; This configuration file can be used to set up a secondary Solr index that behaves ; similarly to VuFind's default search. This instance is accessible under /Search2 ; URLs within VuFind. ; ; This can be used in combination with Combined Search (see Combined.ini) to create ; a tabbed interface searching multiple indexes. It can also be useful for pulling ; in results from an external/third-party index. ; ; Most of the settings found in searches.ini and facets.ini can be dropped into ; this file and will behave the same way. Some selected settings from config.ini ; that apply only to the main Solr index are also overridden here. To ease ; maintenance of documentation, comments from those files are not duplicated here. ; See those files for more details of how all settings work. Look for section ; marker comments within this file to see where groups of settings come from. ; ---------- config.ini settings ---------- [Index] url = http://localhost:8983/solr default_core = biblio maxBooleanClauses = 1024 timeout = 30 default_dismax_handler = dismax [Spelling] enabled = true limit = 3 phrase = false expand = true simple = false skip_numeric = true [Record] next_prev_navigation = false related[] = Similar ; ---------- searches.ini settings ---------- [General] default_handler = AllFields default_sort = relevance default_view = list default_limit = 20 ;limit_options = 10,20,40,60,80,100 case_sensitive_bools = true case_sensitive_ranges = true default_top_recommend[] = TopFacets:ResultsTop:Search2 default_top_recommend[] = SpellingSuggestions ;default_top_recommend[] = VisualFacets:Visual_Settings default_side_recommend[] = SideFacets:Results:CheckboxFacets:Search2 ;default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchTab default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchType default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchQuery:::fuzzy default_noresults_recommend[] = SpellingSuggestions default_noresults_recommend[] = RemoveFilters highlighting = true ;highlighting_fields = * snippets = true retain_filters_by_default = true always_display_reset_filters = false ;default_filters[] = "format:Book" ;default_filters[] = "institution:MyInstitution" ;default_filters[] = "(format:Book AND institution:MyInstitution)" ;default_record_fields = "*,score" display_versions = true load_results_with_js = true ;top_paginator = simple [Cache] type = File [Basic_Searches] AllFields = "All Fields" Title = Title ;JournalTitle = "Journal Title" Author = Author Subject = Subject CallNumber = "Call Number" ISN = "ISBN/ISSN" ;Coordinate = Coordinates tag = Tag [Advanced_Searches] AllFields = adv_search_all Title = adv_search_title ;JournalTitle = adv_search_journaltitle Author = adv_search_author Subject = adv_search_subject CallNumber = adv_search_callnumber ISN = adv_search_isn publisher = adv_search_publisher Series = adv_search_series year = adv_search_year toc = adv_search_toc ;Coordinate = Coordinates [Sorting] relevance = sort_relevance year = sort_year year asc = "sort_year asc" callnumber-sort = sort_callnumber ;dewey-sort = sort_callnumber author = sort_author title = sort_title [HiddenSorting] ;pattern[] = .