; This configuration file controls the Search/Reserves action; see facets.ini and ; searches.ini for detailed comments on the meaning of all settings. [General] default_handler = AllFields ; Search handler to use if none is specified default_sort = relevance empty_search_relevance_override = course_str,instructor_str case_sensitive_bools = true default_side_recommend[] = SideFacets:Facets:CheckboxFacets:reserves facet_limit = 20 load_results_with_js = true ;top_paginator = simple [Basic_Searches] AllFields = "All Fields" [Advanced_Searches] AllFields = "All Fields" [Sorting] relevance = sort_relevance department_str = "Department" instructor_str = "Instructor" course_str = "Course" [HiddenSorting] ;pattern[] = .* [Facets] department_str = "Department" instructor_str = "Instructor" course_str = "Course" [FacetLabels] labelSections[] = Facets checkboxSections[] = CheckboxFacets [Autocomplete] enabled = true auto_submit = true formatting_rule[*] = "phrase" [Autocomplete_Types] Reserves = "SolrReserves:AllFields:course,instructor,department" [SearchCache] ;adapter = Memcached ;options[servers] = "localhost:11211,otherhost:11211" ;options[ttl] = 300 ;options[cache_dir] = "/tmp/search-cache" ; This section defines the location of the reserves Solr index; if it is omitted, ; a default_core of "reserves" will be used, and other settings will be inherited ; from the [Index] section of config.ini. ;[Index] ;url = http://localhost:8983/solr ;default_core = reserves ;maxBooleanClauses = 1024 ;timeout = 30 ;default_dismax_handler = dismax