; This section contains global settings affecting search behavior. [General] ; This should be the base URL of your Pazpar2 server -- REQUIRED base_url = "http://your-server/pazpar2/search.pz2" ; This setting controls the default sort order of search results; the selected ; option should be one of the options present in the [Sorting] section below. default_sort = relevance ; These two settings can be used to limit the amount of time a Pazpar2 query is ; allowed to run before VuFind quits waiting for results. If either condition ; is met, VuFind will display any results collected. ; This is the minimum amount of progress before VuFind stops waiting for ; results. The maximum value is 1.0. progress_target = 1.0 ; This is the maximum number of seconds that VuFind should wait for query ; results. max_query_time = 60 ; This section shows which search types will display in the basic search box at ; the top of Pazpar2 pages. The value of each setting is the text to display on ; screen. All on-screen text will be run through the translator, so be sure to ; update language files if necessary. The order of these settings will be ; maintained in the drop-down list in the UI. [Basic_Searches] ; NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED ; This section defines which search options will be included on the advanced ; search screen. All the notes above [Basic_Searches] also apply here. [Advanced_Searches] ; NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED ; This section defines the sort options available on Pazpar2 search results. ; Values on the left of the equal sign are Pazpar2 API sort values. Values ; on the right of the equal sign are text that will be run through the ; translation module and displayed on screen. [Sorting] relevance = sort_relevance ; This section allows you to specify hidden sorting options. They can be used to create a ; whitelist of sort values using regular expressions. If you want to do this add regexes to ; the pattern[] array. All sort values that match at least one of these pattern are allowed ; in searches. But they will not be shown in the sort selection in the result list. [HiddenSorting] ;pattern[] = .* ; E.g. uncomment this line to allow any value ; This section controls the behavior of the Pazpar2Record module. See the ; [Record] section of the main config.ini for more detailed documentation. [Record]