; This configuration file controls the Web module (for searching your website); see ; facets.ini and searches.ini for detailed comments on the meaning of all settings. [General] default_handler = AllFields ; Search handler to use if none is specified default_sort = relevance case_sensitive_bools = true default_side_recommend[] = SideFacets:Facets:CheckboxFacets:website default_side_recommend[] = CatalogResults highlighting = true ;extra_hl_params[hl.bs.type] = LINE snippets = true retain_filters_by_default = true always_display_reset_filters = false ;default_record_fields = "*,score" [Basic_Searches] AllFields = "All Fields" [Advanced_Searches] AllFields = "All Fields" [Sorting] relevance = sort_relevance title = sort_title [HiddenSorting] ;pattern[] = .* [Facets] category = "Category" linktype = "Link Type" subject = "Subject" [FacetLabels] labelSections[] = Facets checkboxSections[] = CheckboxFacets [Results_Settings] ; By default, how many values should we show for each facet? (-1 for no limit) facet_limit = 30 ; Override facet_limit on a per-field basis using this array: ;facet_limit_by_field[category] = 50 ; Should we show "exclude" links for some or all of the facets? Set to * for ; all facets, use a comma-separated list to show for some of the facets, set ; to false or omit to disable "exclude" links ;exclude = * ; This section defines the location of the website Solr index; if it is omitted, ; a default_core of "website" will be used, and other settings will be inherited from ; the [Index] section of config.ini. ;[Index] ;url = http://localhost:8983/solr ;default_core = website ; This section controls default behavior of the Web Search API. Settings omitted ; here will be inherited from searches.ini; see that file for more details. [API] ;recordAccessPermission = access.api.Record ;searchAccessPermission = access.api.Search ;maxLimit = 100 [SearchCache] ;adapter = Memcached ;options[servers] = "localhost:11211,otherhost:11211" ;options[ttl] = 300 ;options[cache_dir] = "/tmp/search-cache"