# Configuration for theme-specific resources: AliasMatch ^/vufind/themes/([0-9a-zA-Z-_]*)/(assets|css|images|js)/(.*)$ /usr/local/vufind/themes/$1/$2/$3 Require all granted AllowOverride All # Configuration for public cache (used for asset pipeline minification) AliasMatch ^/vufind/cache/(.*)$ /usr/local/vufind/local/cache/public/$1 Require all granted AllowOverride All # Configuration for general VuFind base: Alias /vufind /usr/local/vufind/public Require all granted AllowOverride All # If you wish to use the Shibboleth authentication, uncomment the following lines # AND comment out the "Require all granted" line above. There must not be any other # "Require" lines in this configuration section for the "Require shibboleth" # directive to be effective. #AuthType shibboleth #Require shibboleth RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L] RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L] # Uncomment this line to put VuFind into development mode in order to see more detailed messages: #SetEnv VUFIND_ENV development # Uncomment this line if you want to use the XHProf or Tideways profiler; this is a # developer-oriented option that most users will not need. # DO NOT ENABLE ON PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE SERVERS. # See https://vufind.org/wiki/development:profiling for more details. #SetEnv VUFIND_PROFILER_XHPROF http://url/to/your/xhprof/web/interface # Uncomment the following lines to enable code coverage data generation with Mink # tests; this is a developer-oriented option that most users will not need. # DO NOT ENABLE ON PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE SERVERS. # See https://vufind.org/wiki/development:testing:unit_tests for more details. #SetEnv VUFIND_CODE_COVERAGE 1 # This line points to the local override directory where you should place your customized files # to override VuFind core features/settings. Set to blank string ("") to disable. SetEnv VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR /usr/local/vufind/local # This line can be used to force caching in a specific location other than the # default location inside the local settings directory. # Do not share this directory between multiple instances of VuFind or you may # encounter unexpected side effects -- while this directory may be outside of the # local settings directory, there should be exactly one separate cache location per # local settings directory. # If you adjust this, be sure to change the public cache AliasMatch above to match. #SetEnv VUFIND_CACHE_DIR /usr/local/vufind/local/cache # This line specifies additional code modules to load after the standard VuFind module. # Multiple modules may be specified separated by commas. This mechanism can be used to override # core VuFind functionality without modifying core code. #SetEnv VUFIND_LOCAL_MODULES VuFindLocalTemplate # This line overrides the detection of VuFind base directory. By default it is determined from # the location of the index.php file, but in case it is e.g. symlinked or there is another reason # to define the path manually, you can uncomment and modify this line. #SetEnv VUFIND_APPLICATION_PATH /usr/local/vufind # This line allows Apache to pass the Authorization header on to PHP when running # PHP-FPM. This is required for the OAuth2 / OpenID Connect server to function # properly in all cases. #SetEnvIf Authorization .+ HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$0