package org.vufind.index; /** * Indexing routines for dealing with creators and relator terms. * * Copyright (C) Villanova University 2017. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ import org.marc4j.marc.Record; import org.marc4j.marc.Subfield; import org.marc4j.marc.DataField; import org.marc4j.marc.VariableField; import org.solrmarc.index.SolrIndexer; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * Indexing routines for dealing with creators and relator terms. */ public class CreatorTools { // Initialize logging category static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CreatorTools.class.getName()); private ConcurrentHashMap relatorSynonymLookup = RelatorContainer.instance().getSynonymLookup(); private Set knownRelators = RelatorContainer.instance().getKnownRelators(); private Set relatorPrefixesToStrip = RelatorContainer.instance().getRelatorPrefixesToStrip(); private Set punctuationRegEx = PunctuationContainer.instance().getPunctuationRegEx(); private Set punctuationPairs = PunctuationContainer.instance().getPunctuationPairs(); private Set untrimmedAbbreviations = PunctuationContainer.instance().getUntrimmedAbbreviations(); /** * Extract all valid relator terms from a list of subfields using a whitelist. * @param subfields List of subfields to check * @param permittedRoles Whitelist to check against * @param indexRawRelators Should we index relators raw, as found * in the MARC (true) or index mapped versions (false)? * @return Set of valid relator terms */ public Set getValidRelatorsFromSubfields(List subfields, List permittedRoles, Boolean indexRawRelators) { Set relators = new LinkedHashSet(); for (int j = 0; j < subfields.size(); j++) { String raw = subfields.get(j).getData(); String current = normalizeRelatorString(raw); if (permittedRoles.contains(current)) { relators.add(indexRawRelators ? raw : mapRelatorStringToCode(current)); } } return relators; } /** * Is this relator term unknown to author-classification.ini? * @param current relator to check * @return True if unknown */ public Boolean isUnknownRelator(String current) { // If we haven't loaded known relators yet, do so now: if (knownRelators.size() == 0) { Map all = ConfigManager.instance().getConfigSection("author-classification.ini", "RelatorSynonyms"); for (String key : all.keySet()) { knownRelators.add(normalizeRelatorString(key)); for (String synonym: all.get(key).split("\\|")) { knownRelators.add(normalizeRelatorString(synonym)); } } } return !knownRelators.contains(normalizeRelatorString(current)); } /** * Extract all valid relator terms from a list of subfields using a whitelist. * @param subfields List of subfields to check * @return Set of valid relator terms */ public Set getUnknownRelatorsFromSubfields(List subfields) { Set relators = new LinkedHashSet(); for (int j = 0; j < subfields.size(); j++) { String current = subfields.get(j).getData().trim(); if (current.length() > 0 && isUnknownRelator(current)) {"Unknown relator: " + current); relators.add(current); } } return relators; } /** * Extract all values that meet the specified relator requirements. * @param authorField Field to analyze * @param noRelatorAllowed Array of tag names which are allowed to be used with * no declared relator. * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @param unknownRelatorAllowed Array of tag names whose relators should be indexed * even if they are not listed in author-classification.ini. * @param indexRawRelators Set to "true" to index relators raw, as found * in the MARC or "false" to index mapped versions. * @return Set */ public Set getValidRelators(DataField authorField, String[] noRelatorAllowed, String relatorConfig, String[] unknownRelatorAllowed, String indexRawRelators ) { // get tag number from Field String tag = authorField.getTag(); List subfieldE = authorField.getSubfields('e'); List subfield4 = authorField.getSubfields('4'); Set relators = new LinkedHashSet(); // if no relator is found, check to see if the current tag is in the "no // relator allowed" list. if (subfieldE.size() == 0 && subfield4.size() == 0) { if (Arrays.asList(noRelatorAllowed).contains(tag)) { relators.add(""); } } else { // If we got this far, we need to figure out what type of relation they have List permittedRoles = normalizeRelatorStringList(Arrays.asList(loadRelatorConfig(relatorConfig))); relators.addAll(getValidRelatorsFromSubfields(subfieldE, permittedRoles, indexRawRelators.toLowerCase().equals("true"))); relators.addAll(getValidRelatorsFromSubfields(subfield4, permittedRoles, indexRawRelators.toLowerCase().equals("true"))); if (Arrays.asList(unknownRelatorAllowed).contains(tag)) { Set unknown = getUnknownRelatorsFromSubfields(subfieldE); if (unknown.size() == 0) { unknown = getUnknownRelatorsFromSubfields(subfield4); } relators.addAll(unknown); } } return relators; } /** * Fix trailing punctuation on a name string. * * @param name Name to fix * * @return Stripped name */ protected String fixTrailingPunctuation(String name) { // First, apply regular expressions: for (Pattern regex : punctuationRegEx) { name = regex.matcher(name).replaceAll(""); } // Strip periods, except when they follow an initial or abbreviation: int nameLength = name.length(); if (name.endsWith(".") && nameLength > 3 && !name.substring(nameLength - 3, nameLength - 2).startsWith(" ")) { int p = name.lastIndexOf(" "); String lastWord = (p > 0) ? name.substring(p + 1) : name; if (!untrimmedAbbreviations.contains(lastWord.toLowerCase())) { name = name.substring(0, nameLength - 1); nameLength--; } } // Remove trailing close characters with no corresponding open characters: for (String pair : punctuationPairs) { String left = pair.substring(0, 1); String right = pair.substring(1); if (name.endsWith(right) && !name.contains(left)) { name = name.substring(0, nameLength - 1); } } return name; } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for separating different types of authors. