; This file controls the assignment of roles during indexing; see ; import/marc.properties and import/index_scripts/author.bsh for details. [AuthorRoles] ; Default relator terms taken from https://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relaterm.html firstAuthorRoles = adp,aut,cmp,cre,dub,inv secondAuthorRoles = act,anm,ann,arr,acp,ar,ard,aft,aud,aui,aus,bjd,bpd,cll,ctg,chr,cng,clb,clr,cmm,cwt,com,cpl,cpt,cpe,ccp,cnd,cos,cot,coe,cts,ctt,cte,ctb,crp,cst,cov,cur,dnc,dtc,dto,dfd,dft,dfe,dln,dpc,dsr,drt,dis,drm,edt,elt,egr,etr,fac,fld,flm,frg,ilu,ill,ins,itr,ivr,ldr,lsa,led,lil,lit,lie,lel,let,lee,lbt,lgd,ltg,lyr,mrb,mte,msd,mus,nrt,opn,org,pta,pth,prf,pht,ptf,ptt,pte,prt,pop,prm,pro,pmn,prd,prg,pdr,pbd,ppt,ren,rpt,rth,rtm,res,rsp,rst,rse,rpy,rsg,rev,rbr,sce,sad,scr,scl,spy,std,sng,sds,spk,stm,str,stl,sht,ths,trl,tyd,tyg,vdg,voc,wde,wdc,wam nonCreativeRoles = anl,app,arc,asg,asn,att,auc,aqt,ant,bnd,bdd,blw,bkd,bkp,bsl,cns,cli,col,clt,cmt,con,csl,csp,ctr,cpc,cph,crr,dtm,dte,dgg,dpt,dbp,dst,dnr,elg,eng,evp,exp,fpy,fmo,fnd,gis,hnr,hst,ive,lbr,len,lse,lso,mfp,mfr,mrk,mdc,mod,mon,mcp,orm,oth,own,ppm,pat,pma,plt,prc,prp,pfr,pup,pbl,rcp,rce,red,rps,sec,sgn,spn,stn,srv,tch,tcd,trc,uvp,wit ; Sometimes relator codes are represented as part of a full URI; this section ; specifies URI prefixes that should be stripped off of the fronts of codes. [RelatorPrefixesToStrip] 0 = "https://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/" 1 = "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/" ; When extracting roles, it may also be necessary to adjust punctuation on the ; corresponding names. The following three sections contain settings related to ; punctuation stripping. ; This is a list of regular expression patterns to remove from names. These will ; be applied in the order provided. In addition to the patterns specified here, ; trailing periods will always be stripped (subject to abbreviation rules below). [PunctuationRegExToStrip] 0 = "[\\s/:;,=(\\[]*$" 1 = "\\. -\\.?$" ; This is a list of pairs of characters, where the second character should be ; trimmed from the end of the string if the first character does not exist earlier ; in the string: [PunctuationMatchedChars] 0 = "()" 1 = "[]" ; This is a list of abbreviations that, if followed by a period, should NOT be ; modified at the end of the name string. Note that single-letter abbreviations ; will retain their periods regardless of what else is configured here. All ; abbreviations should be entered in lowercase for normalized matching to work. [PunctuationUntrimmedAbbreviations] 0 = "col." 1 = "mr." 2 = "mrs." 3 = "ms." ; Relator terms from German cataloging guideline RAK - add these to the comma separated ; lists above, if needed. ;firstAuthorRoles = bearbeiter,bearb,komponist,komp,urheber,verfasser,verf ;secondAuthorRoles = herausgeber,hg,hrsg,illustrator,ill,mitarbeiter,mitarb,übersetzer,übers ;nonCreativeRoles = begründer,begr,redakteur,red ; This section maps codes used in the [AuthorRoles] lists to fuller forms. You may ; use pipe characters (|) to separate multiple synonyms for the same code. Synonyms ; serve several important purposes: ; ; 1. They allow the [AuthorRoles] lists to be shorter and more readable. When ; evaluating the lists, these synonyms will always be taken into account. ; ; 2. By default, the synonym list will be used to map alternate forms to standard ; codes during index time to allow standardized display and translation. Note that ; synonyms on