[Catalog] ; Base URL for the XC NCIP Toolkit's NCIP responder: url = http://myuniversity.edu:8080/ncipv2/NCIPResponder ; Your library's Agency ID (ILSDefaultAgency setting in driver_config.properties): agency = "My University" ; Agency associated with your VuFind instance ;fromAgency = 'My discovery portal' ; Pickup location definitions: Could be loaded from CSV file or from NCIP responder. ; If the target system does not support location, you could leave both settings ; commented out. In other case you will need to set one of two settings below. ; ; Format: [agency],[locationID],[locationDisplay] ; ; e.g., ; (for consortium=false) ; My University,1,Main Circulation Desk ; My University,2,Stacks ; ; e.g., ; (for consortium=true) ; Agency1,1,Agency1 - Main Circulation Desk ; Agency1,2,Agency1 - Stacks ; Agency2,11,Agency2 - Main Circulation Desk ; Agency2,12,Agency2 - Stacks ;pickupLocationsFile = "XCNCIP2_locations.txt" ; If the NCIP responder is able to return pickup locations through the Lookup Agency ; service, you could comment out the pickupLocationsFile and set ; pickLocationFromNCIP to true. Pickup locations will be loaded by NCIP call then. ;pickupLocationsFromNCIP = true ; If you want to disable renewals functionality uncomment line below ;disableRenewals = true ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Consortium settings below: ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Is this a consortium? consortium = false ; If consortium is true, list all valid agencies ;agency[] = "Agency1" ;agency[] = "Agency2" ; Configuration for alternative OAuth2 authentication ;tokenEndpoint = "" ; API client id for OAuth2 authentication ;clientId = "" ; API client secret for OAuth2 authentication ;clientSecret = "" ; If your token endpoint accepts credentials sent through Authorization: Basic ; header instead of more usual POST, you will need to enable this ;tokenBasicAuth = true ; Configuration for HTTP basic authentication ;httpBasicAuth = true ;username = my_user ;password = my_password ; Translation domain to use for codes/strings coming from NCIP responder. Defaults ; to 'ILSMessages' ;translationDomain = "ILSMessages" ; Accepted HTTP status codes other than 2xx, which could be accepted as correct ; response. Some NCIP servers could return some 4xx codes similar to REST API ; (like 404 Not found) altogether with correct XML in response body. ;otherAcceptedHttpStatusCodes[] = "400,404" ; Max number of pages taken from API at once. Sometimes NCIP responders could ; paginate even if we want all data at one time. We then ask for all pages, but it ; could possibly lead to long response times. (Default = 0, meaning no limit). ;maxNumberOfPages = 10 ; Which subelements of Problem element show to user when placing hold fails. ; Possible values are: 'ProblemType', 'ProblemDetail', 'ProblemElement', ; 'ProblemValue' ;holdProblemsDisplay = 'ProblemType,ProblemDetail'; ; Some ItemUseRestrictionType values could be useful as status. This config controls ; which values from ItemRestrictionType should replace the status value in response ; of getHolding method. ;itemUseRestrictionTypesForStatus[] = 'In Library Use Only' ;itemUseRestrictionTypesForStatus[] = 'Not For Loan' ; This section controls hold behavior; note that you must also ensure that Holds are ; enabled in the [Catalog] section of config.ini in order to take advantage of these ; settings. Additional notes about some of these settings are available in the wiki: ; https://vufind.org/wiki/configuration:ils:holds [Holds] ; HMACKeys - A list of hold form element names that will be analyzed for consistency ; during hold form processing. Most users should not need to change this setting. ;HMACKeys = item_id:holdtype:item_agency_id:id:bib_id' ; defaultRequiredDate - A colon-separated list used to set the default "not required ; after" date for holds in the format days:months:years ; e.g. 0:1:0 will set a "not required after" date of 1 month from the current date. ; You may prefix this string with "driver:" to attempt to load a default date from ; the ILS based on internal rules instead of calculating one in VuFind; if the ILS ; call fails, the relative rules will still be used. ; e.g. "driver:0:1:0" tries to get the date from the ILS and uses one month from the ; current date as a fallback. ;defaultRequiredDate = 0:2:0 ; extraHoldFields - A colon-separated list used to display extra visible fields in the ; place holds form. Supported values are "comments", "requiredByDate" and ; "pickUpLocation" ;extraHoldFields = comments:pickUpLocation:requiredByDate ; Optional help texts that can be displayed on the hold form. Displayed as is; ; HTML tags can be used, and everything needs to be properly escaped. ;helpText[*] = "Default help text used if not overridden." ;helpText[en-gb] = "Help text for British English localization." ; This section controls article request behavior. To enable, uncomment (at minimum) ; the HMACKeys and extraFields settings below. [StorageRetrievalRequests] ; Whether to allow article requests on checked out items. Default is false. ;allow_checked_out = true ; HMACKeys - A list of form element names that will be analyzed for consistency ; during form processing. Most users should not need to change this setting. ;HMACKeys = id:item_id:item_agency_id:id:bib_id ; defaultRequiredDate - A colon-separated list used to set the default "not required ; after" date for holds in the format days:months:years ; e.g. 0:1:0 will set a "not required after" date of 1 month from the current date. ; You may prefix this string with "driver:" to attempt to load a default date from ; the ILS based on internal rules instead of calculating one in VuFind; if the ILS ; call fails, the relative rules will still be used. ; e.g. "driver:0:1:0" tries to get the date from the ILS and uses one month from the ; current date as a fallback. ;defaultRequiredDate = 0:2:0 ; extraFields - A colon-separated list used to display extra visible fields in the ; place request form. Supported values are "comments", "pickUpLocation", ; "item-issue" and "acceptTerms" ;extraFields = comments:pickUpLocation:requiredByDate:item-issue ; Optional help texts that can be displayed on the request form. Displayed as is; ; HTML tags can be used, and everything needs to be properly escaped. ;helpText[*] = "Help text for all languages." ;helpText[en-gb] = "Help text for British English localization."