; The PAIA driver extends the DAIA driver and uses the settings for the DAIA driver. ; Either copy & paste the settings from DAIA.ini into this PAIA.ini or reference your ; correctly configured DAIA.ini via [Parent_Config] ;[Parent_Config] ;relative_path = DAIA.ini ; PAIA configuration [PAIA] ; base URL of the PAIA server WITH trailing slash baseUrl = "" ; Set a PAIA specific timeout in seconds to be used for PAIA http requests (defaults ; to client defaults or as defined in ; vendor/vufind-org/vufindhttp/src/VuFindHttp/HttpService.php) ;timeout = 30 ; Enable caching for PAIA items (default is false). TTL for cached data will be the ; same as for DAIA cache (see cacheLifetime setting in DAIA.ini). ;paiaCache = false ; Specify what missing PAIA scopes should be reported to the user as account blocks. ; Configuration format is accountBlockNotificationsForMissingScopes[scope] = message ; where scope is a PAIA scope name and message is the message to display to the user ; when that scope is missing. Messages will be translated. ; For a comprehensive list of PAIA scopes refer to ; http://gbv.github.io/paia/paia.html#access-tokens-and-scopes . ;accountBlockNotificationsForMissingScopes[read_patron] = "ILSMessages::no_read_patron_scope" ;accountBlockNotificationsForMissingScopes[update_patron] = "ILSMessages::no_update_patron_scope" ;accountBlockNotificationsForMissingScopes[update_patron_name] = "ILSMessages::no_update_patron_name_scope" ;accountBlockNotificationsForMissingScopes[update_patron_email] = "ILSMessages::no_update_patron_email_scope" ;accountBlockNotificationsForMissingScopes[update_patron_address] = "ILSMessages::no_update_patron_address_scope" ;accountBlockNotificationsForMissingScopes[read_fees] = ILSMessages::"no_read_fees_scope" ;accountBlockNotificationsForMissingScopes[read_items] = "ILSMessages::no_read_items_scope" ;accountBlockNotificationsForMissingScopes[write_items] = "ILSMessages::no_write_items_scope" ;accountBlockNotificationsForMissingScopes[change_password] = "ILSMessages::no_change_password_scope" ;accountBlockNotificationsForMissingScopes[read_notifications] = "ILSMessages::no_read_notifications_scope" ;accountBlockNotificationsForMissingScopes[delete_notifications] = "ILSMessages::no_delete_notifications_scope" ; A PAIA auth server acts as OAuth authorization server (RFC 6749) with ; password credentials grant, as defined in section 4.3 of OAuth specification, ; and/or client credentials grant, as defined in section 4.4 of the OAuth ; specification. ; Server specific grant type should be set to one of these values: ; - password (default): user-entered credentials will be passed along to ; the PAIA server for authentication against the API. ; - client_credentials: the "shared secret" credentials provided below will always ; be used for PAIA API authentication. ; (see also http://gbv.github.io/paia/paia.html#login for more technical details). ; ; Note: if using client_credentials it is strongly recommended to consider setting ; "allowUserLogin = false" in config.ini (section [Catalog]) as with client_credentials ; authentication likely takes place elsewhere (e.g. Shibboleth) and the user should not ; be allowed to provide login credentials after authentication succeeded (PAIA ; client_credentials will not check if username and password are matching). ;grantType = "password" ; Please insert the "shared secret" credentials provided by your PAIA server below ; when grantType is set to client_credentials above. ;clientUsername = 'client' ;clientPassword = 'password' ; Driver configuration, usually you can leave it untouched ; This section controls hold behavior; note that you must also ensure that Holds are ; enabled in the [Catalog] section of config.ini in order to take advantage of these ; settings. Additional notes about some of these settings are available in the wiki: ; https://vufind.org/wiki/configuration:ils:holds ; Without customization the PAIA driver will offer to place a recall for items with ; unavailable service loan but set href for loan. The recall will be performed via ; PAIA request. ; The pre-defined HMACKeys (id:item_id:doc_id) should suffice to place a recall. No ; extra fields are allowed (if you need those you might be able to cover this ; functionality in a custom driver by using PAIA confirm/conditions). [Holds] ; HMACKeys - A list of form element names that will be analyzed for consistency ; during form processing. Most users should not need to change this setting. HMACKeys = "id:item_id:doc_id" ; PAIA status which should be mapped to Holds ; status are: 1 = reserved (not available yet but later) ; 2 = ordered (and not yet ready to be picked up) ; 3 = held by patron ; 4 = provided (and ready to be picked up) status = "1:4" ; Without customization the PAIA driver will offer to place a storageretrievalrequest ; for items with available service loan and set href for loan. The ; storageretrievalrequest will be performed via PAIA request (technically the same as ; for recall, but with different frontend templates etc.). ; The pre-defined HMACKeys (id:item_id:doc_id) should suffice to request an item. No ; extra fields are allowed (if you need those you might be able to cover this ; functionality in a custom driver by using PAIA confirm/conditions). [StorageRetrievalRequests] ; HMACKeys - A list of form element names that will be analyzed for consistency ; during form processing. Most users should not need to change this setting. HMACKeys = id:item_id:doc_id ; PAIA status which should be mapped to StorageRetrievalRequests ; status are: 1 = reserved (not available yet but later) ; 2 = ordered (and not yet ready to be picked up) ; 3 = held by patron ; 4 = provided (and ready to be picked up) status = "2" ; All kinds of transactions by a specific patron. Transactions are eg checked out ; items [Transactions] ; PAIA status which should be mapped to Transactions ; status are: 1 = reserved (not available yet but later) ; 2 = ordered (and not yet ready to be picked up) ; 3 = held by patron ; 4 = provided (and ready to be picked up) status = "3" ; The PAIA driver supports renewals in MyResearch views. The renewal will be ; performed via PAIA renew. ; The pre-defined HMACKeys (id:item_id:doc_id) should suffice to renew an item. No ; extra fields are allowed (if you need those you might be able to cover this ; functionality in a custom driver by using PAIA confirm/conditions). [Renewals] ; HMACKeys - A list of form element names that will be analyzed for consistency ; during form processing. Most users should not need to change this setting. HMACKeys = "id:item_id:doc_id"