the right side of the equal sign will be matched in a case-insensitive, ; punctuation-independent way. However, when values are mapped to codes, the values ; on the left side of the equal sign will be stored in the Solr index exactly as ; presented here, case and all. This allows fuzzy matching to catch the most matches ; while yielding a very precise code for exact translation lookup. IMPORTANT: If you ; wish to index raw, unnormalized values instead, the indexing configuration can be ; adjusted to disable this mapping behavior; see $VUFIND_HOME/import/marc.properties ; for more details. ; ; 3. For the purposes of identifying "unknown relators," all keys and values in this ; list are examined. Any relator term not found anywhere in this section is ; considered "unknown" and treated accordingly. [RelatorSynonyms] abr = "Abridger" acp = "Art copyist" act = "Actor" adi = "Art director" adp = "Adapter" aft = "Author of afterword, colophon, etc." anl = "Analyst" anm = "Animator" ann = "Annotator" ant = "Bibliographic antecedent" ape = "Appellee" apl = "Appellant" app = "Applicant" aqt = "Author in quotations or text abstracts" arc = "Architect" ard = "Artistic director" arr = "Arranger" art = "Artist" asg = "Assignee" asn = "Associated name" ato = "Autographer" att = "Attributed name" auc = "Auctioneer" aud = "Author of dialog" aui = "Author of introduction, etc." aus = "Screenwriter" aut = "Author" bdd = "Binding designer" bjd = "Bookjacket designer" bkd = "Book designer" bkp = "Book producer" blw = "Blurb writer" bnd = "Binder" bpd = "Bookplate designer" brd = "Broadcaster" brl = "Braille embosser" bsl = "Bookseller" cas = "Caster" ccp = "Conceptor" chr = "Choreographer" clb = "Collaborator" cli = "Client" cll = "Calligrapher" clr = "Colorist" clt = "Collotyper" cmm = "Commentator" cmp = "Composer" cmt = "Compositor" cnd = "Conductor" cng = "Cinematographer" cns = "Censor" coe = "Contestant-appellee" col = "Collector" com = "Compiler" con = "Conservator" cor = "Collection registrar" cos = "Contestant" cot = "Contestant-appellant" cou = "Court governed" cov = "Cover designer" cpc = "Copyright claimant" cpe = "Complainant-appellee" cph = "Copyright holder" cpl = "Complainant" cpt = "Complainant-appellant" cre = "Creator" crp = "Correspondent" crr = "Corrector" crt = "Court reporter" csl = "Consultant" csp = "Consultant to a project" cst = "Costume designer" ctb = "Contributor" cte = "Contestee-appellee" ctg = "Cartographer" ctr = "Contractor" cts = "Contestee" ctt = "Contestee-appellant" cur = "Curator" cwt = "Commentator for written text" dbp = "Distribution place" dfd = "Defendant" dfe = "Defendant-appellee" dft = "Defendant-appellant" dgg = "Degree granting institution" dgs = "Degree supervisor" dir = "Conductor" dis = "Dissertant" dln = "Delineator" dnc = "Dancer" dnr = "Donor" dpc = "Depicted" dpt = "Depositor" drm = "Draftsman" drt = "Director" dsr = "Designer" dst = "Distributor" dtc = "Data contributor" dte = "Dedicatee" dtm = "Data manager" dto = "Dedicator" dub = "Dubious author" edc = "Editor of compilation" edm = "Editor of moving image work" edt = "Editor" egr = "Engraver" elg = "Electrician" elt = "Electrotyper" eng = "Engineer" enj = "Enacting jurisdiction" etr = "Etcher" evp = "Event place" exp = "Expert" fac = "Facsimilist" fds = "Film distributor" fld = "Field director" flm = "Film editor" fmd = "Film director" fmk = "Filmmaker" fmo = "Former owner" fmp = "Film producer" fnd = "Funder" fpy = "First party" frg = "Forger" gis = "Geographic information specialist" grt = "Graphic technician" his = "Host institution" hnr = "Honoree" hst = "Host" Ill = "Illustrator" ill = "Illustrator" ilu = "Illuminator" ins = "Inscriber" inv = "Inventor" isb = "Issuing body" itr = "Instrumentalist" ive = "Interviewee" ivr = "Interviewer" jud = "Judge" jug = "Jurisdiction governed" kad = "Cadential author" lbr = "Laboratory" lbt = "Librettist" ldr = "Laboratory director" led = "Lead" lee = "Libelee-appellee" lel = "Libelee" len = "Lender" let = "Libelee-appellant" lgd = "Lighting designer" lie = "Libelant-appellee" lil = "Libelant" lit = "Libelant-appellant" lsa = "Landscape architect" lse = "Licensee" lso = "Licensor" ltg = "Lithographer" lyr = "Lyricist" mcp = "Music copyist" mdc = "Metadata contact" med = "Medium" mfp = "Manufacture place" mfr = "Manufacturer" mod = "Moderator" mon = "Monitor" mrb = "Marbler" mrk = "Markup editor" msd = "Musical director" mte = "Metal-engraver" mtk = "Minute taker" mus = "Musician" nrt = "Narrator" opn = "Opponent" org = "Originator" orm = "Organizer" osp = "Onscreen presenter" oth = "Other" own = "Owner" pan = "Panelist" pat = "Patron" pbd = "Publishing director" pbl = "Publisher" pdr = "Project director" pfr = "Proofreader" pht = "Photographer" plt = "Platemaker" pma = "Permitting agency" pmn = "Production manager" pop = "Printer of plates" ppm = "Papermaker" ppt = "Puppeteer" pra = "Praeses" prc = "Process contact" prd = "Production personnel" pre = "Presenter" prf = "Performer" prg = "Programmer" prm = "Printmaker" prn = "Production company" pro = "Producer" prp = "Production place" prs = "Production designer" prt = "Printer" prv = "Provider" pta = "Patent applicant" pte = "Plaintiff-appellee" ptf = "Plaintiff" pth = "Patent holder" ptt = "Plaintiff-appellant" pup = "Publication place" rbr = "Rubricator" rcd = "Recordist" rce = "Recording engineer" rcp = "Addressee" rdd = "Radio director" red = "Redactor" ren = "Renderer" res = "Researcher" rev = "Reviewer" rpc = "Radio producer" rps = "Repository" rpt = "Reporter" rpy = "Responsible party" rse = "Respondent-appellee" rsg = "Restager" rsp = "Respondent" rsr = "Restorationist" rst = "Respondent-appellant" rth = "Research team head" rtm = "Research team member" sad = "Scientific advisor" sce = "Scenarist" scl = "Sculptor" scr = "Scribe" sds = "Sound designer" sec = "Secretary" sgd = "Stage director" sgn = "Signer" sht = "Supporting host" sll = "Seller" sng = "Singer" spk = "Speaker" spn = "Sponsor" spy = "Second party" srv = "Surveyor" std = "Set designer" stg = "Setting" stl = "Storyteller" stm = "Stage manager" stn = "Standards body" str = "Stereotyper" tcd = "Technical director" tch = "Teacher" ths = "Thesis advisor" tld = "Television director" tlp = "Television producer" trc = "Transcriber" trl = "Translator" tyd = "Type designer" tyg = "Typographer" uvp = "University place" vac = "Voice actor" vdg = "Videographer" voc = "Vocalist" wac = "Writer of added commentary" wal = "Writer of added lyrics" wam = "Writer of accompanying material" wat = "Writer of added text" wdc = "Woodcutter" wde = "Wood engraver" win = "Writer of introduction" wit = "Witness" wpr = "Writer of preface" wst = "Writer of supplementary textual content" ; This section is an example of relator synonyms with German and English terms ; combined. Mapping of German terms is based on the DNB's RDA Arbeitshilfe AH-017 ; (revision 1.5 dated 2016-07-27). You can uncomment it and remove the above ; English-only section as needed. ;[RelatorSynonyms] ;abr = "Abridger|Kürzender" ;acp = "Art copyist" ;act = "Actor|Schauspieler|SchauspielerIn" ;adi = "Art director" ;adp = "Adapter" ;aft = "Author of afterword, colophon, etc.