; This file contains settings used for full text indexing. See the documentation ; on the XSLT import tool for more details: ; https://vufind.org/wiki/indexing:xml ; Use this setting to set your default parser (either Aperture or Tika); if you omit ; this setting, VuFind will attempt to auto-detect the first available uncommented ; tool below. ;[General] ;parser = Tika ; Aperture is a Java tool for extracting full text from documents. It is not ; included with VuFind by default, but it can be downloaded here: ; http://aperture.sourceforge.net/ ; VuFind's Aperture code was tested with version 1.5.0 of the package. [Aperture] ; Once you have installed Aperture, uncomment one of the following two lines ; and fill in the appropriate path to take advantage of it. ;webcrawler = "/usr/local/aperture/bin/webcrawler.sh" ; Linux ;webcrawler = "c:\aperture\bin\webcrawler.bat" ; Windows ; Tika is another Java tool for extracting fulltext from documents It is not ; included with VuFind by default, but it can be downloaded here: ; http://tika.apache.org/download.html ; VuFind's Tika code was tested with version 1.2 of Tika. [Tika] ; Download the jar file and fill in the appropriate path to use it. ;path = "/usr/local/tika/tika.jar"