; Geographic feature configuration settings ; ; Legacy geographic feature configurations are located in ; config.ini (for Map Tab display) and in searches.ini (for Map Selection). ; Configuration settings in this file overwrite settings in the ; config.ini and searches.ini files. [Basemap] ; Configures the basemap that is used to display geographic features. ; Default basemap configuration is the osm-intl option below, and other ; open source basemap options are provided as examples. ; ; IMPORTANT: most free map services have significant limitations on ; usage, so you should consult their terms of service. If you are going to ; use this feature in production, you may need to consider subscribing to ; a commercial provider or running your own local tile server. ; ; See the Geographic Features wiki page for more details: ; https://vufind.org/wiki/configuration:geographic_features ; ; The basemap can be set separately for the MapSelection and MapTab ; geographic features by adding the basemap_url and basemap_attribution ; to those sections of this file. ; ; Backward compatibility also allows for basemap_url and basemap_attribution ; to be set in the config.ini [Content] section where the Geographic Display ; settings are located and in the searches.ini [MapSelection] section. ; ; basemap_url : the tileserver URL for the basemap ; basemap_attribution: the attribution text for the basemap. ; Note: you probably will need to add basemap URL to img-src setting ; in contentsecuritypolicy.ini file ; osm-intl ; osm-intl basemap_url = https://maps.wikimedia.org/osm-intl/{z}/{x}/{y}.png basemap_attribution = "Wikimedia | © OpenStreetMap" ; cartocdn-light ;basemap_url = http://basemaps.cartocdn.com/light_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png ;basemap_attribution = "© OpenStreetMap contributors, © CARTO" ; cartocdn-dark ;basemap_url = http://basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png ;basemap_attribution = "© OpenStreetMap contributors, © CARTO" [MapSelection] ; To enable this feature, uncomment the default_top_recommend[] = MapSelection ; in the default recommendations section of searches.ini ; ; This defines the coordinates of a search region that will be highlighted when ; the user clicks the "Geographic Search" link next to the VuFind search box. ; This should ideally cover a large area of the map where most/all of your ; geographic points are located. If your dataset is not concentrated in one ; geographic area, it is advised that you pick a default area, and do not use ; the entire extent of the map for searching (otherwise the search may be slow). ; ; default_coordinates: The default coordinates specified below are in decimal ; degrees, and are ordered as WENS (west, east, north, south). Ranges of ; valid values are:; -180 to 180 (longitude) and -85 to 85 (latitude). ; Note, to search from and to the international date line, use ; west = -179 and east = -180. ; ; height: Height in pixels of the map selection interface. ;default_coordinates = "-95, 30, 72, 15" ;height = 320 [MapTab] ; Configures the map tab display ; recordMap: false (default) or true to turn on/off Map Tab display ; ; mapLabels: leave empty, file:filename, or driver ; Leave it empty – no map labels will be displayed (default) ; file:filename - specify a file name after the colon for the ; coordinate/label lookup file. Coordinates in file must ; be specified as WENS. ; driver - Use the getCoordinateLabels method of the record driver to fetch labels; ; by default this relies on the long_lat_label field in Solr, ; but you can override the behavior with custom record driver code. ; The field must be the same length as the number of coordinate sets. ; Coordinates will be matched to labels on an ordered basis such that ; label[0] will be assigned for coordinate[0] and so forth. ; displayCoords: true or false. Default is false. ; If displayCoords is true, then the coordinate values from ; coordinate field will be displayed before the map label in the label popup. ; graticule: true or false. Default is false. If graticule is true a lat/long grid will be ; displayed on the map. ;recordMap = false ;mapLabels = ;displayCoords = false ;graticule = false