; This configuration file controls the formats which can be used to export data. ; The order of the sections will control the display order of export options within ; VuFind. ; ; Explanation of keys in each section: ; ; combineNamespaces[] - a repeatable field containing a namespace prefix and URL ; separated by a pipe. This only applies when combineXpath is used (see below). ; combineXpath - an Xpath expression specifying XML tags which should be merged; ; this can be used for bulk export of XML records when it is necessary to merge ; multiple single records into a single collection. It is not needed for ; non-XML formats. ; headers[] - a repeatable field containing HTTP headers that should be output to ; specify the appropriate export format. ; label - the label to display to the user when referring to this format; if omitted, ; the section name will be used by default. ; limit - limits the number of items that can be exported at once. Overrides the export ; limit in the [BulkActions] section of the config.ini. ; redirectUrl - a URL to forward the user to when they export this format (used for ; sending data to an external service like RefWorks). The URL must include one ; or more of these special tokens: ; {config|[section]|[setting]|[default value if unset]} - A value extracted ; from config.ini (with a default value in case of missing setting). ; {encodedCallback} - The URL that the external service can use to retrieve ; the export data, URL-encoded. ; {encodedConfig|[section]|[setting]|[default value if unset]} - Same as the ; {config...} setting above, except result will be URL-encoded. ; requiredMethods[] - a repeatable field indicating methods which must be available ; on the record driver object in order to allow export in this format. ; bulkExportType - [ "link" | "download" | "post" ] - link renders a download link in ; the UI, download offers to save the export-file directly, post sends the ; metadata using the POST method in a form field named by the postField ; parameter; overrides the defaultType setting found in the [BulkExport] section ; of config.ini. This distinction currently only affects users with Javascript ; enabled; the 'download' option cannot be implemented in a user-friendly way ; when Javascript is disabled. ; postField ; Name of the POST field to use when sending records with the POST method. ; targetWindow ; Name of the window where the export is opened in the browser. Default is ; "{format}Main" (e.g. "RefWorksMain"), but could be set to e.g. "_blank" to ; make the export always open a new window. [RefWorks] requiredMethods[] = getTitle ;limit = 100 redirectUrl = "{config|RefWorks|url|https://www.refworks.com}/express/expressimport.asp?vendor={encodedConfig|RefWorks|vendor|VuFind}&filter=RefWorks%20Tagged%20Format&encoding=65001" bulkExportType = post postField = ImportData [EndNoteWeb] requiredMethods[] = getTitle ;limit = 100 redirectUrl = "{config|EndNoteWeb|url|https://www.myendnoteweb.com/EndNoteWeb.html}?partnerName={encodedConfig|EndNoteWeb|vendor|VuFind}&dataRequestUrl={encodedCallback}&func=directExport&dataIdentifier=1&Init=Yes&SrcApp=CR&returnCode=ROUTER.Unauthorized" headers[] = "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8" [EndNote] requiredMethods[] = getTitle ;limit = 100 headers[] = "Pragma: public" headers[] = "Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT" headers[] = "Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0, private" headers[] = "Content-type: application/x-endnote-refer" headers[] = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"vufind.enw\";" [MARC] requiredMethods[] = getMarcReader ;limit = 100 headers[] = "Content-type: application/MARC" headers[] = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"VuFindExport.mrc\";" [MARCXML] requiredMethods[] = getMarcReader ;limit = 100 headers[] = "Content-type: text/xml" headers[] = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"VuFindExport.xml\";" combineNamespaces[] = "marc21|http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim" combineXpath = "/marc21:collection/marc21:record" [RDF] requiredMethods[] = getRDFXML ;limit = 100 headers[] = "Content-type: application/rdf+xml" [BibTeX] requiredMethods[] = getTitle ;limit = 100 headers[] = "Content-type: application/x-bibtex; charset=utf-8" [RIS] requiredMethods[] = getTitle ;limit = 100 headers[] = "Content-type: application/x-research-info-systems; charset=utf-8"