; This section contains global settings affecting search behavior. [General] default_handler = AllFields ; Search handler to use if none is specified ; This setting controls the default sort order of search results if no search- ; specific setting was present in the [DefaultSortingByType] section below; the ; selected option should be one of the options present in the [Sorting] section ; below. default_sort = relevance ; This setting controls the default sort order of search results if multiple ; records match the same value when records are sorted just using one field. ; You can optionally include a direction (e.g. "id asc" or "id desc"). ; The selected field is used as a tie breaker to sort the matching results. tie_breaker_sort = id ; This setting controls the sort order to be used for empty (or purely ID-based) ; searches when relevance sort is selected. Since relevance doesn't have a ; meaningful function without query terms, this can be set to e.g. "title" or ; "year desc". ;empty_search_relevance_override = title ; This setting controls the default view for search results; the selected option ; should be one of the options present in the [Views] section below. default_view = list ; This section controls the result limit options for search results. default_limit ; sets the default number of results per page. limit_options is a comma-separated ; list of numbers to be presented to the end-user. If only one limit is required, ; set default_limit and leave limit_options commented out. ; WARNING: using large limits may cause problems due to a variety of limitations, ; especially if you support bulk operations (which can cause large URLs/requests). ; If you must support large page sizes, you may need to raise the PHP memory_limit ; and max_input_vars settings and/or adjust the Apache LimitRequestLine setting. default_limit = 20 ;limit_options = 10,20,40,60,80,100 ; This setting allows to limit pagination of a search result as deep pagination ; costs a lot of performance and most users are not very likely to navigate ; further down than 20 pages of a search result. ; This is especially useful to prevent webcrawlers from descending too deep and ; eating up search backend performance. Default is set to unlimited. ;result_limit = 400 ; If this setting is true, boolean operators in searches (AND/OR/NOT) will only ; be recognized if they are ALL UPPERCASE. If set to false, they will be ; recognized regardless of case. If set to a comma-separated list of operators ; (e.g. "AND,NOT") then only the listed operators will be case-sensitive. case_sensitive_bools = true ; If this setting is true, range operators in searches ([a TO b] or {a TO b}) ; will only be recognized if the word "TO" is ALL UPPERCASE. Additionally, the ; edges of the range may be treated in a case sensitive manner. If set to false, ; ranges will be recognized regardless of case -- this will allow better matching ; at the cost of a bit of extra server-side processing. case_sensitive_ranges = true ; These are the default recommendations modules to use when no specific setting ; are found in the [TopRecommendations], [SideRecommendations] or ; [NoResultsRecommendations] sections below. ; See the comments above those sections for details on legal settings. You may ; repeat these lines to load multiple recommendations. ;default_top_recommend[] = MapSelection ; see [MapSelection] in geofeatures.ini. default_top_recommend[] = TopFacets:ResultsTop default_top_recommend[] = SpellingSuggestions ;default_top_recommend[] = VisualFacets:Visual_Settings default_side_recommend[] = SideFacets:Results:CheckboxFacets ; SideFacetsDeferred is an alternative to SideFacets. Using it will defer loading of ; any facet until it's actually displayed. This can improve search performance and ; decrease server load especially with larger indexes. ;default_side_recommend[] = SideFacetsDeferred:Results:CheckboxFacets ;default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchTab ;default_noresults_recommend[] = RecommendLinks default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchType default_noresults_recommend[] = SwitchQuery:::fuzzy default_noresults_recommend[] = SpellingSuggestions default_noresults_recommend[] = RemoveFilters ; Set this to true in order to highlight keywords from the search query when they ; appear in fields displayed in search results. Note: while this setting will ; always prevent highlighting from displaying in your output, if you want to ; prevent VuFind from requesting highlighting data from Solr, you must also turn ; off the snippets setting below, since snippets depend on highlighting data. highlighting = true ; Set this to restrict the list of fields that will be highlighted (the hl.fl ; Solr parameter); default = '*' for all fields: ;highlighting_fields = * ; You can use this setting to add additional highlighting parameters to the Solr ; request when highlighting as active. For all available options, see: ; https://solr.apache.org/guide/solr/latest/query-guide/highlighting.html ;extra_hl_params[hl.bs.type] = LINE ; Set this to true in order to include a text snippet in the search results when ; a keyword match is found in a field that is not normally displayed as part of ; the listing. For finer control over which fields are used for snippets, see ; the record driver code (web/RecordDrivers/IndexRecord.php). ; ; For control over snippet captions, see the [Snippet_Captions] section below. snippets = true ; When you filter a search using facets, should VuFind retain your current filters ; on the next search and provide a reset button to clear them (true), or should it ; always perform new searches unfiltered (false)? retain_filters_by_default = true ; Whether to always (when there are active filters) display the "Reset Filters" ; button regardless of the retain_filters_by_default setting. Default is false. always_display_reset_filters = false ; The filters listed below will be applied to all new searches by default. Omit ; this setting to have no default filters applied. These differ from hidden ; filters because they are visible in the UI and may be removed by the user. ; ; You can use complex filters (for example with boolean operators