; Configuration of ObalkyKnih.cz content service ; It does support this types of content: ; - Book covers ; - Periodics covers (general and individual issues) ; - Table of contents (OCR text and image preview) ; - User comments ; - User ratings (aggregated from more 3rd party services and its own) ; - Summaries ; - Authorities pictures ; - Citations (ISO 690) ; - Links to free e-books ; - Links to digitalized books in Czech libraries ; - Document recommendations based on libraries checkouts data ; Please note, that not all service listed above are implemented in VuFind ; ; Content could be found by these identifiers: ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, OCoLC, EAN (UPC), ; NBN (number of Czech national bibliography) and own identifier (identifier from a local library system) ; ; Note: You have to register an account on obalkyknih.cz and configure your VuFind's instance IP address/referrer url [ObalkyKnih] base_url[] = https://cache.obalkyknih.cz base_url[] = https://cache2.obalkyknih.cz base_url[] = https://cache3.obalkyknih.cz ; Library identifier - so called sigla, it needs to be set when you want to use own identifiers ;sigla = 'AAA001' ; This is needed to 'authenticate' your catalog to ObalkyKnih service. You also have ; to register on obalkyknih.cz and add this url to your configuration ;referrer = http://library.myuniversity.edu ; Check for currently available server. If true, base urls are checked if they are ; currently available, and first available server is used for API calls. Don't turn ; on this feature if you don't have a cache configured. Default is false; ;checkServersAvailability = true ; API endpoints, you probably don't need to modify them books_endpoint = /api/books cover_endpoint = /api/cover toc_endpoint = /api/toc authority_endpoint = /api/auth citation_endpoint = :8080/api/citace recommend_endpoint = /api/doporuc ; Should return "ALIVE" if OK alive_endpoint = /api/runtime/alive