; This file controls the display of tabs on the Record page for various types of ; records. Each section name matches a record driver class name, and those settings ; will be used when displaying that type of record. If no settings are found for a ; particular class, its parent classes will be checked in turn; thus, you could set ; up global defaults using a [VuFind\RecordDriver\AbstractBase] section. ; ; Within each section, the following settings are supported: ; ; tabs[X] = Y -- This activates a tab, using "X" to identify that tab in the URL, ; and using a service named "Y" loaded from the RecordTab plugin ; manager. The order of tabs entries controls display order. ; defaultTab -- This matches an "X" value from a tabs setting, and controls which ; tab is active by default. If empty, the global default tab setting ; (defaultRecordTab) from config.ini will be used. ; backgroundLoadedTabs[] -- This repeatable setting can be used to identify tabs ; that should be asynchronously loaded in the background to improve ; performance. Use the "X" value from the tabs setting as the id. [VuFind\RecordDriver\EDS] tabs[Description] = Description tabs[TOC] = TOC tabs[UserComments] = UserComments tabs[Reviews] = Reviews tabs[Excerpt] = Excerpt tabs[Preview] = preview tabs[Details] = StaffViewArray defaultTab = null [VuFind\RecordDriver\Pazpar2] tabs[Details] = StaffViewMARC defaultTab = null [VuFind\RecordDriver\Primo] tabs[Description] = Description tabs[TOC] = TOC tabs[UserComments] = UserComments tabs[Reviews] = Reviews tabs[Excerpt] = Excerpt tabs[Preview] = preview tabs[Details] = StaffViewArray defaultTab = null [VuFind\RecordDriver\SolrAuthDefault] tabs[Details] = StaffViewArray defaultTab = null [VuFind\RecordDriver\SolrAuthMarc] tabs[Details] = StaffViewMARC defaultTab = null [VuFind\RecordDriver\DefaultRecord] tabs[Holdings] = HoldingsILS tabs[Description] = Description tabs[TOC] = TOC tabs[UserComments] = UserComments ; Commented out by default because only useful when simpleContainerLinks = true ; in config.ini: ;tabs[ComponentParts] = ComponentParts tabs[Reviews] = Reviews tabs[Excerpt] = Excerpt tabs[Preview] = preview tabs[HierarchyTree] = HierarchyTree ;tabs[CollectionList] = CollectionList ;tabs[CollectionHierarchyTree] = CollectionHierarchyTree tabs[Map] = Map tabs[Versions] = Versions tabs[Similar] = SimilarItemsCarousel tabs[Details] = StaffViewArray defaultTab = null ;backgroundLoadedTabs[] = UserComments ;backgroundLoadedTabs[] = Details [VuFind\RecordDriver\Search2Default] tabs[Holdings] = HoldingsILS tabs[Description] = Description tabs[TOC] = TOC tabs[UserComments] = UserComments ; Commented out by default because only useful when simpleContainerLinks = true ; in config.ini: ;tabs[ComponentParts] = ComponentParts tabs[Reviews] = Reviews tabs[Excerpt] = Excerpt tabs[Preview] = preview tabs[HierarchyTree] = HierarchyTree ;tabs[Search2CollectionList] = Search2CollectionList ;tabs[CollectionHierarchyTree] = CollectionHierarchyTree tabs[Map] = Map tabs[Versions] = Versions tabs[Similar] = SimilarItemsCarousel tabs[Details] = StaffViewArray defaultTab = null ;backgroundLoadedTabs[] = UserComments ;backgroundLoadedTabs[] = Details [VuFind\RecordDriver\SolrMarc] tabs[Holdings] = HoldingsILS tabs[Description] = Description tabs[TOC] = TOC tabs[UserComments] = UserComments ; Commented out by default because only useful when simpleContainerLinks = true ; in config.ini: ;tabs[ComponentParts] = ComponentParts tabs[Reviews] = Reviews tabs[Excerpt] = Excerpt tabs[Preview] = preview tabs[HierarchyTree] = HierarchyTree tabs[Map] = Map tabs[Versions] = Versions tabs[Similar] = SimilarItemsCarousel tabs[Details] = StaffViewMARC defaultTab = null [VuFind\RecordDriver\SolrOverdrive] tabs[Holdings] = OverdriveHoldings tabs[Description] = Description tabs[Formats] = Formats tabs[UserComments] = UserComments tabs[Reviews] = Reviews tabs[Excerpt] = Excerpt tabs[Preview] = preview tabs[HierarchyTree] = HierarchyTree tabs[Versions] = Versions tabs[Similar] = SimilarItemsCarousel tabs[Details] = StaffViewOverdrive defaultTab = null [VuFind\RecordDriver\Summon] tabs[Description] = Description tabs[TOC] = TOC tabs[UserComments] = UserComments tabs[Reviews] = Reviews tabs[Excerpt] = Excerpt tabs[Preview] = preview tabs[Details] = StaffViewArray defaultTab = null [VuFind\RecordDriver\WorldCat] tabs[Holdings] = HoldingsWorldCat tabs[Description] = Description tabs[TOC] = TOC tabs[UserComments] = UserComments tabs[Reviews] = Reviews tabs[Excerpt] = Excerpt tabs[Details] = StaffViewMARC defaultTab = null ; TabScripts is a special section that defines any extra scripts that may be required ; by a tab. Settings are named by the tab name (X above) and may be repeated if ; multiple scripts are required. [TabScripts] Versions[] = combined-search.js Versions[] = check_item_statuses.js Versions[] = record_versions.js