; This configuration file controls the channeled browse functionality. ; This section contains general global settings. [General] ; If no "source" value is passed as a GET parameter to the Channels/Home screen, ; this section controls which source will be used: default_home_source = "Solr" ; By default, the Channels/Home screen will do a blank search, retrieving all ; results in your index as the basis for channels. If you prefer to use a subset ; of your index, or add a boost query to prioritize particular records, you can ; set a search query here: ;default_home_search = "id:my_favorite_record OR *:*" ; example boost ; Should we cache channel results on the Channels/Home screen? cache_home_channels = true ; This section controls which providers are used for Solr searches/records. ; Providers may be followed by a colon and the name of a configuration section ; to use. If no configuration section is provided, the default of ; "provider.[providername]" will be used. ; ; Available providers: ; ; alphabrowse - Find nearby records in the alphabetical browse index; only ; supported for Solr; requires you to generate the index as described at ; https://vufind.org/wiki/indexing:alphabetical_heading_browse ; ; facets - Find records matching facet values from search results (or try to find ; other records matching the facet values of a specific record). ; ; listitems - Display items from specific public user lists. ; ; newilsitems - Display items that were recently added to the ILS; requires an ; ILS driver that supports this feature. ; ; random - Pick random results from the result set (in search results) or from ; the search backend from which the record was retrieved (in record results). ; ; recentlyreturned - Display items that were recently returned by patrons; ; requires an ILS driver that supports this feature. ; ; similaritems - Find records similar to a specific record, or to top hits in a ; set of search results. ; ; trendingilsitems - Display items that have displayed a lot of recent activity in ; the ILS. (Exact definition of "trending" may vary from system to system). [source.Solr] ; Providers to use on the home page (these will be populated with a blank search ; by default; order matters!) home[] = "facets:provider.facets.home" ;home[] = "random" ;home[] = "newilsitems" ;home[] = "recentlyreturned" ;home[] = "trendingilsitems" ;home[] = "listitems" ; Providers to use for record-based channels (order matters!) record[] = "similaritems" record[] = "facets" ;record[] = "alphabrowse" ; Providers to use for search-based channels (order matters!) search[] = "facets" search[] = "similaritems" ;search[] = "alphabrowse" ; This section controls which providers are used for Summon searches/records. ; See [source.Solr] above for more details. [source.Summon] ; Providers to use on the home page (these will be populated with a blank search ; by default; order matters!) home[] = "facets:provider.facets.Summon.home" ; Providers to use for record-based channels (order matters!) record[] = "facets:provider.facets.Summon" ; Providers to use for search-based channels (order matters!) search[] = "facets:provider.facets.Summon" ; This section contains default settings for the AlphaBrowse channel provider [provider.alphabrowse] ; Which index to use (recommended: lcc or dewey for call number browsing) browseIndex = lcc ; Which Solr field should we use to seed the index search? (recommended: ; callnumber-raw for lcc, dewey-raw for dewey). solrField = callnumber-raw ; How many rows before the current record to display rows_before = 10 ; Maximum number of records to examine for similar results. maxRecordsToExamine = 2 ; Number of results to include in each channel. channelSize = 20 ; Alphabrowse-capable search backend to query source = Solr ; This section contains home-page-specific settings for the Facets channel provider [provider.facets.home] ; Facet fields to use (field name => description). fields[topic_facet] = "Topic" fields[author_facet] = "Author" fields[format] = "Format" ; Maximum number of different fields to suggest in the channel list. maxFieldsToSuggest = 3 ; Maximum number of values to suggest per field. maxValuesToSuggestPerField = 2 ; This section contains default settings for the Facets channel provider [provider.facets] ; Facet fields to use (field name => description). fields[topic_facet] = "Topic" fields[author_facet] = "Author" ; Maximum number of different fields to suggest in the channel list. maxFieldsToSuggest = 2 ; Maximum number of values to suggest per field. maxValuesToSuggestPerField = 2 ; This section contains home-page-specific settings for the Facets channel provider ; used by Summon searches. [provider.facets.Summon.home] ; Facet fields to use (field name => description). fields[SubjectTerms] = "Topic" fields[DatabaseName] = "Database" fields[ContentType] = "Format" ; Maximum number of different fields to suggest in the channel list. maxFieldsToSuggest = 3 ; Maximum number of values to suggest per field. maxValuesToSuggestPerField = 1 ; This section contains default settings for the Facets channel provider used by ; Summon searches. [provider.facets.Summon] ; Facet fields to use (field name => description). fields[SubjectTerms] = "Topic" fields[DatabaseName] = "Database" ; Maximum number of different fields to suggest in the channel list. maxFieldsToSuggest = 2 ; Maximum number of values to suggest per field. maxValuesToSuggestPerField = 2 ; This section contains default settings for the List channel provider [provider.listitems] ; You may include any number of id/tag lines; a channel will be created for ; each list matching the search criteria. ; The lists will be ordered according to given id list. ;ids[] = 1 ;tags[] = tag1 ; Tag operator (AND|OR, defaults to AND) ;tagsOperator = "AND" ; Should we include public lists not included in the search criteria above? displayPublicLists = true ; How many lists should we display initially? (The rest can be added on demand) initialListsToDisplay = 2 ; This section contains default settings for the NewILSItems channel provider [provider.newilsitems] ; Number of results to include in the channel. channelSize = 100 ; Maximum age of results to return (in days) maxAge = 60 ; This section contains default settings for the Random channel provider [provider.random] ; Number of results to include in the channel. channelSize = 20 ; Determines if the records are selected from the entire backend or from the current ; result set (if applicable -- only applies to search-driven channels). Valid values ; are "retain" to limit results to the current result set or "disregard" to use the ; entire backend. mode = "retain" ; This section contains default settings for the RecentlyReturned channel provider [provider.recentlyreturned] ; Number of results to include in the channel. channelSize = 20 ; Maximum age of results to return (in days) maxAge = 30 ; This section contains default settings for the SimilarItems channel provider [provider.similaritems] ; Number of results to include in each channel. channelSize = 20 ; Maximum number of records to examine for similar results. maxRecordsToExamine = 2 ; This section contains default settings for the TrendingILSItems channel provider [provider.trendingilsitems] ; Number of results to include in the channel. channelSize = 20 ; Maximum age of results to return (in days) maxAge = 90