inside). ; In order to do that, just set the filter into parentheses (as in the third sample line). ; ; NOTE: If you are setting a default filter on a field that is used for OR ; facets (see the orFacets setting in facets.ini), be sure to prefix the field ; name with a tilde (~)... e.g. "~format:Book" ;default_filters[] = "format:Book" ;default_filters[] = "institution:MyInstitution" ;default_filters[] = "(format:Book AND institution:MyInstitution)" ; Default record fields to fetch from Solr when searching (Solr parameter 'fl') ; Default is "*" (since VuFind 7.0). When Explain is enabled 'score' will automatically be ; added if it is not already included. To restore previous setting, just uncomment ; line below. ;default_record_fields = "*,score" ; Whether the "versions" (FRBR) link and record tab are enabled. Default is true. ;display_versions = true ; Default Solr parameters. ; ; Set sow=false in search to enable support for multiterm synonyms, but note the ; caveats described at ; https://opensourceconnections.com/blog/2018/02/20/edismax-and-multiterm-synonyms-oddities/ ; ; Parameters are entered as query parameters and they can be repeated like in Solr's ; query string syntax: ; default_parameters[search] = "fq=field%3A%2Fmatch%2F&fq=another%3A2" ; ; Parameters can be defined for the following search contexts: ; * All contexts ; search Search ; retrieve Retrieve records ; similar Find similar records ; terms Return terms ; alphabeticBrowse Return information from the browse index ; workExpressions Return work expressions (record versions) ;default_parameters[*] = "echoParams=none&debugQuery=false" ;default_parameters[search] = "sow=false" ; If you set this setting, VuFind will use a secondary Solr field to try to find ; previous record IDs when primary ID lookups fail. If you leave the setting ; commented out, fallback ID lookups will be disabled. ;fallback_id_field = previous_id_str_mv ; This controls whether results are loaded with JavaScript when paging or changing ; settings. Loading results this way improves performance and accessibility, and is ; enabled by default. Loading will automatically fall back to non-JS mode if ; JavaScript is not supported by the browser. load_results_with_js = true ; This setting can be used to configure pagination control on top of results. ; Possible options are: ; empty string or false No top pagination (default when load_results_with_js is ; disabled) ; simple Simple next/prev button pagination (default when ; load_results_with_js is enabled) ; full Full pagination alike to the one at the bottom of results ;top_paginator = simple [Cache] ; This controls whether the parsed searchspecs.yaml file will be stored to ; improve search performance; legal options File (store on disk) or false (do not ; cache). type = File ; This section shows which search types will display in the basic search box at ; the top of most pages. The name of each setting below corresponds with a ; search handler (either DisMax or from conf/searchspecs.yaml). The value of ; each setting is the text to display on screen. All on-screen text will be run ; through the translator, so be sure to update language files if necessary. The ; order of these settings will be maintained in the drop-down list in the UI. ; ; Note: The search type of "tag" is a special case that gets handled differently ; because tags are not stored in the same index as everything else. Treat ; this as a reserved word if you create your own custom search handlers. [Basic_Searches] AllFields = "All Fields" Title = Title ;JournalTitle = "Journal Title" Author = Author Subject = Subject CallNumber = "Call Number" ISN = "ISBN/ISSN" ;Coordinate = Coordinates tag = Tag ; This section defines which search options will be included on the advanced ; search screen. All the notes above [Basic_Searches] also apply here. [Advanced_Searches] AllFields = adv_search_all Title = adv_search_title ;JournalTitle = adv_search_journaltitle Author = adv_search_author Subject = adv_search_subject CallNumber = adv_search_callnumber ISN = adv_search_isn publisher = adv_search_publisher Series = adv_search_series year = adv_search_year toc = adv_search_toc ;Coordinate = Coordinates ; This section defines the sort options available on standard search results. ; Values on the left of the equal sign are either the reserved term "relevance" ; or the name of a Solr index to use for sorting; asc and desc modifiers may be ; used in combination with index names, but not relevance. To allow secondary ; sorting, you may include a comma-separated list of options (for example, ; "year desc,title asc"), but this list may NOT include the special "relevance" ; value. Values on the right of the equal sign are text that will be run ; through the translation module and displayed on screen. ; ; Note: "year", "author" and "title" are special shortcut aliases for the ; "publishDateSort", "author_sort" and "title_sort" Solr fields; you can ; use either form in this file. [Sorting] relevance = sort_relevance year = sort_year year asc = "sort_year asc" ; Use the "callnumber-sort" line for LC or the "dewey-sort" line for Dewey Decimal. ; If you want to enable both systems for sorting, you can uncomment both lines, ; but you will need to add some custom text to distinguish between the two. callnumber-sort = sort_callnumber ;dewey-sort = sort_callnumber author = sort_author title = sort_title ; This section allows you to specify the default sort order for specific types of ; searches. Each key in this section should correspond with a key in the ; [Basic_Searches] section above. Each value should correspond with a key in the ; [Sorting] section above. Any search type that is not listed here will be sorted ; using the default_sort setting in the [General] section above. [DefaultSortingByType] CallNumber = callnumber-sort WorkKeys = year ; This section allows you to specify hidden sorting options. They can be used to create a ; whitelist of sort values using regular expressions. If you want to do this add regexes to ; the pattern[] array. All sort values that match at least one of these pattern are allowed ; in searches. But they will not be shown in the sort selection in the result list. [HiddenSorting] ;pattern[] = .