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @param acceptUnknownRelators Colon-delimited list of tags whose relators * should be indexed even if they are not listed in author-classification.ini. * @param indexRawRelators Set to "true" to index relators raw, as found * in the MARC or "false" to index mapped versions. * @param firstOnly Return first result only? * @return List result */ public List getAuthorsFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig, String acceptUnknownRelators, String indexRawRelators, Boolean firstOnly ) { List result = new LinkedList(); String[] noRelatorAllowed = acceptWithoutRelator.split(":"); String[] unknownRelatorAllowed = acceptUnknownRelators.split(":"); HashMap> parsedTagList = FieldSpecTools.getParsedTagList(tagList); for (VariableField variableField : SolrIndexer.instance().getFieldSetMatchingTagList(record, tagList)) { DataField authorField = (DataField) variableField; // add all author types to the result set; if we have multiple relators, repeat the authors for (String iterator: getValidRelators(authorField, noRelatorAllowed, relatorConfig, unknownRelatorAllowed, indexRawRelators)) { for (String subfields : parsedTagList.get(authorField.getTag())) { String current = SolrIndexer.instance().getDataFromVariableField(authorField, "["+subfields+"]", " ", false); // TODO: we may eventually be able to use this line instead, // but right now it's not handling separation between the // subfields correctly, so it's commented out until that is // fixed. //String current = authorField.getSubfieldsAsString(subfields); if (null != current) { result.add(fixTrailingPunctuation(current)); if (firstOnly) { return result; } } } } } return result; } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for separating different types of authors. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @return List result */ public List getAuthorsFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig ) { // default firstOnly to false! return getAuthorsFilteredByRelator( record, tagList, acceptWithoutRelator, relatorConfig, acceptWithoutRelator, "false", false ); } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for separating different types of authors. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @return List result * @param acceptUnknownRelators Colon-delimited list of tags whose relators * should be indexed even if they are not listed in author-classification.ini. */ public List getAuthorsFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig, String acceptUnknownRelators ) { // default firstOnly to false! return getAuthorsFilteredByRelator( record, tagList, acceptWithoutRelator, relatorConfig, acceptUnknownRelators, "false", false ); } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for separating different types of authors. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @return List result * @param acceptUnknownRelators Colon-delimited list of tags whose relators * should be indexed even if they are not listed in author-classification.ini. * @param indexRawRelators Set to "true" to index relators raw, as found * in the MARC or "false" to index mapped versions. */ public List getAuthorsFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig, String acceptUnknownRelators, String indexRawRelators ) { // default firstOnly to false! return getAuthorsFilteredByRelator( record, tagList, acceptWithoutRelator, relatorConfig, acceptUnknownRelators, indexRawRelators, false ); } /** * If the provided relator is included in the synonym list, convert it back to * a code (for better standardization/translation). * * @param relator Relator code to check * @return Code version, if found, or raw string if no match found. */ public String mapRelatorStringToCode(String relator) { String normalizedRelator = normalizeRelatorString(relator); return relatorSynonymLookup.containsKey(normalizedRelator) ? relatorSynonymLookup.get(normalizedRelator) : relator; } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for separating different types of authors. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @param acceptUnknownRelators Colon-delimited list of tags whose relators * should be indexed even if they are not listed in author-classification.ini. * @param indexRawRelators Set to "true" to index relators raw, as found * in the MARC or "false" to index mapped versions. * @return String */ public String getFirstAuthorFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig, String acceptUnknownRelators, String indexRawRelators ) { List result = getAuthorsFilteredByRelator( record, tagList, acceptWithoutRelator, relatorConfig, acceptUnknownRelators, indexRawRelators, true ); for (String s : result) { return s; } return null; } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for separating different types of authors. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @return String */ public String getFirstAuthorFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig ) { return getFirstAuthorFilteredByRelator( record, tagList, acceptWithoutRelator, relatorConfig, acceptWithoutRelator, "false" ); } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for separating different types of authors. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @param acceptUnknownRelators Colon-delimited list of tags whose relators * should be indexed even if they are not listed in author-classification.ini. * @return String */ public String getFirstAuthorFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig, String acceptUnknownRelators ) { return getFirstAuthorFilteredByRelator( record, tagList, acceptWithoutRelator, relatorConfig, acceptUnknownRelators, "false" ); } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for saving relators of authors separated by different * types. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @param acceptUnknownRelators Colon-delimited list of tags whose relators * should be indexed even if they are not listed in author-classification.ini. * @param indexRawRelators Set to "true" to index relators raw, as found * in the MARC or "false" to index mapped versions. * @param firstOnly Return first result only? * @return List result */ public List getRelatorsFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig, String acceptUnknownRelators, String indexRawRelators, Boolean firstOnly ) { List result = new LinkedList(); String[] noRelatorAllowed = acceptWithoutRelator.split(":"); String[] unknownRelatorAllowed = acceptUnknownRelators.split(":"); HashMap> parsedTagList = FieldSpecTools.getParsedTagList(tagList); for (VariableField variableField : SolrIndexer.instance().getFieldSetMatchingTagList(record, tagList)) { DataField authorField = (DataField) variableField; //add all author types to the result set result.addAll(getValidRelators(authorField, noRelatorAllowed, relatorConfig, unknownRelatorAllowed, indexRawRelators)); } return result; } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for saving relators of authors separated by different * types. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @param acceptUnknownRelators Colon-delimited list of tags whose relators * should be indexed even if they are not listed in author-classification.ini. * @param indexRawRelators Set to "true" to index relators raw, as found * in the MARC or "false" to index mapped versions. * @return List result */ public List getRelatorsFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig, String acceptUnknownRelators, String indexRawRelators ) { // default firstOnly to false! return getRelatorsFilteredByRelator( record, tagList, acceptWithoutRelator, relatorConfig, acceptUnknownRelators, indexRawRelators, false ); } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for saving relators of authors separated by different * types. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @param acceptUnknownRelators Colon-delimited list of tags whose relators * should be indexed even if they are not listed in author-classification.ini. * @return List result */ public List getRelatorsFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig, String acceptUnknownRelators ) { // default firstOnly to false! return getRelatorsFilteredByRelator( record, tagList, acceptWithoutRelator, relatorConfig, acceptUnknownRelators, "false", false ); } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for saving relators of authors separated by different * types. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @return List result */ public List getRelatorsFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig ) { // default firstOnly to false! return getRelatorsFilteredByRelator( record, tagList, acceptWithoutRelator, relatorConfig, acceptWithoutRelator, "false", false ); } /** * This method fetches relator definitions from ini file and casts them to an * array. If a colon-delimited string is passed in, this will be directly parsed * instead of resorting to .ini loading. * * @param setting Setting to load from .ini or colon-delimited list. * @return String[] */ protected String[] loadRelatorConfig(String setting){ StringBuilder relators = new StringBuilder(); // check for pipe-delimited string String[] relatorSettings = setting.split("\\|"); for (String relatorSetting: relatorSettings) { // check for colon-delimited string String[] relatorArray = relatorSetting.split(":"); if (relatorArray.length > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < relatorArray.length; i++) { relators.append(relatorArray[i]).append(","); } } else { relators.append(ConfigManager.instance().getConfigSetting( "author-classification.ini", "AuthorRoles", relatorSetting )).append(","); } } return relators.toString().split(","); } /** * Normalizes a relator string and returns a list containing the normalized * relator plus any configured synonyms. * * @param relator Relator term to normalize * @return List of strings */ public List