; This file contains global settings affecting sitemap generation behavior. ; Currently, this is accessed by the sitemap.php script in the ; vufind/util folder. ; Notes: ; For full details on the sitemaps protocol, see: ; http://sitemaps.org ; For more information regarding best practices, see: ; https://vufind.org/wiki/administration:search_engine_optimization ; The Sitemap Section contains settings affecting the generation of ; individual sitemap files [Sitemap] ; Frequency tells the site indexer how frequently you ; expect the content of the given URL entry to be updated. The options are: ; always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and never ; frequency = monthly ; countPerPage indicates how many URL entries will appear in each outputted sitemap ; This is useful in case your repository is huge (as many search engines cap ; the number of urls in a sitemap to around 50000) or if you're indexing formats ; that severely reduce the amount of items that can go into a sitemap (aka ; images indexed in google max at 1000 per sitemap). countPerPage = 10000 ; fileName dictates what base name each sitemap will get. If multiple sitemaps ; are generated (via the index size being larger than the countPerPage above) ; the subsequent name files will have a number appended to the base name. ; So, for example, if the code generates three sitemap files, and the basename ; is "sitemap", the three files will be named sitemap.xml, sitemap-2.xml and ; sitemap-3.xml fileName = sitemap ; fileLocation dictates where the generated sitemaps will initially be saved. ; Note: To make sitemaps available to a site indexer, they will need to be ; somewhere under the /public folder of your VuFind installation, or under ; the web root of your server (e.g. /var/www/html or similar). Furthermore, ; sitemaps.org sets limitations on the paths that can be covered by a given ; sitemap. See http://sitemaps.org/protocol.php#location for details. fileLocation = /tmp ; This setting controls which index or indices are used to generate the sitemap ; (when the Index plugin is active in the plugins[] setting -- see below). ; Each value in the array should be a comma-separated pair, with the first ; value being the name of the search backend for accessing the index, and the ; second value being a relative path to insert between the base URL and the ; record ID in order to generate a link. If this setting is omitted, the ; default will be "Solr,/Record/" index[] = "Solr,/Record/" ;index[] = "SolrAuth,/AuthorityRecord/" ; Indexes can be completely disabled by setting this to false: ;index = false ; This setting controls how IDs are retrieved from the index. It may be ; 'search' (the default, most compatible but slower method), or 'terms' (the ; faster option). Note that 'terms' method does not support hidden filters or ; other limiting options and requires that the index has terms enabled. retrievalMode = search ; If you want to apply additional filtering to the records included in your ; sitemaps from the index plugin, you can specify Solr queries here. This option ; is ONLY supported when retrievalMode is set to search above. ;extraFilters[] = "format:Book" ; This settings controls whether different language versions are added to the ; sitemap. Possible values: ; empty or undefined - Language versions are not added ; "*" - Language versions are added for all languages enabled in ; config.ini ; "en,de,..." - A comma-separated list of languages to include from the ; ones enabled in config.ini ; Note that including language versions will make the sitemap files substantially ; larger and may not be very useful if language detection is enabled in VuFind. ; Note that when a language code includes a locale (e.g. 'en-gb') and the base ; language (e.g. 'en') is not enabled, a fallback entry with the base language ; code is added automatically. ;indexLanguageVersions = "en,de" ; This setting defines sitemap plugins to be used for adding URLs to the sitemap. ; If no value is set for plugins, only the Index plugin will be used. The ; following plugins are available in VuFind: ; ContentPages - Adds any content pages from templates/content to the sitemap ; Index - Adds records from the Solr index to the sitemap (based on the ; "index[]" settings above) ; StartPage - Adds the main page for the site to the sitemap ;plugins[] = StartPage ;plugins[] = ContentPages ;plugins[] = Index ; The SitemapIndex Section contains settings affecting the generation of ; a sitemap index file which groups multiple sitemap files. The sitemap ; index file will contain absolute URLs to the individual sitemap files. [SitemapIndex] ; This setting indicates the base URL at which your sitemaps are generated. Note ; that in most cases it should correspond with the value of fileLocation above! ; It is "strongly recommended" by sitemaps.org that this location should be the ; root of your website! If this is set to false or commented out, the base ; VuFind URL from config.ini will be used. baseSitemapUrl = false ; indexFileName dictates the base name of the sitemap index file, ; e.g. sitemapIndex will result in sitemapIndex.xml ; You can comment out this setting to skip index file generation. indexFileName = sitemapIndex ; In addition to the generated sitemap files which contain the URLs for each ; record, the sitemap index file can reference a static sitemap file for other ; pages in your catalogue interface such as the Advanced Search, Browse, etc. ; In creating this sitemap, you can avail of the element to indicate ; the priority of these URLs relative to the record URLs which have the default ; priority of 0.5. baseSitemapFileName dictates the base name of this sitemap ; file. Note that this file must actually exist in fileLocation in order for it ; to be added to the sitemap index! ; You can comment out this setting if you do not want to use a base sitemap. baseSitemapFileName = baseSitemap