[Catalog] ; An optional catalog id that is used in the translation string when translating ; location names and opac messages. E.g. setting the id to "sierra" would make the ; translation key for location code h01a "location_sierra_h01a" while leaving it ; commented out would use "location_h01a". Translation is optional, and if a ; translation for the location code cannot be found, the location name from Sierra ; is used. ;id = "sierra" ; URL of the Sierra API without the version (such as /v3) host = "https://sandbox.iii.com/iii/sierra-api" ; Sierra API client key client_key = "something" ; Sierra API client secret client_secret = "very_secret" ; Sierra API version available. Functionality requiring a specific minimum version: ; 5 (default): ; - last pickup date for holds ; 5.1 (technically still v5 but added in a later revision): ; - summary holdings information (especially for serials) ; 6 ; - patron authentication with global patron data access using a method other ; than "native" ; Innovative recommends using the latest available API version for best performance, ; but please note that any backward-incompatible changes in the API may require code ; adjustments. ;api_version = 6 ; Statistic group to use e.g. when renewing loans or placing holds (requires Sierra ; 6.0 or later and API version set to 6 or later above): ;statgroup = 123 ; Timeout for HTTP requests http_timeout = 30 ; Redirect URL entered in Sierra for patron-specific authentication (does not ; need to be a properly working url since the login process is handled completely in ; the driver without user interaction). Leave commented out when using an API key ; with global patron data access. ;redirect_uri = "http://localhost/vufind/MyResearch/SierraAuth" ; Set this to true if you are indexing your records with the full .bXXXXXXY bib ID; ; set it to false (the default value) if you are only indexing the numeric ID without ; the .b prefix or checksum suffix. use_prefixed_ids = false ; Number of retries in case an API request fails with a retryable error. ; Default is 2. Set to 0 to disable retries. ;http_retries = 2 ; Translation prefix to use for messages coming from Sierra. By default a prefix is ; not used, but a prefix may be used to distinguish the codes from any other ; translations (or other libraries). You can use a simple prefix in the default ; domain (e.g. "sierra_") or a custom text domain (e.g. "ILSMessages::"). ;translationPrefix = "ILSMessages::" [Authentication] ; When using patron-specific data access, different values may be used as the ; username and password when the user logs in via CAS, depending on how Sierra is ; configured. This section defines which POST fields are populated with the ; cat_username and cat_password values stored in VuFind. Legal values are "code" ; (user code -- possibly barcode or unique ID), "name" (user's full name) and "pin" ; (user-defined PIN number). ; N.B. username_field and password_field have no effect when global patron data is ; used (redirect_uri above is not set). username_field = "code" password_field = "pin" ; Authentication method to use with global patron data access. Default is "native". ; "ldap" is supported for REST API v6 and later (see api_version above). ; IMPORTANT: when using "native" authentication, the driver assumes by default that ; users have PINs, and that the cat_password field contains the user's PIN. In some ; Sierra configurations, PINs may not be validated, which may result in reduced ; system security. Be sure to test the driver by entering incorrect PINs to confirm ; that actual validation is being performed. If PINs do not work, see the ; patron_validation_field below for an alternate approach. ;method = "native" ; Sierra varField used to lookup a patron when password is not verified (e.g. ; cat_username gets populated from institutional login). Default is "b" for barcode. ; "u" could be used for uniqueId depending on Sierra configuration. ;patron_lookup_field = "b" ; For Sierra systems that do not support PINs, you can activate the setting below to ; use a different type of cat_password value to confirm user identities. This is most ; useful when populating your cat_username/cat_password values automatically through ; an institutional login. Legal values are "name" (the user's full name) or "email" ; (the user's email address). "email" is strongly preferred since it is more likely ; to be a unique identifier. When patron_validation_field is activated, PIN checks ; will be disabled. The patron_validation_field setting is disabled by