driver. ;; I would also recommend you set 'holds_mode' to '"holds"', as this ;; driver does not handle recalls. ; Whether to show sublocation in Holdings information from field location (default), ; or from field permanent_location (set this to true for this option) showPermanentLocation = false ; Whether to show home branch of an item or current holding branch showHomebranch = false ; This section controls hold behavior; note that you must also ensure that Holds are ; enabled in the [Catalog] section of config.ini in order to take advantage of these ; settings. Additional notes about some of these settings are available in the wiki: ; https://vufind.org/wiki/configuration:ils:holds [Holds] ; HMACKeys - A list of hold form element names that will be analyzed for consistency ; during hold form processing. Most users should not need to change this setting. ; Comment this line to disable VuFind integrated reservations. HMACKeys = item_id:id:level ; defaultRequiredDate - A colon-separated list used to set the default "not required ; after" date for holds in the format days:months:years ; e.g. 0:1:0 will set a "not required after" date of 1 month from the current date defaultRequiredDate = 0:1:0 ; extraHoldFields - A colon-separated list used to display extra visible fields in the ; place holds form. Supported values are "comments", "requiredByDate" and ; "pickUpLocation" ; Note: As of the time of writing, even though ILSDI API docs have long declared ; support for 'comments' and 'requiredByDate' options when placing holds, these ; features might not yet be implemented (nulling any input passed to the appropriate ; functions). Should you decide to use them in extraHoldFields, please check that data ; entered in appropriate hold form is properly passed to Koha. extraHoldFields = pickUpLocation ; A Pick Up Location Code used to pre-select the pick up location drop ; down list and provide a default option if others are not ; available. The default of 'false' will force users to pick a pickup ; location. By setting this to a Koha location code (e.g. '"MAIN"'), ; VuFind will default to that location. ; If no defaultPickUpLocation and no pickupLocations are defined, ; the driver will try to use the actual holdingbranch(es) of the item/title ; as a fallback. defaultPickUpLocation = "MAIN" ; branchcodes for libraries available as pickup locations pickupLocations[] = MAIN ; Optional help texts that can be displayed on the hold form. Displayed as is; ; HTML tags can be used, and everything needs to be properly escaped. ;helpText[*] = "Default help text used if not overridden." ;helpText[en-gb] = "Help text for British English localization." [Other] ; Locations for Always Available by Default ;availableLocations[] = REFERENCEAREA ;availableLocations[] = INTERNET ;availableLocations[] = ONLINE ; This section translates Koha's internal block types into strings for on-screen ; display. [Blocks] ;SUSPENSION = "Account Suspended" ;OVERDUES = "Account Blocked (Overdue Items)" ;MANUAL = "Account Blocked" ;DISCHARGE = "Account Blocked for Discharge" ; This section lets you choose whether to display block comments based upon the ; blocks type (defaults to false, meaning that the name of the block type will ; be displayed, but not any additional comment information from the database). [Show_Block_Comments] ;SUSPENSION = false ;OVERDUES = false ;MANUAL = false ;DISCHARGE = false [TransactionHistory] ; By default the loan history is disabled. Uncomment the following line to enable it. ;enabled = true