; This file could be used to define configuration of markdown to HTML converter. ; More detailed configuration documentation could be found here: ; https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/configuration/ [Markdown] ; How to handle HTML input. Options are: strip, allow, escape. Defaults to strip ;html_input = allow ; Remove risky link and image URLs by setting this to false. Defaults to false ;allow_unsafe_links = true ; String to use for separating renderer block elements ;renderer[block_separator] = "\n" ; String to use for separating inner block contents ;renderer[inner_separator] = "\n" ; String to use for rendering soft breaks ;renderer[soft_break] = "\n" ; The maximum nesting level for blocks (default: infinite). Setting this to a ; positive integer can help protect against long parse times and/or segfaults if ; blocks are too deeply-nested. ;max_nesting_level = 10 ; Which extension you want to activate. List of extension names separated by comma. ; Available extensions as of league/commonmark version 2.4: ; Attributes, Autolink, DefaultAttributes, DescriptionList, DisallowedRawHtml, ; ExternalLink, Footnote, FrontMatter, HeadingPermalink, Mention, SmartPunct, ; Strikethrough, Table, TableOfContents, TaskList. ; More about extensions: https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/extensions/overview/ ; Some of them could have a configuration, see sections below. ; Note: FrontMatter does enable to inject the title other then main heading. Just add ; something like this at the very beginning of your markdown file: ;--- ;title: "Some specific title" ;--- ; See more about FrontMatter extension here: ; https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/extensions/front-matter/ ; ; You can also use own extensions, just address it using fully qualified class name ; like 'VuFindLocalModule\Markdown\ExampleExtension'. If your extension is ; configurable you need to add configuration section identified also by fully ; qualified name. For example: '[VuFindLocalModule\Markdown\ExampleExtension]', and ; with 'config_key' with value of configuration key, in which your extension expects ; its configuration. More about custom extension configuration: ; https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/customization/configuration/ extensions = Autolink,DisallowedRawHtml,Strikethrough,Table,TaskList ; CommonMarkCore extension is always enabled by default [CommonMarkCore] ; Enable or disable parsing. Enabled by default ;enable_em = false ; Enable or disable parsing. Enabled by default ;enable_strong = false ; Enable or disable parsing of '*' for emphasis. Enabled by default ;use_asterisk = false ; Enable or disable parsing of '_' for emphasis. Enabled by default ;use_underscore = false ; Array of characters that can be used to indicated a bulleted list (default: ; ["-", "*", "+"]) ;unordered_list_markers[] = "-" ;unordered_list_markers[] = "*" ;unordered_list_markers[] = "+" ; See https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/extensions/default-attributes/ [DefaultAttributes] ; Example configuration: ;League\CommonMark\Extension\Table\Table[class] = 'table' ;League\CommonMark\Extension\CommonMark\Node\Inline\Link[target] = '_blank' ; See https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/extensions/disallowed-raw-html/ [DisallowedRawHtml] ; Default configuration, to enable any tag, just comment out the appropriate line disallowed_tags[] = "title" disallowed_tags[] = "textarea" disallowed_tags[] = "style" disallowed_tags[] = "xmp" disallowed_tags[] = "iframe" disallowed_tags[] = "noembed" disallowed_tags[] = "noframes" disallowed_tags[] = "script" disallowed_tags[] = "plaintext" ; See https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/extensions/external-links/ [ExternalLink] ; This should be always set, if you want to use this extension. You can use regular ; expressions to match group of hosts internal_hosts[] = www.example.com ;open_in_new_window = true ;html_class = external-link ;nofollow = ;noopener = external ;noreferrer = external ; See https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/extensions/footnotes/ [Footnote] ;backref_class = footnote-backref ;backref_symbol = '↩' ;container_add_hr = true ;container_class = footnotes ;ref_class = footnote-ref ;ref_id_prefix = 'fnref:' ;footnote_class = footnote ;footnote_id_prefix = 'fn:' ; See https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/extensions/heading-permalinks/ [HeadingPermalink] ; There is also 'slug_normalizer' options, which should be set to an object ; implementing League\CommonMark\Normalizer\TextNormalizerInterface ; If you need to use it, you'll have to extend VuFind\Service\MarkdownFactory ; and add it in the code ;html_class = heading-permalink ;id_prefix = content ;fragment_prefix = content ;insert = before ;min_heading_level = 1 ;max_heading_level = 6 ;title = Permalink ;symbol = '¶' ;aria-hidden = false ;apply_id_to_heading = true ;heading_class = 'heading' ;insert = 'none' ; See https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/extensions/mentions/ [Mention] ; This is an example of configuration, see more details in original documentation ;github_handle[prefix] = '@' ;github_handle[pattern] = '/^[a-z\d](?:[a-z\d]|-(?=[a-z\d])){0,38}(?!\w)/' ;github_handle[generator] = 'https://github.com/%s' ; See https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/extensions/smart-punctuation/ [SmartPunct] ;double_quote_opener = '“' ;double_quote_closer = '”' ;single_quote_opener = '‘' ;single_quote_closer = '’' ; See https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/extensions/table-of-contents/ [TableOfContents] ;html_class = table-of-contents ;position = top ;style = bullet ;min_heading_level = 1 ;max_heading_level = 6 ;normalize = relative ;placeholder = ; See https://commonmark.thephpleague.com/2.4/extensions/tables/ [Table] ;wrap[enabled] = true ;wrap[tag] = 'div' ; This setting key should be [attributes][], but is not possible ; to define it in ini file, so this is fixed later in code. More attributes ; definitions need to separated by coma ;wrap[attributes] = 'class:table-responsive,title:table' ; Works similarly to wrap[attributes] configuration ;alignment_attributes[left] = 'align:left' ;alignment_attributes[center] = 'align:center' ;alignment_attributes[right] = 'align:right'