; This file controls the "combined search" module. Each section is named for a ; search backend (e.g. "Solr", "Summon", "WorldCat", etc.). If you want to create ; multiple columns using the same backend but different settings, you may add a ; colon and a suffix (e.g. "Solr:filter1", "Solr:filter2") to differentiate the ; sections. ; Each section contains some or all of the following settings: ; ; label = The header on the column ; sublabel = Text to display below the header (optional) ; more_link = The text of the link to access more results; set to false to ; disable all "more results" links for this entry. This text may ; also be a translation key. ; advanced_link_bottom = The text of the link at the bottom of the section ; to load the advanced search page for this backend and query; set to false ; to disable the link. This text may also be a translation key. ; ajax = If true, these results will load via AJAX; otherwise, they will load ; inline (default = false) ; hide_if_empty = If true, this section will be completely suppressed from ; display when an empty result set is returned. Otherwise, ; it will display the standard "no results" message. ; limit = The maximum number of search results to show in this column; note ; that this must be a legal limit value for the chosen search backend. ; (may sometimes require config changes -- e.g. searches.ini, Summon.ini). ; include_recommendations = If set to true, standard 'top' recommendations will be ; displayed at the top of the column. If set to an array ; of recommendation settings (as per searches.ini), the ; specified recommendations will be loaded into the top ; area of the column. If set to false, recommendations ; will be suppressed (default). ; include_recommendations_side = If set to an array of recommendation settings ; (as per searches.ini), the specified recommendations will be loaded into ; the side column. If set to false, side recommendations will be suppressed ; (default). Adding the same recommendation module to multiple sections is ; unsupported. ; include_recommendations_noresults = If set to true, standard 'noresults' ; recommendations will be displayed at the top of the column. If set to an ; array of recommendation settings (as per searches.ini), the specified ; recommendations will be loaded into the results column. If set to false, ; noresults recommendations will be suppressed (default). ; include_recommendations_noresults_side = If set to an array of recommendation ; settings (as per searches.ini), the specified recommendations will be ; loaded into the side column. Adding the same recommendation module to ; multiple sections is unsupported. ; filter = One or more filters to apply to search results displayed in the column. ; Use multiple "filter[] = ..." lines if multiple filters are needed. ; hiddenFilter = One or more hidden filters to apply to search results displayed in ; the column. ; Use multiple "hiddenfilter[] = ..." lines if multiple filters are needed. ; Hidden filters can be used in conjunction with search tab filters ; ([SearchTabsFilters] in config.ini). In this case, make sure the filters ; are equal in both configurations to make the correct tab active when ; clicking more results from the combined view. ; permission = The name of a permission which must be granted in order to display ; results in this column. This permission must also have an appropriate ; deniedTemplateBehavior defined in permissionBehavior.ini. ; shard = Limit results to one or more shards (use names from searches.ini, not ; URLs). Use multiple "shard[] = ..." lines if multiple shards are needed. ; ; All display text is subject to translation and may be added to the language ; .ini files. ; ; The order of sections in this file will control the display order of search ; results on screen. ; This section controls the search handler options displayed in combined mode. ; The keys and values should be the same. When performing searches, the code will ; attempt to find a search option in each target backend whose description matches ; the key/value pair here. If no match is found, the default handler will be used. ; Combined search handlers are disabled by default, since this matching may not be ; applicable to all backends and may create a confusing user experience. [Basic_Searches] ;All Fields = "All Fields" ;Title = Title ;Author = Author ;Subject = Subject ; This section controls the behavior of the Combined/Home screen. [HomePage] ; Content blocks can be selected from the list in searches.ini. content[] = IlsStatusMonitor ; This section controls how columns will be formatted [Layout] ; This is the maximum number of columns to use. columns = 3 ; Stack placement determines where the remainder of the modules are placed after ; columns have been exhausted. ; 'distributed' will wrap the columns and even out the data (default setting). ; 'left' and 'right' will specify which column to place the remainder of the lists ; after each column has been given one list. ; 'left' will result in a distribution of [0,3,4+], 1, 2. ; 'right' will result in a distribution of 0, 1, [2,3,4+]. ; 'grid' behaves similar to 'distributed', except that the order of modules ; (rather than the order of entire columns) is maintained on small screens, ; and each module's height is increased to match the tallest module in its row ; ; distributed, left, right, grid stack_placement = distributed ; Jump links appear above the search results and link to each result module ;jump_links = true [Solr] label = Catalog ;sublabel = "library books, videos, CDs, microform, local resources" more_link = "More catalog results" ;advanced_link_bottom = "Advanced Search" ;limit = 10 [Summon] label = Summon ;sublabel = "full-text articles, e-books, electronic subscription resources" more_link = "More Summon results" ajax = true ;limit = 10 [EDS] label = EDS sublabel = "full-text articles, e-books, electronic subscription resources" more_link = "More EDS results" ajax = true ; limit = 10 ;[EIT] ;label = EIT ;sublabel = "database results" ;more_link = "More EIT results" ;ajax = true ;permission = access.EITModule ; This section controls recommendation modules displayed in combination with ; combined search results. Right now, only the top and bottom areas are ; supported. See searches.ini for a list of available modules. Not all modules ; will work correctly in this context. [RecommendationModules] ;top[] = SummonDatabasesDeferred ;bottom[] = EuropeanaResultsDeferred