default. ;patron_validation_field = "email" ; This section is used to define library codes and named values which are used by the ; system to indicate the location at which a hold is to be collected. Sierra REST API ; only supports retrieval of pickup locations starting at v4, so filling this section ; is mandatory for holds to work if only an older API version is available. ;[pickUpLocations] ;m01 = "Main Library" ;m02 = "Branch Library" ; This section controls hold behavior; note that you must also ensure that Holds are ; enabled in the [Catalog] section of config.ini in order to take advantage of these ; settings. Additional notes about some of these settings are available in the wiki: ; https://vufind.org/wiki/configuration:ils:holds [Holds] ; HMACKeys - A list of hold form element names that will be analyzed for consistency ; during hold form processing. Most users should not need to change this setting. HMACKeys = item_id:holdtype:level ; defaultRequiredDate - A colon-separated list used to set the default "not required ; after" date for holds in the format days:months:years ; e.g. 0:1:0 will set a "not required after" date of 1 month from the current date ; Set to empty for no default. defaultRequiredDate = 0:1:0 ; extraHoldFields - A colon-separated list used to display extra visible fields in ; the place holds form. Supported values are "requiredByDate", ; "requiredByDateOptional", "pickUpLocation" and ; "comments". Comments are only supported with Sierra API v4 onwards. extraHoldFields = requiredByDate:pickUpLocation:comments ; A Pick Up Location Code used to pre-select the pick up location drop down list and ; provide a default option if others are not available. Must be one of the following: ; 1) empty string to indicate that the first location is default (default setting) ; 2) "user-selected" to indicate that the user always has to choose the location ; 3) a value within the Location IDs returned by getPickUpLocations() defaultPickUpLocation = "" ; By default item holds are enabled. Uncomment this setting to disable item holds. ;enableItemHolds = false ; If a colon separated list of item statuses is provided here, only matching items ; will show hold links. Skip this setting to allow all statuses. ; Note that mapped status strings are used here (see the [ItemStatusMappings] for ; more information). ;valid_hold_statuses = 'On Shelf:Charged' ; A colon separated list of item codes (ICODE2 in Sierra) that disable item level ; holds. item_hold_excluded_item_codes = "e" ; A colon separated list of item types (I TYPE in Sierra) that disable item level ; holds. ;item_hold_excluded_item_types = "215:251" ; A colon separated list of bib levels that enable item level holds. If not defined, ; negation of title_hold_bib_levels is used instead (i.e. if item matches ; title_hold_bib_levels, item hold is disabled). ;item_hold_bib_levels = "a:b:m:d" ; A colon separated list of bib levels that enable title level holds. title_hold_bib_levels = "a:b:m:d" ; If a colon separated list of rules is provided here, title level hold is only ; displayed for records matching any of the rules. ; Valid rules are: ; item The title must have at least one item matching the following ; settings: ; title_hold_valid_item_statuses ; title_hold_excluded_item_codes ; title_hold_excluded_item_types ; order The title must have at least one active order (order record with ; "ON ORDER" status) ;title_hold_rules = "item:order" ; If a colon separated list of item statuses is provided here, only matching items ; will count when the title_hold_rules setting contains "item". Skip this setting to ; allow statuses listed in the valid_hold_statuses setting. ; Note that mapped status strings are used here (see the [ItemStatusMappings] for ; more information). ;title_hold_valid_hold_statuses = 'On Shelf:Charged' ; A colon separated list of item codes (ICODE2 in Sierra) that cause an item to be ; ignored when the title_hold_rules setting contains "item". title_hold_excluded_item_codes = "e" ; A colon separated list of item types (I TYPE in Sierra) that cause an item to be ; ignored when the title_hold_rules setting contains "item". ;title_hold_excluded_item_types = "215:251" ; Fields that can be updated for holds (unless the hold is already in transit or ; available for pickup). Supported values are "frozen" and "pickUpLocation". ;updateFields = frozen:pickUpLocation ; If frozen is included in updateFields above, whether to check up front if the hold ; can be frozen. This check should only be enabled with Sierra 5.6 or later