* ; E.g. uncomment this line to allow any value ; Each search type defined in searchspecs.yaml can have one or more "recommendations ; modules" associated with it in the following sections. These plug-ins will cause ; boxes of suggestions to appear beside (in [SideRecommendations]) or above (in ; [TopRecommendations]) the search results. The special [NoResultsRecommendations] ; are only displayed for empty search results. You can repeat the line to display a ; series of recommendations boxes in a particular section -- just be sure to include ; brackets ("[]") after the search type name. If you do not want recommendations ; for a particular search type, set the value to "false" in either or both sections. ; Any search types not listed here will use the default value -- see the ; default_top_recommend and default_side_recommend settings in the [General] ; section above. It is legal to set the default options to false if you want no ; default value. ; ; Available modules recommended for use in the side area: ; ; CatalogResults:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section]:[sort] ; Display catalog search results matching the terms found in the specified ; GET parameter (default = "lookfor"), limited to a specified number of ; matches (default = 5). This is designed for use with non-catalog modules. ; The optional custom heading overrides the default for this recommendation. ; Filters may be defined in the specified section of the searches.ini ; file; see [CatalogResultsVideoFilter] below for an example of this. ; Finally, a custom sort order can be specified. ; CatalogResultsDeferred:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section] ; Same as CatalogResults, but loaded via AJAX. ; ConsortialVuFind:[requestParam]:[limit]:[ini section] ; Display and link to results in an external, consortial instance of VuFind, ; such as a ReShare-hosted catalog. See ConsortialVuFind.ini for details, and ; configure in the section of that file referenced by "ini section". Display ; search results matching the terms found in the specified GET parameter ; (default = "lookfor"), limited to a specified number of matches ; (default = 5). ; ConsortialVuFindDeferred:[requestParam]:[limit]:[ini section] ; Same as ConsortialVuFind, but loaded via AJAX. ; Databases:[result limit]:[ini name] ; Displays a list of the databases referenced in EDS or similar facets, each ; linking to its individual website. The .ini file must contain a [Databases] ; section with the relevant configuration; see example in EDS.ini. ; DPLATerms:[collapsed] ; Display results from the DPLA catalog. Provide a boolean to have the sidebar ; collapsed or open on page load. ; EDSResults:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section]:[sort] ; Display EDS search results matching. See CatalogResults above for parameter ; definitions. The [filter ini section] parameter refers to a section in EDS.ini. ; EDSResultsDeferred:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section]:[sort] ; Same as EDSResults, but loaded via AJAX. ; EPFResults:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section]:[sort] ; Display EPF (EBSCO Publication Finder) search results. See CatalogResults above ; for parameter definitions. The [filter ini section] parameter refers to a section in ; EPF.ini. The [sort] parameter is not currently supported for this backend. ; EPFResultsDeferred:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section]:[sort] ; Same as EPFResults, but loaded via AJAX. ; EuropeanaResults:[url]:[requestParam]:[limit]:[unwanted data providers] ; Display search results from Europeana.eu API. ; Parameters (all are optional): ; [url] = base search URL, default api.europeana.eu/api/v2/opensearch.rss ; [requestParam] = parameter name for passing lookup value in url, default is ; "searchTerms" ; [limit] = the number of result items to display (defaults to 5) ; [unwanted data providers] = comma separated list of dataproviders to ignore ; results from; useful for excluding your own results that are also in ; Europeana. ; An API key must be set in config.ini (see europeanaAPI setting in [Content] ; section). ; EuropeanaResultsDeferred:[url]:[requestParam]:[limit]:[unwanted data providers] ; See EuropeanaResults, but this version uses AJAX for asynchronous loading. ; ExpandFacets:[ini section]:[ini name] ; Display facets listed in the specified section of the specified ini file; ; if [ini name] is left out, it defaults to "facets." Rather than using ; facets to limit the existing search, this module uses them to start a new ; search showing all records matching the selected facet value. ; FacetCloud:[ini section]:[ini name] ; Same functionality as ExpandFacets, but with a more compact interface to ; allow the display of more values. ; LibGuidesProfile ; Display a single LibGuides Profile for a LibGuides user (likely a librarian) ; who owns a subject guide whose title most closely matches the search terms. ; Uses configuration in LibGuidesAPI.ini and requires configuration in ; contentsecuritypolicy.ini. ; LibGuidesResults:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section]:[sort] ; Display LibGuides research guides search results. See CatalogResults above ; for parameter definitions. Note that [filter ini section] and [sort] have ; no effect on this backend. ; LibGuidesResultsDeferred:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section]:[sort] ; Same as LibGuidesResults, but loaded via AJAX. ; LibGuidesAZResults:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section]:[sort] ; Display LibGuides A-Z Databases search results. See CatalogResults above ; for parameter definitions. Note that [filter ini section] and [sort] have ; no effect on this backend. ; LibGuidesAZResultsDeferred:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section]:[sort] ; Same as LibGuidesAZResults, but loaded via AJAX. ; OpenLibrarySubjects:[GET parameter]:[limit]:[date filter]:[Subject types] ; Display full-text, public scans from the Open Library (OL) Subjects API. ; [GET parameter] (default = "lookfor"), [limit] (default = 5), ; [date filter] The name of a date filter (from facet settings) to apply to ; searches. Defaults to "publishDate" if blank; set to "false" to disable. ; [Subject types] (default = "topic") comma-separated list of subject types to ; test. Open Library distinguishes between the following subject types: ; topic,place,person,time ; Note: an API call will be made for each type until valid data is returned ; which will slow down the loading of the main VuFind result set, ; see OpenLibrarySubjectsDeferred ; OpenLibrarySubjectsDeferred:[GET parameter]:[limit]:[date filter]:[Subject types] ; The same as OpenLibrarySubjects but uses AJAX to make the API calls after the ; main result set has loaded ; RandomRecommend:[backend]:[limit]:[display mode]:[random mode]:[minimumset] ; :[facet1]:[facetvalue1]:[facet2]:[facetvalue2]:...:[facet-n]:[facetvalue-n] ; This module offers random records either from the whole backend or within ; the current resultset. ; [backend] is the name of the search backend currently in use, ; which will help with accurate analysis (default = Solr) ; [limit] is the number of records to display (default = 10) ; [display mode] determines how the records are displayed. Valid values are ; "standard" (for a basic display including titles and authors), ; "images" for just images or "mixed" for both. (default = standard) ; [random mode] determines if the records are selected from the entire backend ; or from the current result set. Valid values are "retain" to limit results ; to the current result set or "disregard" to use the entire backend. ; (default = retain) ; [minimumset] is the minimum result set count required to display random items, ; 0 = no minimum required. This setting can be used to prevent random items ; displaying in a small result set. (default = 0) ; [facet-n] A facet to apply to the random selection ; [facetvalue-n] The facet value to apply to the random selection ; SideFacets:[regular facet section]:[checkbox facet section]:[ini name] ; :[include dynamic checkboxes] ; Display the specified facets, where [ini name] is the name of an ini file ; in your config directory (defaults to "facets" if not supplied), ; [regular facet section] is the name of a section of the ini file containing ; standard facet settings (defaults to "Results" if not specified), ; [checkbox facet section] is the name of a section of the ini file ; containing checkbox facet settings (leave blank for no checkbox facets), and ; [include dynamic checkboxes] is a true/false value indicating whether or not ; to display dynamically-generated checkbox facets (it defaults to true, but ; if you use multiple instances of SideFacets to split up your display, you ; should set it to false in all but one of the instances to avoid duplication). ; Checkbox facets are normally in filter => label format; prefix the section ; name with ~ to reverse this and use label => filter format (useful if your ; filters contain values that are illegal in configuration keys -- e.g. []). ; Note that if you take advantage of this ~ feature, you will also need to ; adjust the facets.ini Advanced_Settings/special_facets checkboxes setting ; in order to properly display checkboxes on the advanced search screen. ; SpellingSuggestions ; Display spelling suggestions (also requires Spelling settings to be turned ; on in config.ini). ; SummonBestBets:[GET parameter] ; Display Summon-generated "best bets" recommendations matching the terms found ; in the specified GET parameter. NOTE: If you are using this module with a ; Summon search, the [GET parameter] setting will be ignored and the actual ; current Summon search will be used instead. The parameter only needs to be ; specified when combining this module with a non-Summon-based search module. ; SummonBestBetsDeferred:[GET parameter] ; Same as SummonBestBets, but loaded via AJAX. ; SummonDatabases:[GET parameter] ; Display Summon-generated database recommendations matching the terms found ; in the specified GET parameter. NOTE: If you are using this module with a ; Summon search, the [GET parameter] setting will be ignored and the actual ; current Summon search will be used instead. The parameter only needs to be ; specified when combining this module with a non-Summon-based search module. ; SummonDatabasesDeferred:[GET parameter] ; Same as SummonDatabases, but loaded via AJAX. ; SummonResults:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section]:[sort] ; Display Summon search results. See CatalogResults above for parameter ; definitions. The [filter ini section] parameter refers to a section in Summon.ini. ; SummonResultsDeferred:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section]:[sort] ; Same as SummonResults, but loaded via AJAX. ; SummonTopics:[GET parameter] ; Display Summon-generated topic recommendations matching the terms found ; in the specified GET parameter. NOTE: If you are using this module with a ; Summon search, the [GET parameter] setting will be ignored and the actual ; current Summon search will be used instead. The parameter only needs to be ; specified when combining this module with a non-Summon-based search module. ; WebResults:[GET parameter]:[result limit]:[custom heading]:[filter ini section]:[sort] ; Display website search results. See CatalogResults above for parameter ; definitions. The [filter ini section] parameter refers to a section in website.ini. ; ; Available modules recommended for use in the top area: ; ; AuthorFacets ; Display author names based on the search term. ; AuthorInfo:[use_viaf] ; Load author information from external providers based on the current search ; and the "authors" setting in the [Content] section of config.ini. ; The [use_viaf] setting may be set to true to use the VIAF web service in ; combination with your Solr authority index to pick more appropriate authors; ; this defaults to false if unset. If you do not have local authority records ; to draw on, the OCLC FAST data works well with the [use_viaf] option; see: ; https://vufind.org/wiki/indexing:open_data_sources#oclc_fast ; AuthorityRecommend:[field1]:[query1]:[field2]:[query2]:...:[field-n]:[query-n] ; Displays see and see also results to user based on search of Authority Index. ; Any number of filter queries may be specified as parameters to limit