[General] ; (Optional) The name of a driver instance to use by default if no specific ; instance can be determined as the best option (must correspond with a key ; from the [Drivers] section below if set -- omit to have no default driver) ;default_driver = "instance1" ; (Optional) the path to the driver configurations relative to VuFind config ; dir -- omit to locate those in VuFind config dir -- it also could be an ; absolute path ;drivers_config_path = private ; This section is for declaring which driver to use for each institution. ; The key should be the Source ID of a specific institution, and the value ; should be the name of an ILS driver. ; Example: instance1 = Voyager ; In this case, the Voyager driver would be loaded and configured using an ; instance1.ini file (which you should create as a copy of Voyager.ini). [Drivers] ;instance1 = Voyager ;instance2 = Voyager ;instance3 = Unicorn ;instance4 = Voyager ; This section defines the driver instances that are enabled for login. ; Used together with MultiILS authentication method that allows selecting ; the login target. [Login] default_driver = instance2 drivers[] = instance1 drivers[] = instance2 drivers[] = instance3