; This file is used for the LibGuides *API*, which uses an ; oauth connection mechanism. This API is currently used ; by the LibGuidesProfile recommendation module. ; LibGuides API documentation: ; https://ask.springshare.com/libguides/faq/873 ; This file is NOT used by the LibGuides (research guides) ; or LibGuidesAZ (database list) data sources, which ; do not actually use the LibGuides API ; -- they retrieve data through a LibGuides Search Box widget. ; https://ask.springshare.com/libguides/faq/867 ; See LibGuides.ini and LibGuidesAZ.ini for that configuration. [General] ; Client Id & Secret provided by LibGuides API configuration ; See https://ask.springshare.com/libguides/faq/873#api-auth ;client_id = 123 ;client_secret = ABCD ; Base URL of the LibGuides API api_base_url = https://lgapi-us.libapps.com/1.2 ; This controls whether results are loaded with JavaScript when paging or changing ; settings. Loading results this way improves performance and accessibility, and is ; enabled by default. Loading will automatically fall back to non-JS mode if ; JavaScript is not supported by the browser. load_results_with_js = true ; This setting can be used to configure pagination control on top of results. ; Possible options are: ; empty string or false No top pagination (default) ; simple Simple next/prev button pagination ; full Full pagination alike to the one at the bottom of results ;top_paginator = simple ; Calls to GET (...)/accounts endpoint [GetAccounts] ; Duration (seconds) to cache response data. Default is 600. ;cache_lifetime = 600 ; Calls to GET (...)/az endpoint ; Note this is not used for the LibGuidesAZ search ; implementation; see LibGuidesAZ.ini for that. ; This is used where the full list of databases is needed ; by the Databases recommendation module. [GetAZ] ; Duration (seconds) to cache response data. Default is 600. ;cache_lifetime = 600 ; Configuration for LibGuidesProfile recommendation module [Profile] ; Enable one or more strategies for matching the best profile ; for the user search. Strategies are attempted in the order ; listed; the first to return a match is used. If no strategies ; return a match, no profile is displayed. ; ; Available strategies are: ; ; CallNumber ; Finds the call number facet with the most matches for ; the given search, then uses the profile_aliases, ; call_numbers, and call_number_length settings below ; to map that to a profile. ; Subject ; Finds a LibGuides "subject" with the closest string ; match to the query string, and returns a profile ; "expert" associated with that subject. Note that this ; strategy will always return a match, so a profile will ; always be displayed and no strategies listed below it ; will be evaluated. ; Re: subjects see see https://ask.springshare.com/libguides/faq/1109 ; ;strategies[] = CallNumber ;strategies[] = Subject ; For the call_number strategy, retrieve the call numbers ; from this facet field. Default is 'callnumber-first'; ;call_number_field = 'callnumber-first'; ; For the call_number strategy, truncate any result call number ; to the first 'call_number_length' characters to match the ; call_numbers array keys below. Default is 3. ; If a match is not found with this length, the call number will ; be further truncated to a minimum length of 1 to find a match. ;call_number_length = 3 ; For the call_number strategy, define an alias for each ; LibGuides account ID (for a profile) to make the call_numbers ; mapping below more human-readable. ;profile_aliases['Alice'] = 1234 ;profile_aliases['Bob'] = 5678 ; For the call_number strategy, map a call number substring ; to an alias defined in profile_aliases above. ; ; Example list for LC call numbers: ;call_numbers['A'] = 'Alice' ;call_numbers['DB'] = 'Bob' ;call_numbers['DC'] = 'Alice' ;call_numbers['P'] = 'Bob' ; ; Example list for Dewey call numbers: ;call_numbers['1'] = 'Bob' ;call_numbers['51'] = 'Alice' ;call_numbers['52'] = 'Bob'