which ; set of authority records is used for recommendations; for example: ; AuthorityRecommend:record_type:Heading* OR Topical*:source:FAST ; limits record_type to strings starting with "Heading" or "Topical" and ; limits source to FAST. A special field name of "__resultlimit__" may be ; used to suppress authority results when the result set contains more items ; than the number specified as the corresponding value (e.g. if you configure ; AuthorityRecommend:__resultlimit__:50 then authority recommendations will ; only display on result screens displaying fewer than 50 hits; by default, ; recommendations will always display). A special field name of "__mode__" ; may be used to control what type of suggestions are presented (default is ; both seealso and usefor results, but you can turn on just one of these ; options if desired; for example "__mode__:seealso" would only show "see ; also" results from records whose main headings match the current search ; terms while "__mode__:usefor" would show only main headings from records ; whose "use for" headings match the current search. You can use "__mode__:*" ; to turn on all options (but this is default behavior if no __mode__ is ; set). Filtering is optional. A special field name of "__header__" may be ; used to customize the header text above the results (default = "See also"). ; Channels ; Display a link to the Channeled Browse functionality leading to channels of ; records related to the current search. ; MapSelection ; Enable geographic searching capability by activating this module. ; Records must be indexed using the geographic search and display fields. ; See the marc_local.properties file for more information on indexing. ; See the [MapSelection] section of the geofeatures.ini file for more information. ; PubDateVisAjax:[zooming]:[facet field 1]:[facet field 2]:...:[facet field n] ; Display a visualization of publication dates for each of the specified facet ; fields. This is designed for a field containing four-digit years. Zooming ; is set to either true or false and controls whether or not selecting part of ; the graph zooms in to greater detail. ; TopFacets:[ini section]:[ini name] ; Display facets listed in the specified section of the specified ini file; ; if [ini name] is left out, it defaults to "facets." ; VisualFacets:[ini section]:[ini name] ; Supports visualizing pivot facet information as a treemap or circle ; packing visualization. It must be used in combination with the "visual" ; view in the [Views] section below -- it will only display in Visual mode. ; [ini section] and [ini name] control where the module will load field ; configurations from; it defaults to Visual_Settings in facets.ini. ; ; Available modules recommended for use in the "no results" area: ; ; AlphaBrowseLink:index ; Use the query to generate a link to the specified alphabrowse index ; DOI:[prefix]:[redirect_exact_match] ; Detect DOIs in the user search query. If a DOI makes up part of the search, ; display a link to resolve it. If it makes up the entire query, redirect to ; the resolver automatically. [prefix] is the URL of the resolver to which ; the DOI itself will be appended. [redirect_exact_match] is a boolean; set it ; to true if you want a search query that consists only of a DOI to redirect ; automatically to the DOI resolver, or set it to false to only display a ; message with a link. (Default is "true"). ; ExternalSearch:[link label]:[url template] ; Display a link to an external search system. The contents of the tag ; will be [link label] (which will be run through the translator -- use a ; translation string if you need to display a string containing a colon). ; The href will be [url template] with %%lookfor%% replaced with the current ; search's lookfor parameter. If you omit the %%lookfor%% placeholder, the ; search terms will simply be appended to the end of the URL template. ; Libraryh3lp:[type]:[id]:[skin] ; Display a chat box for the Libraryh3lp service. [type] indicates the type ; of chat being used (either "queue" or "user"). [id] is the name of the ; queue or user. [skin] is optional and specifies a skin number to use. ; RecommendLinks:[ini section]:[ini name] ; Display a list of recommended links, taken from [ini section] in ; [ini name], where the section is a mapping of label => URL. [ini name] ; defaults to searches.ini, and [ini section] defaults to RecommendLinks. ; RemoveFilters ; Suggests removing facet filters to retrieve more results. ; SwitchQuery:[backend]:[opt-out checks to skip]:[opt-in checks to add] ; This module analyzes the user's query and offers suggestions for ways to ; improve it. [backend] is the name of the search backend currently in use, ; which will help with accurate analysis (default = Solr). [opt-out checks ; to skip] is a comma-separated list of checks which are on by default but ; which you wish to disable. [opt-in checks to add] is a comma-separated ; list of transforms that are off by default but which you wish to enable. ; See the check*() methods in the module's code for a complete list of ; available checks. The $optInMethods property specifies which checks are ; turned off by default. ; SwitchTab ; If multiple tabs are active, suggest that the user try searching in a ; different one. ; SwitchType:[field]:[field description] ; If the current search type is not the same as [field], display a link ; suggesting that the user try switching to [field]. [field description] ; is the human-readable description of [field]. Default values are ; 'AllFields' and 'All Fields' respectively. ; ; You can build your own recommendations modules if you wish. See the developer's ; guide here: ; ; https://vufind.org/wiki/development:plugins:recommendation_modules [SideRecommendations] ; No search-specific settings by default -- add your own here. ;Subject[] = SideFacets ;Subject[] = OpenLibrarySubjectsDeferred:lookfor:5:true:topic,place,person,time [TopRecommendations] Author[] = AuthorFacets Author[] = SpellingSuggestions CallNumber[] = "TopFacets:ResultsTop" ; disable spelling in this context ; Do not show top recommendations for the Versions (WorkKeys) search by default WorkKeys[] = false [NoResultsRecommendations] CallNumber[] = SwitchQuery::wildcard:truncatechar