# Key is the field name that can be requested. It has the following subkeys: # - vufind.method: name to call (either in the SearchApiController class or the record driver) # - vufind.default: true if the field is displayed by default when the request does not specify fields # - OpenAPI 3 specification fields describing the returned data. # # See https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.0.3 for information on the format. # accessRestrictions: vufind.method: getAccessRestrictions description: Access restriction notes type: array items: type: string authors: vufind.method: getDeduplicatedAuthors vufind.default: true $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authors' awards: vufind.method: getAwards description: Award notes type: array items: type: string bibliographicLevel: vufind.method: getBibliographicLevel description: Bibliographic level type: string enum: - Monograph - Serial - MonographPart - SerialPart - Collection - CollectionPart - Unknown bibliographyNotes: vufind.method: getBibliographyNotes description: Bibliography notes type: array items: type: string buildings: vufind.method: getBuildings description: Buildings where the record is held type: array items: type: string callNumbers: vufind.method: getCallNumbers description: Call numbers type: array items: type: string childRecordCount: vufind.method: getChildRecordCount description: Number of child records type: integer cleanDoi: vufind.method: getCleanDOI description: First valid DOI type: string cleanIsbn: vufind.method: getCleanISBN description: First valid ISBN favoring ISBN-10 over ISBN-13 when possible type: string cleanIssn: vufind.method: getCleanISSN description: Base portion of the first listed ISSN type: string cleanOclcNumber: vufind.method: getCleanOCLCNum description: First OCLC number type: string containerEndPage: vufind.method: getContainerEndPage description: End page in the containing item type: string containerIssue: vufind.method: getContainerIssue description: Issue number of the containing item type: string containerReference: vufind.method: getContainerReference description: Reference to the containing item type: string containerStartPage: vufind.method: getContainerStartPage description: Start page in the containing item type: string containerTitle: vufind.method: getContainerTitle description: Title of the containing item type: string containerVolume: vufind.method: getContainerVolume description: Volume of the containing item type: string corporateAuthors: vufind.method: getCorporateAuthors description: Main corporate authors type: array items: type: string dedupIds: vufind.method: "Formatter::getDedupIds" description: IDs of all records deduplicated with the current record type: array items: type: string edition: vufind.method: getEdition description: Edition type: string findingAids: vufind.method: getFindingAids description: Finding aids type: array items: type: string formats: vufind.method: getFormats vufind.default: true description: Formats type: array items: type: string fullRecord: vufind.method: "Formatter::getFullRecord" description: Full metadata record (typically XML) type: string generalNotes: vufind.method: getGeneralNotes description: General notes type: array items: type: string geoLocations: vufind.method: getGeoLocation description: Geographic locations (e.g. points, bounding boxes) type: array items: type: string hierarchicalPlaceNames: vufind.method: getHierarchicalPlaceNames description: Hierarchical place names concatenated for display type: array items: type: string hierarchyParentId: vufind.method: getHierarchyParentId description: Parent record IDs for hierarchical records type: array items: type: string hierarchyParentTitle: vufind.method: getHierarchyParentTitle description: Parent record titles for hierarchical records type: array items: type: string hierarchyTopId: vufind.method: getHierarchyTopId description: Hierarchy top record IDs for hierarchical records type: array items: type: string hierarchyTopTitle: vufind.method: getHierarchyTopTitle description: Hierarchy top record titles for hierarchical records type: array items: type: string humanReadablePublicationDates: vufind.method: getHumanReadablePublicationDates description: Publication dates in human-readable format type: array items: type: string id: vufind.method: getUniqueID vufind.default: true description: Record unique ID (can be used in the record endpoint) type: string institutions: vufind.method: getInstitutions description: Institutions the record belongs to type: array items: type: string isbns: vufind.method: getISBNs description: ISBNs type: array items: type: string isCollection: vufind.method: isCollection description: Whether the record is a collection node in a hierarchy type: boolean issns: vufind.method: getISSNs description: ISSNs type: array items: type: string languages: vufind.method: getLanguages vufind.default: true description: Languages type: array items: type: string lccn: vufind.method: getLCCN description: LCCNs type: array items: type: string newerTitles: vufind.method: getNewerTitles description: Successor titles type: array items: type: string oclc: vufind.method: getOCLC description: OCLC numbers type: array items: type: string openUrl: vufind.method: getOpenUrl description: OpenURL type: string physicalDescriptions: vufind.method: getPhysicalDescriptions description: Physical dimensions etc. type: array items: type: string placesOfPublication: vufind.method: getPlacesOfPublication description: Places of publication type: array items: type: string playingTimes: vufind.method: getPlayingTimes description: Playing times (durations) type: array items: type: string previousTitles: vufind.method: getPreviousTitles description: Predecessor titles type: array items: type: string primaryAuthors: vufind.method: getPrimaryAuthors description: Primary authors type: array items: type: string productionCredits: vufind.method: getProductionCredits description: Production credits type: array items: type: string publicationDates: vufind.method: getPublicationDates description: Publication dates type: array items: type: string publishers: vufind.method: getPublishers description: Publishers type: array items: type: string rawData: vufind.method: "Formatter::getRawData" description: All data in the index fields type: string recordLinks: vufind.method: getAllRecordLinks description: Links to other related records type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RecordLink' recordPage: vufind.method: "Formatter::getRecordPage" description: Link to the record page in the UI type: string relationshipNotes: vufind.method: getRelationshipNotes description: Notes describing relationships to other items type: array items: type: string secondaryAuthors: vufind.method: getSecondaryAuthors description: Secondary authors type: array items: type: string series: vufind.method: getSeries vufind.default: true description: Series type: array items: type: string shortTitle: vufind.method: getShortTitle description: Short title (title excluding any subtitle) type: string subjects: vufind.method: getAllSubjectHeadings vufind.default: true description: > Subject headings as an array from the least specific to the most specific type: array items: type: array items: type: string subjectsExtended: vufind.method: "Formatter::getExtendedSubjectHeadings" description: Subject headings with type and source information type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Subject' subTitle: vufind.method: getSubTitle description: Subtitle type: string summary: vufind.method: getSummary description: Summary type: array items: type: string systemDetails: vufind.method: getSystemDetails description: Technical details on the represented item type: array items: type: string targetAudienceNotes: vufind.method: getTargetAudienceNotes description: Notes about the target audience type: array items: type: string title: vufind.method: getTitle vufind.default: true description: Title including any subtitle type: string titleSection: vufind.method: getTitleSection description: Part/section portion of the title type: string titleStatement: vufind.method: getTitleStatement description: Statement of responsibility that goes with the title type: string toc: vufind.method: getTOC description: Table of contents type: array items: type: string urls: vufind.method: "Formatter::getURLs" vufind.default: true description: URLs contained in the record type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Url'