|Verfasser eines Nachworts|VerfasserIn eines Nachworts" ;anl = "Analyst" ;anm = "Animator|Trickfilmzeichner|TrickfilmzeichnerIn" ;ann = "Annotator|annotierende Person" ;ant = "Bibliographic antecedent" ;ape = "Appellee|Berufungsbeklagter|Revisionsbeklagter" ;apl = "Appellant|Berufungskläger|BerufungsklägerIn|Revisionskläger|RevisionsklägerIn" ;app = "Applicant" ;aqt = "Author in quotations or text abstracts" ;arc = "Architect|Architekt|ArchitektIn" ;ard = "Artistic director" ;arr = "Arranger|Arrangeur|ArrangeurIn" ;art = "Artist|Künstler|KünstlerIn" ;asg = "Assignee" ;asn = "Associated name" ;ato = "Autographer|Unterzeichner|UnterzeichnerIn" ;att = "Attributed name" ;auc = "Auctioneer" ;aud = "Author of dialog" ;aui = "Author of introduction, etc.|Verfasser eines Geleitwortes|VerfasserIn eines Geleitwortes" ;aus = "Screenwriter|Drehbuchautor|DrehbuchautorIn" ;aut = "Author|Verfasser|VerfasserIn" ;bdd = "Binding designer" ;bjd = "Bookjacket designer" ;bkd = "Book designer|Buchgestalter|BuchgestalterIn" ;bkp = "Book producer" ;blw = "Blurb writer" ;bnd = "Binder|Buchbinder|BuchbinderIn" ;bpd = "Bookplate designer" ;brd = "Broadcaster|Sender" ;brl = "Braille embosser|Brailleschriftpräger|BrailleschriftprägerIn" ;bsl = "Bookseller" ;cas = "Caster|Formgießer|FormgießerIn" ;ccp = "Conceptor" ;chr = "Choreographer|Choreograph|ChoreographIn" ;clb = "Collaborator" ;cli = "Client" ;cll = "Calligrapher|Kalligraf|KalligrafIn" ;clr = "Colorist|Colorist|ColoristIn" ;clt = "Collotyper|Lichtdrucker|LichtdruckerIn" ;cmm = "Commentator|Kommentator|KommentatorIn" ;cmp = "Composer|Komponist|KomponistIn" ;cmt = "Compositor" ;cnd = "Conductor|Dirigent|DirigentIn" ;cng = "Cinematographer|Bildregisseur|BildregisseurIn" ;cns = "Censor|Zensor|ZensorIn" ;coe = "Contestant-appellee" ;col = "Collector|Sammler|SammlerIn" ;com = "Compiler|Zusammenstellender" ;con = "Conservator" ;cor = "Collection registrar|Registrar" ;cos = "Contestant" ;cot = "Contestant-appellant" ;cou = "Court governed|Durch Verfahrensvorschriften geregeltes Gericht" ;cov = "Cover designer" ;cpc = "Copyright claimant" ;cpe = "Complainant-appellee" ;cph = "Copyright holder" ;cpl = "Complainant" ;cpt = "Complainant-appellant" ;cre = "Creator|Geistiger Schöpfer|GeistigeR SchöpferIn|Buchkünstler|BuchkünstlerIn|Berichterstatter|BerichterstatterIn" ;crp = "Correspondent" ;crr = "Corrector" ;crt = "Court reporter|Gerichtsstenograf|GerichtsstenografIn" ;csl = "Consultant|Berater|BeraterIn" ;csp = "Consultant to a project" ;cst = "Costume designer|Kostümbildner|KostümbildnerIn" ;ctb = "Contributor|Mitwirkender|Letterer|Maskenbildner|MaskenbildnerIn|On-Screen-Teilnehmer|On-Screen-TeilnehmerIn|Orchesterleiter|OrchesterleiterIn|Chorleiter|ChorleiterIn|Softwareentwickler|SoftwareentwicklerIn|Special-effects-Provider|Visual-effects-Provider|Verfasser eines Postscriptums|VerfasserIn eines Postscriptums" ;cte = "Contestee-appellee" ;ctg = "Cartographer|Kartograf|KartografIn" ;ctr = "Contractor|Vertragspartner|VertragspartnerIn" ;cts = "Contestee" ;ctt = "Contestee-appellant" ;cur = "Curator|Kurator|KuratorIn" ;cwt = "Commentator for written text" ;dbp = "Distribution place" ;dfd = "Defendant|Angeklagter|Beklagter" ;dfe = "Defendant-appellee" ;dft = "Defendant-appellant" ;dgg = "Degree granting