CallNumber[] = RemoveFilters ;CallNumber[] = AlphaBrowseLink:lcc WorkKeys[] = false ; These settings control the top and side recommendations within the special Author ; module (the page accessed by clicking on an author's name within the search ; results). The Author module ignores the default_top_recommend and ; default_side_recommend settings and only uses this section. [AuthorModuleRecommendations] ;top[] = TopFacets:ResultsTop ;side[] = SideFacets:Results:CheckboxFacets top[] = AuthorInfo side[] = "ExpandFacets:Author" ; This is the default section used for setting up links for the RecommendLinks ; recommendation module (see above for details). ;[RecommendLinks] ;Library of Congress Online Catalog = http://catalog.loc.gov/ ; This section controls the "New Items" search. [NewItem] ; New item information can be retrieved from Solr or from the ILS; this setting ; controls which mechanism is used. If using Solr, change tracking must be enabled ; (see https://vufind.org/wiki/indexing:tracking_record_changes). If using the ILS, ; your driver must support the getNewItems() method. ; Valid options: ils, solr; default: ils method = ils ; Comma-separated list of date ranges to offer to the user (i.e. 1,5,30 = one day ; old, or five days old, or thirty days old). If using the "ils" method, be careful ; about raising the maximum age too high -- searching very long date ranges may put ; a load on your ILS. ranges = 1,5,30 ; This setting only applies when using the "ils" method. It controls the maximum ; number of pages of results that will show up when doing a new item search. ; It is necessary to limit the number of results to avoid getting a "too many boolean ; clauses" error from the Solr index (see notes at ; https://vufind.org/jira/browse/VUFIND-128 for more details). However, if you ; set the value too low, you may get the same results no matter which range setting ; is selected! result_pages = 10 ; The default sort to use (if different from the normally configured default). ;default_sort = year ; Set to true to include pre-filtering facet options. By default this will use the ; same facet options as the Advanced search screen, but this behavior can be ; overridden; see [NewItems] and [NewItems_Settings] in facets.ini. include_facets = true ; This setting can be used to automatically apply filter queries to the New Item ; results. For example, you might want to filter out certain content types. You ; can add multiple filters by repeating the "filter[] =" line, or you can skip ; filtering entirely by leaving the line commented out. ; filter[] = "format:Book" ; This section controls RSS feed behavior [RSS] ; If set, this setting will override sort settings associated with RSS feeds. This ; allows you to ensure that newly added or changed items in your index appear at ; the top of the feed. Use "first_indexed desc" if you only want newly-added items ; to be listed first. Use "last_indexed desc" if you want newly-added-or-changed ; items. Comment out the whole setting if you do not want custom RSS sorting. ; IMPORTANT: In order for first_indexed and last_indexed sorting to work properly, ; you need to index record change dates; see the Wiki page at ; https://vufind.org/wiki/indexing:tracking_record_changes sort = "last_indexed desc" ; The following two sections control the behavior of the autocomplete drop-downs ; associated with search boxes. The [Autocomplete] section contains global default ; settings, while the [Autocomplete_Types] section allows you to associate different ; autocomplete handlers with different search handlers. ; ; The available autocomplete handlers are: ; ; Eds:[Mode] ; Use the EBSCO Discovery Service autocomplete handler (only intended to be ; used in the context of the EDS backend). [Mode] can be either "holdings" for ; title completion in PubFinder or "rawqueries" for completion of basic textual ; queries. ; None ; Do not provide any suggestions. You should use this handler if you want to ; disable suggestions for one search type while still providing suggestions ; for other search types. To disable suggestions completely, it is better to ; use the "enabled" setting in the [Autocomplete] section. ; SolrAuth:[Search Handler]:[Display Field]:[Sort Field]:[Filters] ; See Solr below -- this handler behaves exactly the same, except ; it uses the Solr authority data index rather than the bibliographic index, ; and its default [Display Field] value is "heading". ; Solr:[Search Handler]:[Display Field]:[Sort Field]:[Filters] ; Perform a wildcarded search against [Search Handler], using the contents of ; [Display Field] (a comma-separated, priority-ordered field list) as ; suggestions and sorting by [Sort Field]. Any additional parameters at the ; end of the string are treated as an alternating sequence of field names and ; values for use as filters against the suggestion list. All parameters are ; optional. If omitted, [Search Handler] will use the default Solr field, ; [Display Field] will use "title", [Sort Field] will use relevance and no ; filters will be applied. ; SolrCN ; A customized version of Solr designed for smart handling of ; call numbers using the custom CallNumber search handler. ; Tag ; Provide suggestions from the local database of tags. ; SolrPrefix:[Autocomplete field]:[Display field] ; Perform a search against [Autocomplete field] using the edge n-gram ; tokenizer. Each word in the user's query is handled as a prefix. Values ; from [Display field] will be displayed for matching records. It is ; recommended that you index values for this handler into fields of type ; "text_autocomplete" (which are available using the dynamic field suffix ; *_autocomplete). These values should also be copied into a separate ; field, preferably single-valued, for display purposes, because display ; of values by this option relies on faceting -- be sure to choose an ; appropriate field type, such as a simple _str field, to ensure correct ; display. For example, to switch title suggestions to use the edge n-gram ; method, you could index titles into a new dynamic title_autocomplete ; field, then change the Title configuration in [Autocomplete_Types] to: ; "SolrPrefix:title_autocomplete:title_sort" (note the use of title_sort ; for display, because it is a string field and thus suitable for faceting). ; ; You can build your own autocomplete modules if you wish. See the developer's ; guide here: ; ; https://vufind.org/wiki/development:plugins:autosuggesters [Autocomplete] ; Set this to false to disable all autocomplete behavior enabled = true ; This handler will be used for all search types not covered by [Autocomplete_Types] default_handler = Solr ; Auto-submit autocomplete on click or enter auto_submit = true ; Query formatting rules for autocomplete, indexed by search handler name; ; formatting_rule[*] defines a rule that is used by default if a more specific type ; is not provided. Currently supported rules: ; - phrase: Put the value in double quotes, and backslash-escape quotes in the phrase ; - none: Search for the term exactly as-is, with no manipulation. formatting_rule[*] = "phrase" formatting_rule[alphabrowse_author] = "none" formatting_rule[alphabrowse_lcc] = "none" formatting_rule[alphabrowse_title] = "none" formatting_rule[alphabrowse_topic] = "none" formatting_rule[tag] = "none" ; In this section, set the key equal to a search handler from searchspecs.yaml and ; the value equal to an autocomplete handler in order to customize autocompletion ; behavior when that search type is selected. [Autocomplete_Types] Title = "Solr:Title" JournalTitle = "Solr:JournalTitle" Author = "Solr:Author:author,author2,author_corporate" Subject = "Solr:Subject:topic,genre,geographic,era" CallNumber = "SolrCN" ISN = "Solr:ISN:isbn,issn" Coordinate = "None" tag = "Tag" alphabrowse_author = "Solr:Author:author,author2,author_corporate" alphabrowse_lcc = "SolrCN" alphabrowse_title = "Solr:Title:title_sort" alphabrowse_topic = "Solr:Subject:topic" ; When snippets are enabled, this section can be used to display captions based on ; the Solr fields from which the snippets were obtained. Keys are the names of Solr ; fields and values are strings to display to the user. Note that all displayed ; strings are subject to translation and should be accounted for in the language ; files found in web/lang if you are in a multilingual environment. Fields that are ; not listed in this section will be displayed without captions, so you can comment ; out the whole section to disable captions. [Snippet_Captions] author2 = "Other Authors" contents = "Table of Contents" topic = "Subjects" container_title = "Journal Title" ; This section allows sharding to be used to pull in content from additional Solr ; servers. All servers used in sharding must contain the same index fields needed ; to satisfy queries sent to them AND they must all include different ID numbers! ; Note that additional Solr configuration may also be required; see the "Configuring ; the ShardHandlerFactory" section of this document for details: ; https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_7/distributed-requests.html ; Leave this section commented out to disable sharding. ; To use sharding, simply fill in lines using the format: ; [display name of shard] = [URL of shard (without http://)] ;[IndexShards] ;Library Catalog = localhost:8983/solr/biblio ;Website = localhost:8983/solr/website ; This section allows you to set preferences for shards display. You only need to ; set these if you want to use shards. See also the [StripFields] section below ; if your shards have non-identical schemas. ;[ShardPreferences] ; This setting controls whether or not to display checkboxes to allow the user to ; select which shard(s) to search (default if commented out = false) ;showCheckboxes = true ; These lines determine which shards are searched by default if the user hasn't ; specified preferences using checkboxes (default if commented out = all shards): ;defaultChecked[] = "Library Catalog" ;defaultChecked[] = "Website" ; Fields must be stripped if you have a field in your main index which is missing ; from any index includable by shards. This section can be ignored if you are ; not using sharding or if all of your shards have identical schemas. ; ; Put in the fields to strip here in the following format: ; shard name = fieldname,another fieldname,... [StripFields] ; This section defines the view options available on standard search results. ; If only one view is required, set default_view under [General] above, and ; leave this section commented out. ; ; Note -- when using visual view, you must also turn on the VisualFacets ; recommendation module in the top area. ;[Views] ;list = List ;grid = Grid ;visual = Visual ; This section controls what happens when a record title in a search result list ; is clicked. VuFind can either embed the full result directly in the list using ; AJAX or can display it at its own separate URL as a full HTML page. ; full - separate page (default) ; tabs - embedded using tabs (see record/ajaxview-tabs.phtml) ; accordion - embedded using an accordion (see record/ajaxview-accordion.phtml) ; NOTE: This feature is incompatible with SyndeticsPlus content; please use ; regular Syndetics if necessary. [List] view=full ; This section allows for adding hidden filters. Each filter will be translated ; to format 'key:"value"' and added by Solr.php as a hidden filter (a facet that ; is always applied but is not seen by the user). This is useful if you use a ; shared Solr index and need to display different subsets in different contexts ; (for example, a union catalog with separate VuFind instances each member). [HiddenFilters] ;institution = "MyInstitution" ; This section is an alternative to [HiddenFilters] when you need to create more ; advanced types of filters -- i.e. complex boolean queries. Keys are ignored, ; but increasing numeric values (1, 2, 3...) are recommended. Values are fully- ; formed filter queries. [RawHiddenFilters] ;0 = "format:\"Book\" OR format:\"Journal\"" ;1 = "language:\"English\" OR language:\"French\"" ; This section can get used to define conditional filters, i.e. filters ; that are applied under certain conditions. ; You can use a permission set as condition, which has to be defined in ; permissions.ini. ; Keys are ignored, but increasing numeric values (1, 2, 3...) are recommended. ; Values need