# Rate limiter configuration. Rate limiter can be used to enforce limits for requests # e.g. in a given time window. If a limit is exceeded, an error with HTTP status # 429 Too Many Requests is sent. # General settings General: # enabled has three possible settings: # false Rate limiter is disabled (default) # true Rate limiter is enabled # report_only Requests that exceed limits are reported but not prevented # (see also the policy-specific reportOnly setting below) #enabled: false # Enable verbose debug logging (default is false): #verbose: true # Storage defines how rate limiter data is stored. It is recommended to use a quick # storage option. Only storage adapters that support TTL can be used. This usually # means either memcached or redis. # See https://docs.laminas.dev/laminas-cache/storage/adapter/ for # documentation on options for the memcached adapter. # Note that Redis uses Credis, not the Laminas cache adapter. Storage: adapter: memcached options: # Namespace to use with the storage (default is RateLimiter): #namespace: RateLimiter # ----- Memcached settings ----- # Comma-separated list of servers for Memcached adapter (defaults below): #servers: "localhost:11211" # ----- Redis settings ----- # Redis server settings (defaults are listed below): #redis_host : localhost #redis_port : 6379 #redis_connection_timeout : 0.5 #redis_db : 0 #redis_user : null (optional) #redis_auth : null #redis_version : 6 #redis_standalone : true # Policies define the actual rate limiting settings. The request is checked against # the list of policies, and the first matching policy is used. # Keys under "Policies" are used as rate limiter IDs. # # Each rate limiter has the following settings: # # preferIPAddress Use IP address as client ID even for logged-in users # # ipRanges IP address ranges. Accepts a list with either single IP # addresses or ranges with a minus character without blanks as # separator. Also partial addresses can be used (e.g. 192.168 # denotes, and IPv6 addresses are # also supported (unless PHP is compiled with IPv6 disabled). # # loggedIn Whether to limit the policy to logged-in users (true) or # anonymous users (false). Default is null for no limit. # # crawler Whether to limit the policy to bots or crawlers (true) or # normal users (false). Default is null for no limit. # # filters An array of request filters that control the requests that # the policy applies to. Filters can include the following # fields: # # controller The controller handling the request # action The action in the controller # name Matched route name # params POST request or query parameters # query Query string parameters # post POST request parameters # # rateLimiterSettings Rate Limiter settings. # See https://symfony.com/doc/current/rate_limiter.html#rate-limiting-policies # for more information and policy settings. # For a limiter using the token bucket algorithm, the following # settings could be used to e.g. allow 500 requests initially, # and add 100 more to the bucket every 10 minutes: # # policy: token_bucket # limit: 500 # rate: { interval: '10 minutes', amount: 100 } # # addHeaders Whether to add X-RateLimit-* headers (default is false) # # reportOnly If set to true, will not enforce the policy even if the main # "enabled" setting is true (default is false) # The policies below are are just examples, and the limits and rates chosen do not # represent meaningful choices for any particular instance. Policies: # A policy that allows 200 searches initially and increases the limit by 100 every # 15 minutes: search: filters: - controller: Search action: Results - controller: AJAX action: JSON params: method: getSearchResults rateLimiterSettings: policy: token_bucket limit: 200 rate: { interval: '15 minutes', amount: 100 } # A strict policy that allows 100 searches (via the API) initially and increases # the limit by 50 every 15 minutes: apiSearch: filters: - controller: SearchApi action: Search ipRanges: - "" - "" rateLimiterSettings: policy: token_bucket # Allow 100 requests limit: 100 # Increase the limit by 50 every 15 minutes rate: { interval: '15 minutes', amount: 50 } addHeaders: true # A catch-all policy that allows 2000 requests (per IP address) initially and # increases the limit by 400 every 10 minutes: general: preferIPAddress: true rateLimiterSettings: policy: token_bucket limit: 2000 rate: { interval: '10 minutes', amount: 400 }