institution|Grad-verleihende Institution" ;dgs = "Degree supervisor|Akademischer Betreuer|AkademischeR BetreuerIn" ;dir = "Conductor" ;dis = "Dissertant" ;dln = "Delineator" ;dnc = "Dancer|Tänzer|TänzerIn" ;dnr = "Donor|Stifter|StifterIn" ;dpc = "Depicted" ;dpt = "Depositor|Leihgeber|LeihgeberIn" ;drm = "Draftsman|Technischer Zeichner|Technischer ZeichnerIn" ;drt = "Director|Regisseur|RegisseurIn" ;dsr = "Designer|DesignerIn" ;dst = "Distributor|Vertrieb" ;dtc = "Data contributor" ;dte = "Dedicatee|Widmungsempfänger|WidmungsempfängerIn" ;dtm = "Data manager" ;dto = "Dedicator|Widmender" ;dub = "Dubious author" ;edc = "Editor of compilation" ;edm = "Editor of moving image work|Cutter|CutterIn" ;edt = "Editor|Herausgeber|HerausgeberIn" ;egr = "Engraver|Stecher|StecherIn" ;elg = "Electrician" ;elt = "Electrotyper" ;eng = "Engineer" ;enj = "Enacting jurisdiction|Normerlassende Gebietskörperschaft" ;etr = "Etcher|Radierer" ;evp = "Event place" ;exp = "Expert" ;fac = "Facsimilist" ;fds = "Film distributor|Filmvertrieb" ;fld = "Field director" ;flm = "Film editor" ;fmd = "Film director|Filmregisseur|FilmregisseurIn" ;fmk = "Filmmaker|Filmemacher|FilmemacherIn" ;fmo = "Former owner|früherer Eigentümer|frühereR EigentümerIn" ;fmp = "Film producer|Filmproduzent|FilmproduzentIn" ;fnd = "Funder" ;fpy = "First party" ;frg = "Forger" ;gis = "Geographic information specialist" ;grt = "Graphic technician" ;hg = "Publisher" ;his = "Host institution|Gastgebende Institution" ;hnr = "Honoree|Gefeierter" ;hst = "Host|Gastgeber" ;Ill = "Illustrator" ;ill = "Illustrator|Illustrator|IllustratorIn" ;ilu = "Illuminator|Buchmaler|BuchmalerIn" ;ins = "Inscriber|Beschriftende Person" ;inv = "Inventor|Erfinder|ErfinderIn" ;isb = "Issuing body|Herausgebendes Organ" ;itr = "Instrumentalist|Instrumentalmusiker|InstrumentalmusikerIn" ;ive = "Interviewee|Interviewter" ;ivr = "Interviewer|InterviewerIn" ;jud = "Judge|Richter|RichterIn" ;jug = "Jurisdiction governed|Geregelte Gebietskörperschaft" ;kad = "Cadential author" ;lbr = "Laboratory" ;lbt = "Librettist|Librettist|LibrettistIn" ;ldr = "Laboratory director" ;led = "Lead" ;lee = "Libelee-appellee" ;lel = "Libelee" ;len = "Lender" ;let = "Libelee-appellant" ;lgd = "Lighting designer" ;lie = "Libelant-appellee" ;lil = "Libelant" ;lit = "Libelant-appellant" ;lsa = "Landscape architect|Landschaftsarchitekt|LandschaftsarchitektIn" ;lse = "Licensee" ;lso = "Licensor" ;ltg = "Lithographer|Lithograph|LithographIn" ;lyr = "Lyricist|Textdichter|TextdichterIn" ;mcp = "Music copyist" ;mdc = "Metadata contact" ;med = "Medium" ;mfp = "Manufacture place" ;mfr = "Manufacturer|Hersteller|HerstellerIn" ;mod = "Moderator|ModeratorIn" ;mon = "Monitor" ;mrb = "Marbler" ;mrk = "Markup editor" ;msd = "Musical director|Musikalischer Leiter|Musikalischer LeiterIn" ;mte = "Metal-engraver" ;mtk = "Minute taker|Protokollant|ProtokollantIn" ;mus = "Musician" ;nrt = "Narrator|Erzähler|ErzählerIn" ;opn = "Opponent" ;org = "Originator" ;orm = "Organizer|Veranstalter|VeranstalterIn" ;osp = "Onscreen presenter|On-screen Präsentator|On-screen PräsentatorIn" ;oth = "Other|Sonstige Person, Familie oder Körperschaft, die mit einem Exemplar in Verbindung steht|Sonstige Person, Familie oder Körperschaft, die mit einem Werk in Verbindung steht|Begründer des Werks|BegründerIn des Werks" ;own = "Owner|Eigentümer|EigentümerIn|gegenwärtiger Eigentümer|gegenwärtigeR EigentümerIn" ;pan = "Panelist|Diskussionsteilnehmer|DiskussionsteilnehmerIn" ;pat = "Patron|Auftraggeber|AuftraggeberIn" ;pbd = "Publishing director|Chefredakteur|ChefredakteurIn" ;pbl = "Publisher|Verlag" ;pdr = "Project director" ;pfr = "Proofreader" ;pht = "Photographer|Fotograf|FotografIn" ;plt = "Platemaker|Druckformhersteller|DruckformherstellerIn" ;pma = "Permitting agency" ;pmn = "Production manager" ;pop = "Printer of plates" ;ppm = "Papermaker|Papiermacher|PapiermacherIn" ;ppt = "Puppeteer|Puppenspieler|PuppenspielerIn" ;pra = "Praeses" ;prc = "Process contact" ;prd = "Production personnel" ;pre = "Presenter|Präsentator|PräsentatorIn" ;prf = "Performer|Ausführender" ;prg = "Programmer|Programmierer|ProgrammiererIn" ;prm = "Printmaker|Druckgrafiker|DruckgrafikerIn" ;prn = "Production company|Produktionsfirma" ;pro = "Producer|Produzent|ProduzentIn" ;prp = "Production place" ;prs = "Production designer|Szenenbildner|SzenenbildnerIn" ;prt = "Printer|Drucker|DruckerIn" ;prv = "Provider" ;pta = "Patent applicant" ;pte = "Plaintiff-appellee" ;ptf = "Plaintiff|Zivilkläger|ZivilklägerIn" ;pth = "Patent holder" ;ptt = "Plaintiff-appellant" ;pup = "Publication place" ;rbr = "Rubricator" ;rcd = "Recordist|Tonmeister|TonmeisterIn" ;rce = "Recording engineer|Toningenieur|ToningenieurIn" ;rcp = "Addressee|Adressat" ;rdd = "Radio director|Hörfunkregisseur|HörfunkregisseurIn" ;red = "Redactor|Red" ;ren = "Renderer" ;res = "Researcher|Forscher|ForscherIn" ;rev = "Reviewer" ;rpc = "Radio producer|Hörfunkproduzent|HörfunkproduzentIn" ;rps = "Repository" ;rpt = "Reporter" ;rpy = "Responsible party" ;rse = "Respondent-appellee" ;rsg = "Restager" ;rsp = "Respondent|RespondentIn" ;rsr = "Restorationist|Restaurator|RestauratorIn" ;rst = "Respondent-appellant" ;rth = "Research team head" ;rtm = "Research team member" ;sad = "Scientific advisor" ;sce = "Scenarist" ;scl = "Sculptor|Bildhauer|BildhauerIn" ;scr = "Scribe" ;sds = "Sound designer" ;sec = "Secretary" ;sgd = "Stage director|Bühnenregisseur|BühnenregisseurIn" ;sgn = "Signer" ;sht = "Supporting host" ;sll = "Seller|Verkäufer|VerkäuferIn" ;sng = "Singer|Sänger|SängerIn" ;spk = "Speaker|Redner|RednerIn" ;spn = "Sponsor|SponsorIn" ;spy = "Second party" ;srv = "Surveyor|Landvermesser|LandvermesserIn" ;std = "Set designer" ;stg = "Setting" ;stl = "Storyteller|Geschichtenerzähler|GeschichtenerzählerIn" ;stm = "Stage manager" ;stn = "Standards body" ;str = "Stereotyper" ;tcd = "Technical director" ;tch = "Teacher|Lehrer|LehrerIn" ;ths = "Thesis advisor" ;tld = "Television director|Fernsehregisseur|FernsehregisseurIn" ;tlp = "Television producer|Fernsehproduzent|FernsehproduzentIn" ;trc = "Transcriber|Transkribierer|TranskribiererIn" ;trl = "Translator|Übersetzer|ÜbersetzerIn" ;tyd = "Type designer" ;tyg = "Typographer" ;uvp = "University place" ;vac = "Voice actor|Synchronsprecher|SynchronsprecherIn" ;vdg = "Videographer|Bildregisseur|BildregisseurIn" ;voc = "Vocalist" ;wac = "Writer of added commentary|Kommentarverfasser|KommentarverfasserIn" ;wal = "Writer of added lyrics|Verfasser von zusätzlichen Lyrics|VerfasserIn von zusätzlichen Lyrics" ;wam = "Writer of accompanying material" ;wat = "Writer of added text|Verfasser von Zusatztexten|VerfasserIn von Zusatztexten" ;wdc = "Woodcutter" ;wde = "Wood engraver" ;win = "Writer of introduction|Verfasser einer Einleitung|VerfasserIn einer Einleitung" ;wit = "Witness" ;wpr = "Writer of preface|Verfasser eines Vorworts|VerfasserIn eines Vorworts" ;wst = "Writer of supplementary textual content|Verfasser von ergänzendem Text|VerfasserIn von ergänzendem Text"