to be formatted using this schema: ; [-]permission|filter-query ; Prefixing the condition with a minus (-) means that the filter is applied ; when the condition does not match (the permission is not granted). ; The filter may be any filter query valid for Solr. ; Examples: ; -conditionalFilter.MyUniversity|format:Book ; apply filter "format:Book" if permission conditionalFilter.MyUniversity ; (from permissions.ini) is not granted ; conditionalFilter.MyUniversity|format:Article ; apply filter "format:Article" if permission conditionalFilter.MyUniversity ; (from permissions.ini) is granted [ConditionalHiddenFilters] ;0 = "-conditionalFilter.MyUniversity|format:Book" ;1 = "conditionalFilter.MyUniversity|format:Article" ; This section defines how records are handled when being fetched from Solr. [Records] ; Boolean value indicating if deduplication is enabled. If true, deduplication is ; enabled. If false, dedup records are filtered out. If unspecified, deduplication ; support is completely disabled. ;deduplication = true ; Priority order (descending) for record sources (record ID prefixes separated ; from the actual record by period, e.g. testsrc.12345) ;sources = alli,testsrc ; This section defines the default parameters for the geographic search ; functionality found in the MapSelection recommendation module. ; To enable this feature, uncomment the default_top_recommend[] = MapSelection ; in the default recommendations section. To set the configuration settings ; for this feature, adjust the parameters in the geofeatures.ini file. [MapSelection] ; These configuration settings have been superseded by the geofeatures.ini file. ; See the [MapSelection] section of the geofeatures.ini file for more information. ; This section defines settings used to fetch similar records. [MoreLikeThis] ; Boolean value indicating whether the newer MoreLikeThis query handler should be ; used instead of the traditional MoreLikeThis component (default). Only the ; MoreLikeThis query handler supports sharded indexes, but as of this writing, the ; traditional component offers more nuanced relevance ranking. Results from these ; methods may differ. ;useMoreLikeThisHandler = true ; If the MoreLikeThis handler is used, this setting can be used to adjust its ; behavior. See https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Other+Parsers#OtherParsers-MoreLikeThisQueryParser ; for more information regarding the possible parameters. ;params = "qf=title,title_short,callnumber-label,topic,language,author,publishDate mintf=1 mindf=1"; ; This setting can be used to limit the maximum number of suggestions. Default is 5. ;count = 5 ; This section controls the behavior of the Search/Home screen. [HomePage] ; Content blocks can be selected from the list below: ; ; Channels:[source] - Display the homepage channels for the specified [source]. ; [source] defaults to Solr. ; ; FacetList:[source]:[column size] - Display a list of facet values ; drawn from the [source] backend, with a maximum of [column size] values per ; column. [source] defaults to Solr and [column size] defaults to 10. ; ; IlsStatusMonitor:[target] - Performs an AJAX health check of the ILS and ; prepends a warning message to the HTML element identified by the jQuery selector ; provided in [target] (which defaults to .searchHomeContent. ; ; TemplateBased:[template] - Display the content of template defined after colon. ; The template could be in phtml or md (markdown) format and has to be saved in ; ContentBlock/TemplateBased/ directory of your theme. You can use language code ; filename suffixes to present the content in different languages. For example, ; you could add "content[] = TemplateBased:foo" to the settings below, then create ; a ContentBlock/TemplateBased/foo.phtml (or foo.md) file in your theme's templates ; directory to provide default content. If you wanted a different version of the ; page for the German language, you could create a foo_de.phtml or foo_de.md file, ; and that version would be loaded when the user's language was set to German. content[] = IlsStatusMonitor content[] = FacetList ; This section controls default behavior of the Search API. [API] ; These permissions must be defined in permissions.ini to grant access to the API: recordAccessPermission = access.api.Record searchAccessPermission = access.api.Search ; This is the maximum number of results that can be returned in a single response: maxLimit = 100 ; This section provides settings for optional caching of search requests. This ; affects the primary Solr backend only; for caching of other backends, see the ; appropriate backend-specific configuration files (Search2.ini, website.ini, etc.). [SearchCache] ; Supported adapters: Memcached, Filesystem. Others may also work, but have not been ; tested. ;adapter = Memcached ; Comma-separated list of servers for Memcached adapter: ;options[servers] = "localhost:11211" ; Cache directory for Filesystem adapter: ;options[cache_dir] = "/tmp/search-cache" ; Other options. See https://docs.laminas.dev/laminas-cache/storage/adapter/ for ; documentation on options for different adapters. ; ttl, Time to Live, i.e. cache entry life time in seconds. 300 seconds by default. ;options[ttl] = 300 ; This example section provides filters for the CatalogResults recommendation ; module. The section name is specified in the recommendation module config. ;[CatalogResultsVideoFilter] ; Filters are defined as in [RawHiddenFilters] in order to handle more complex ; filter combinations. ;0 = "format:Video" ; This section provides settings for the explain feature. When enabled the result ; list contains links to the explanation why a title was found and how the relevance ; is calculated. [Explain] ; The explain feature is disabled by default. Uncomment the following line to enable it ;enabled = true ; The explanation is split into the main fields and a rest. ; minPercent gives a lower bound for fields to be included. All fields with ; a percentage lower than minPercent are summarized in the rest. ;minPercent = 0 ; maxFields gives a upper bound for the number of main fields. Set negative for no boundary. ;maxFields = -1 ; Number of decimal places to be displayed. ;decimalPlaces = 2