normalizeRelatorAndAddSynonyms(String relator) { List newList = new ArrayList(); String normalized = normalizeRelatorString(relator); newList.add(normalized); String synonyms = ConfigManager.instance().getConfigSetting( "author-classification.ini", "RelatorSynonyms", relator ); if (null != synonyms && synonyms.length() > 0) { for (String synonym: synonyms.split("\\|")) { String normalizedSynonym = normalizeRelatorString(synonym); relatorSynonymLookup.put(normalizedSynonym, relator); newList.add(normalizedSynonym); } } return newList; } /** * Normalizes the strings in a list. * * @param stringList List of strings to be normalized * @return Normalized List of strings */ protected List normalizeRelatorStringList(List stringList) { List newList = new ArrayList(); for (String relator: stringList) { newList.addAll(normalizeRelatorAndAddSynonyms(relator)); } return newList; } /** * Normalizes a string * * @param string String to be normalized * @return string */ protected String normalizeRelatorString(String string) { string = string.trim(); for (String prefix : relatorPrefixesToStrip) { if (string.startsWith(prefix)) { string = string.substring(prefix.length()); break; } } return string .toLowerCase() .replaceAll("\\p{Punct}+", ""); //POSIX character class Punctuation: One of !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for separating different types of authors. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @param acceptUnknownRelators Colon-delimited list of tags whose relators * should be indexed even if they are not listed in author-classification.ini. * @param indexRawRelators Set to "true" to index relators raw, as found * in the MARC or "false" to index mapped versions. * @return List result */ public List getAuthorInitialsFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig, String acceptUnknownRelators, String indexRawRelators ) { List authors = getAuthorsFilteredByRelator( record, tagList, acceptWithoutRelator, relatorConfig, acceptUnknownRelators, indexRawRelators ); List result = new LinkedList(); for (String author : authors) { result.add(processInitials(author)); } return result; } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for separating different types of authors. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @return List result */ public List getAuthorInitialsFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig ) { return getAuthorInitialsFilteredByRelator( record, tagList, acceptWithoutRelator, relatorConfig, acceptWithoutRelator, "false" ); } /** * Filter values retrieved using tagList to include only those whose relator * values are acceptable. Used for separating different types of authors. * * @param record The record (fed in automatically) * @param tagList The field specification to read * @param acceptWithoutRelator Colon-delimited list of tags whose values should * be accepted even if no relator subfield is defined * @param relatorConfig The setting in author-classification.ini which * defines which relator terms are acceptable (or a colon-delimited list) * @param acceptUnknownRelators Colon-delimited list of tags whose relators * should be indexed even if they are not listed in author-classification.ini. * @return List result */ public List getAuthorInitialsFilteredByRelator(Record record, String tagList, String acceptWithoutRelator, String relatorConfig, String acceptUnknownRelators ) { return getAuthorInitialsFilteredByRelator( record, tagList, acceptWithoutRelator, relatorConfig, acceptUnknownRelators, "false" ); } /** * Takes a name and cuts it into initials * @param authorName e.g. Yeats, William Butler * @return initials e.g. w b y wb */ protected String processInitials(String authorName) { Boolean isPersonalName = false; // we guess that if there is a comma before the end - this is a personal name if ((authorName.indexOf(',') > 0) && (authorName.indexOf(',') < authorName.length()-1)) { isPersonalName = true; } // get rid of non-alphabet chars but keep hyphens and accents authorName = authorName.replaceAll("[^\\p{L} -]", "").toLowerCase(); String[] names = authorName.split(" "); //split into tokens on spaces // if this is a personal name we'll reorganise to put lastname at the end String result = ""; if (isPersonalName) { String lastName = names[0]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length-1; i++) { names[i] = names[i+1]; } names[names.length-1] = lastName; } // put all the initials together in a space separated string for (String name : names) { if (name.length() > 0) { String initial = name.substring(0,1); // if there is a hyphenated name, use both initials int pos = name.indexOf('-'); if (pos > 0 && pos < name.length() - 1) { String extra = name.substring(pos+1, pos+2); initial = initial + " " + extra; } result += " " + initial; } } // grab all initials and stick them together String smushAll = result.replaceAll(" ", ""); // if it's a long personal name, get all but the last initials as well // e.g. wb for william butler yeats if (names.length > 2 && isPersonalName) { String smushPers = result.substring(0,result.length()-1).replaceAll(" ",""); result = result + " " + smushPers; } // now we have initials separate and together if (!result.trim().equals(smushAll)) { result += " " + smushAll; } result = result.trim(); return result; } }