* [DefaultSortingByType] CallNumber = callnumber-sort WorkKeys = year [SideRecommendations] ;Subject[] = SideFacets ;Subject[] = OpenLibrarySubjectsDeferred:lookfor:5:true:topic,place,person,time [TopRecommendations] Author[] = AuthorFacets Author[] = SpellingSuggestions CallNumber[] = "TopFacets:ResultsTop" WorkKeys[] = false [NoResultsRecommendations] CallNumber[] = SwitchQuery::wildcard:truncatechar CallNumber[] = RemoveFilters ;CallNumber[] = AlphaBrowseLink:lcc [RSS] sort = "last_indexed desc" [Autocomplete] enabled = true default_handler = Search2 formatting_rule[*] = "phrase" formatting_rule[tag] = "none" [Autocomplete_Types] Title = "Search2:Title" JournalTitle = "Search2:JournalTitle" Author = "Search2:Author:author,author2" Subject = "Search2:Subject:topic,genre,geographic,era" CallNumber = "Search2CN" ISN = "Search2:ISN:isbn,issn" Coordinate = "None" tag = "Tag" [Snippet_Captions] author2 = "Other Authors" contents = "Table of Contents" topic = "Subjects" container_title = "Journal Title" ;[IndexShards] ;Library Catalog = localhost:8983/solr/biblio ;Website = localhost:8983/solr/website ;[ShardPreferences] ;showCheckboxes = true ;defaultChecked[] = "Library Catalog" ;defaultChecked[] = "Website" [StripFields] ;[Views] ;list = List ;grid = Grid ;visual = Visual [List] view=full [HiddenFilters] ;institution = "MyInstitution" [RawHiddenFilters] ;0 = "format:\"Book\" OR format:\"Journal\"" ;1 = "language:\"English\" OR language:\"French\"" [ConditionalHiddenFilters] ;0 = "-conditionalFilter.MyUniversity|format:Book" ;1 = "conditionalFilter.MyUniversity|format:Article" [Records] ;deduplication = true ;sources = alli,testsrc [MoreLikeThis] ;useMoreLikeThisHandler = true ;params = "qf=title,title_short,callnumber-label,topic,language,author,publishDate mintf=1 mindf=1"; ;count = 5 [HomePage] ;content[] = IlsStatusMonitor content[] = FacetList:Search2 [API] ;recordAccessPermission = access.api.Record ;searchAccessPermission = access.api.Search ;maxLimit = 100 [SearchCache] ;adapter = Memcached ;options[servers] = "localhost:11211,otherhost:11211" ;options[ttl] = 300 ;options[cache_dir] = "/tmp/search-cache" [Explain] ;enabled = true ;minPercent = 0 ;maxFields = -1 ;decimalPlaces = 2 ; ---------- facets.ini settings ---------- [Results] institution = Institution building = Library format = Format callnumber-first = "Call Number" ;dewey-hundreds = "Call Number" ;hierarchy_top_title = Collections author_facet = Author language = Language genre_facet = Genre era_facet = Era geographic_facet = Region publishDate = "adv_search_year" [ResultsTop] topic_facet = "Suggested Topics" [FacetLabels] labelSections[] = Advanced_Facets labelSections[] = HomePage_Facets labelSections[] = ResultsTop labelSections[] = Results labelSections[] = ExtraFacetLabels checkboxSections[] = CheckboxFacets [ExtraFacetLabels] long_lat = "Geographic Search" [SpecialFacets] dateRange[] = publishDate ;fullDateRange[] = example_field_date ;numericRange[] = example_field_str ;genericRange[] = example_field_str ;hierarchical[] = building ;hierarchicalFacetSortOptions[building] = top ;hierarchicalFacetDisplayStyles[format] = full ;hierarchicalFacetSeparators[format] = " > " [CheckboxFacets] ;edition:1st* = "First Edition" [Results_Settings] facet_limit = 30 showMore[*] = 6 showMoreInLightbox[*] = more ;lightboxLimit = 50 top_rows = 2 ;exclude = * ;orFacets = * ;collapsedFacets = * ;sorted_by_index[] = building; ;sorted_by_index[] = institution; [Advanced_Facets] callnumber-first = "Call Number" language = Language format = Format ;hierarchy_top_title = Collections [Advanced_Settings] facet_limit = 100 orFacets = * delimiter = "{{{_:::_}}}" special_facets = "illustrated,daterange" ;translated_facets[] = institution ;translated_facets[] = building translated_facets[] = format translated_facets[] = callnumber-first:CallNumberFirst ;delimited_facets[] = author_id_str ;delimited_facets[] = "author_id_str|:::" [HomePage_Facets] callnumber-first = "Call Number" language = Language format = Format ;hierarchy_top_title = Collections [HomePage_Facet_Settings] facet_limit = 20 [LegacyFields] [HideFacetValue] ;format[] = "Book"