[settings] ;mode - The No ILS Driver Mode - Options are "ils-none" or "ils-offline" mode = ils-offline ;hideLogin - Whether or not to hide the login option; when true, this will override ; the hideLogin setting in the [Authentication] setting of config.ini whenever ; the NoILS driver is active. hideLogin = false ;useHoldings - The Holdings mode ; none = do not show holdings info in Holdings Tab (see Site/hideHoldingsTabWhenEmpty ; setting in config.ini to completely disable the Holdings Tab in this case) ; marc = Use information in the Marc Record Mapped from [MarcHoldings] ; custom = use the options in the [Holdings] section below useHoldings = none ;useStatus - Whether or not to use the show item statuses ; none = do not show status information ; marc = Use information in the Marc Record Mapped from [MarcStatus] ; custom = use the options in the [Status] section below useStatus = none ;idPrefix - Optional - Prefix added to Solr record IDs managed by this instance of ; the NoILS driver; needed when using this driver in combination with the ; MultiBackend driver. When used, the value should usually match one of the keys ; in the [Drivers] section of MultiBackend.ini followed by a dot. ;idPrefix = "instance1." [MarcHoldings] ; Used if useHoldings is set to "marc" ; syntax = type|data ; For direct mapping use "msg|Message to display" ; For Marc Mapping use "marc|subfield(s)|overrideField" where subfield(s) lists ; the subfield(s) to extract, and overrideField is a MARC field (if you want to ; use something different than the field specified in the marcField setting) ; E.g. marc|khi or marc|a|245 marcField = 852 availability = "msg|false" use_unknown_message = "msg|true" status = "msg|Library System Unavailable" location = "marc|b" reserve = "msg|N" callnumber = "marc|khi" barcode = "msg|Unavailable" number = "marc|8" ;notes = "msg|Example Note" ;summary = "msg|Example Summary" [MarcStatus] ; Used if useStatus is set to "marc" ; syntax = type|data ; For direct mapping use "msg|Message to display" ; For Marc Mapping use "marc|subfield(s)|overrideField" where subfield(s) lists ; the subfield(s) to extract, and overrideField is a MARC field (if you want to ; use something different than the field specified in the marcField setting) ; E.g. marc|khi or marc|a|245 marcField = 852 availability = "msg|false" use_unknown_message = "msg|true" status = "msg|Library System Unavailable" location = "marc|b" reserve = "msg|N" callnumber = "marc|khi" barcode = "msg|Unavailable" number = "marc|8" ;notes = "msg|Example Note" ;summary = "msg|Example Summary" [Holdings] availability = false status = "Library System Unavailable" use_unknown_message = true location = "Location Information Unavailable" reserve = "N" callnumber = "" barcode = "Unavailable" number = "Unknown" ;notes = "msg|Example Note" ;summary = "msg|Example Summary" [Status] availability = false status = "Library System Unavailable" use_unknown_message = true location = "Location Information Unavailable" reserve = "N" callnumber = ""