[General] ; Set smsType to Clickatell and fill in [Clickatell] below to use the Clickatell ; online SMS API (you will need a Clickatell account). ; Set smsType to Mailer to use VuFind's internal mailer for SMS (default). ;smsType = Mailer ; This controls phone number validation. You can set this to an ISO country code ; (see http://www.iso.org/iso/country_names_and_code_elements) to specify the style ; of validation. Set to blank to disable validation. validation = US ; These characters will be filtered from user input phone numbers prior to texting filter = "-.() " ; This section defines the list of carriers and their domain names for the SMS service ; The format is: unique_identifier = carrier.domain.name:Display Name ; ; For additional carriers, you may find it useful to refer to http://www.txt2day.com. ; This section is ignored if smsType is set to Clickatell. [Carriers] ; Carriers in the US alltel = message.alltel.com:"Alltel" att = mms.att.net:"AT&T" Cricket = mms.mycricket.com:"Cricket" nextel = messaging.nextel.com:"Nextel" sprint = messaging.sprintpcs.com:"Sprint" tmobile = tmomail.net:"T Mobile" verizon = vtext.com:"Verizon" virgin = vmobl.com:"Virgin Mobile" ; Carriers in Canada ;bell.ca = txt.bell.ca:"Bell" ;rogers.com = pcs.rogers.com:"Rogers" ;fido.ca = fido.ca:"Fido" ;telus.com = msg.telus.com:"Telus" ;vmobile.ca = vmobile.ca:"Virgin Mobile (Canada)" ;mobiletxt.ca = mobiletxt.ca:"PC Mobile" ;koodomobile.com = msg.koodomobile.com:"Koodo" ; Uncomment this section and fill in the details if you choose Clickatell as smsType ;[Clickatell] ; You can uncomment this line to use a custom Clickatell API URL; by default, VuFind ; will attempt to access the API over SSL (HTTPS), but HTTP is also allowed. ;url = "http://api.clickatell.com/http/sendmsg?" ;user = XXXX ;password = XXXX ;api_id = XXXX