since it ; is known to be very slow in prior versions. Default is false. ;checkFreezability = false ; Optional help texts that can be displayed on the hold form. Displayed as is; ; HTML tags can be used, and everything needs to be properly escaped. ;helpText[*] = "Default help text used if not overridden." ;helpText[en-gb] = "Help text for British English localization." ; Optional help texts that can be displayed on the hold update form. Displayed as is; ; HTML tags can be used, and everything needs to be properly escaped. ;updateHelpText[*] = "Hold update default help text used if not overridden." ;updateHelpText[en-gb] = "Hold update help text for British English localization." ; By default a request can only be canceled if the item is not available for pickup. ; Uncomment this to enable canceling of available requests. ;allowCancelingAvailableRequests = true ; This section allows modification of the default mapping from item status codes to ; VuFind item statuses. Defaults are listed below. [ItemStatusMappings] ;! = "On Holdshelf" ;t = "In Transit" ;o = "On Reference Desk" ;k = "In Repair" ;m = "Missing" ;n = "Long Overdue" ;$ = "Lost--Library Applied" ;p = "" ;z = "Claims Returned" ;s = "On Search" ;d = "In Process" ;- = "On Shelf" ; These are special cases -- not official Sierra codes, but a VuFind-specific way ; of defining the "checked out" and "ordered" message texts: ;Charged = "Charged" ;Ordered = "Ordered" ; This section allows mapping of patron block codes to VuFind translation strings [PatronBlockMappings] ;a = patron_status_address_missing ;b = patron_status_card_blocked ; This section allows modification of the default mapping from Sierra fine types to ; VuFind fine types. By default fine types are displayed as is. Examples are listed ; below. [FineTypeMappings] ;Manual = "" ;Overdue Renewal = "Overdue" ; Uncomment the following lines to enable password (PIN) change ;[changePassword] ; PIN change parameters. The default limits are taken from the interface documentation. ;minLength = 4 ;maxLength = 4 ; See the password_pattern/password_hint settings in the [Authentication] section ; of config.ini for notes on these settings. When set here, these will override the ; config.ini defaults when Sierra is used for authentication. ;pattern = "numeric" ;hint = "Your optional custom hint can go here." [TransactionHistory] ; By default the loan history is disabled. Uncomment the following line to enable it. ;enabled = true ; By default selective purging of loan history is enabled. Uncomment the following ; line to disable it: ;purgeSelected = false ; By default purging of all loan history is enabled. Uncomment the following line ; to disable it: ;purgeAll = false [CallNumber] ; By default, the driver will only look in the item record for a call number; if your ; institution relies on bib-level call numbers, uncomment this setting and indicate ; which bib fields to use when the item-level call number is not populated. ;bib_fields = 099ab:090ab:050ab ; Both MARC field+subfields and Sierra field tags may be used to specify which fields ; are included as textual information from holdings records. Note that Sierra does ; not use MARC tags for all holdings information, and e.g. 'h' may cover several ; fields of which only some are mapped to MARC fields. [Holdings] ; Holdings fields to include in notes. Default is none. ;notes = "n" ; Holdings fields to include in summary. Default is "h". ;summary = "863abiz:866az:h" ; Holdings fields to include in supplements. Default is none. ;supplements = "867az" ; Holdings fields to include in indexes. Default is none. ;indexes = "868az" ; Whether to sort items by enum/chron (v field) instead of order they are returned ; from Sierra. Default is true. ;sort_by_enum_chron = false ; Whether to retrieve and display orders (default is false): ;display_orders = false ; Whether to check holdings records in search results (default is true): ;check_holdings_in_results = true ; This section can be configured to allow display of held and checked out items from ; INN-Reach systems [InnReach] ; Toggle enabled to true to turn on InnReach Integration enabled = false ; In order to get title information from INN-Reach we need to connect to Sierra DNA ; This requires the PostgreSQL extension to be enabled in PHP sierra_db = "postgresql://[DNA URL]:[DNA Port]/[DNA Database]?user=[DNA User]&password=[DNA password]&sslmode=prefer" ; This character probably doesn't need to be changed. Records from InnReach contain an ; @ symbol in them for most systems identifier = "@"