package org.vufind.index; /** * Geographic indexing routines. * * This code is designed to get latitude and longitude coordinates. * Records can have multiple coordinates sets of points and/or rectangles. * Points are represented by coordinate sets where N=S E=W. * * code adapted from xrosecky - Moravian Library * * * Copyright (C) Villanova University 2017. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ import*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.marc4j.marc.ControlField; import org.marc4j.marc.DataField; import org.marc4j.marc.Record; import org.marc4j.marc.Subfield; import org.marc4j.marc.VariableField; import org.solrmarc.index.indexer.ValueIndexerFactory; import; /** * Geographic indexing routines. */ public class GeoTools { private static final Pattern COORDINATES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^([eEwWnNsS])(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})"); private static final Pattern HDMSHDD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^([eEwWnNsS])(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)"); private static final Pattern PMDD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^([-+]?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)"); static String datePrefix = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss").format(new Date()); static String vufindLocal = System.getenv("VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR"); static String vufindHome = System.getenv("VUFIND_HOME"); private static Properties vufindConfigs = null; // Initialize logging category static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GeoTools.class.getName()); /** * Constructor */ public GeoTools() { try { vufindConfigs = PropertyUtils.loadProperties(ValueIndexerFactory.instance().getHomeDirs(), ""); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // If the properties load failed, don't worry about it -- we'll use defaults. } } /** * Convert MARC coordinates into long_lat format. * * @param Record record * @return List geo_coordinates */ public List getAllCoordinates(Record record) { List geo_coordinates = new ArrayList(); List list034 = record.getVariableFields("034"); if (list034 != null) { for (VariableField vf : list034) { HashMap coords = getCoordinateValues(vf); // Check for null coordinates if (validateCoordinateValues(record, coords)) { // Check and convert coordinates to +/- decimal degrees Double west = convertCoordinate(coords.get('d')); Double east = convertCoordinate(coords.get('e')); Double north = convertCoordinate(coords.get('f')); Double south = convertCoordinate(coords.get('g')); if (validateDDCoordinates(record, west, east, north, south)) { // New Format for indexing coordinates in Solr 5.0 - minX, maxX, maxY, minY // Note - storage in Solr follows the WENS order, but display is WSEN order String result = String.format("ENVELOPE(%s,%s,%s,%s)", new Object[] { west, east, north, south }); geo_coordinates.add(result); } } } } return geo_coordinates; } /** * Get all available coordinates from the record. * * @param Record record * @return List geo_coordinates */ public List getDisplayCoordinates(Record record) { List geo_coordinates = new ArrayList(); List list034 = record.getVariableFields("034"); if (list034 != null) { for (VariableField vf : list034) { HashMap coords = getCoordinateValues(vf); // Check for null coordinates if (validateCoordinateValues(record, coords)) { String result = String.format("%s %s %s %s", new Object[] { coords.get('d'), coords.get('e'), coords.get('f'), coords.get('g') }); geo_coordinates.add(result); } } } return geo_coordinates; } /** * Log coordinate indexing errors to external log file. * * @param Record record * @param HashMap coords * @param String error message */ public static void logErrorMessage(Record record, HashMap coords, String message) { // Initialize error logging variables String msgError = message; String recNum = "Not available"; ControlField recID = (ControlField) record.getVariableField("001"); if (recID != null) { recNum = recID.getData().trim(); } String coordinates = "Coordinates: {" + coords.get('d') + "} {" + coords.get('e') + "} {" + coords.get('f') + "} {" + coords.get('g') + "}"; String logPath = getLogPath(); String logFilename = datePrefix + "_CoordinateErrors.txt"; String outPath = logPath + "/" + logFilename; // Output Error message logger.error("Not indexing INVALID coordinates for Record ID: " + recNum); logger.error("... " + msgError); if (logPath != null) { logger.error("... Check coordinate error log: " + outPath); // Log ID and error message and coordinates in error file try { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outPath, true))); out.println(logFilename + "\t" + recNum + "\t" + msgError + "\t" + coordinates); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("io exception occurred"); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // output error that log file cannot be created logger.error("..... No coordinate error log. Check settings..."); } } /** * Get path for coordinate error log file. * * @return String logPath */ public static String getLogPath() { // Get coordinate error log path setting String coordLogPath = PropertyUtils.getProperty(vufindConfigs, "coordinate.log.path"); //If coordinate.log.path doesn't exist or is not set, try some other places if (coordLogPath == null) { if (vufindLocal != null) { File dir = new File(vufindLocal + "/import"); if (dir.exists()) { coordLogPath = vufindLocal + "/import"; } } else if (vufindLocal == null && vufindHome != null) { File dir = new File(vufindHome + "/import"); if (dir.exists()) { coordLogPath = vufindHome + "/import"; } } else { coordLogPath = null; } } return coordLogPath; } /** * Get all coordinate values from list034 * * @param VariableField vf * @return HashMap full_coords */ protected HashMap getCoordinateValues(VariableField vf) { DataField df = (DataField) vf; HashMap coords = new HashMap(); for (char code = 'd'; code <= 'g'; code++) { Subfield subfield = df.getSubfield(code); if (subfield != null) { coords.put(code, subfield.getData()); } } // If coordinate set is a point with 2 coordinates, fill the empty values. HashMap full_coords = fillEmptyPointCoordinates(coords); return full_coords; } /** * If coordinates are a point, fill empty N/S or E/W coordinate * * @param HashMap coords * @return HashMap full_coords */ protected HashMap fillEmptyPointCoordinates(HashMap coords) { HashMap full_coords = coords; if (coords.containsKey('d') && !coords.containsKey('e') && coords.containsKey('f') && !coords.containsKey('g')) { full_coords.put('e', coords.get('d').toString()); full_coords.put('g', coords.get('f').toString()); } if (coords.containsKey('e') && !coords.containsKey('d') && coords.containsKey('g') && !coords.containsKey('h')) { full_coords.put('d', coords.get('e').toString()); full_coords.put('f', coords.get('g').toString()); } return full_coords; } /** * Check record coordinates to make sure they do not contain null values. * * @param Record record * @param HashMap coords * @return boolean */ protected boolean validateCoordinateValues(Record record, HashMap coords) { if (coords.containsKey('d') && coords.containsKey('e') && coords.containsKey('f') && coords.containsKey('g')) { return true; } String msgError = "Coordinate values contain null values."; logErrorMessage(record, coords, msgError); return false; } /** * Check coordinate type HDMS HDD or +/-DD. * * @param String coordinateStr * @return Double coordinate */ protected Double convertCoordinate(String coordinateStr) { Double coordinate = Double.NaN; Matcher HDmatcher = HDMSHDD_PATTERN.matcher(coordinateStr); Matcher PMDmatcher = PMDD_PATTERN.matcher(coordinateStr); if (HDmatcher.matches()) { String hemisphere =; Double degrees = Double.parseDouble(; // Check for HDD or HDMS if (hemisphere.equals("N") || hemisphere.equals("S")) { if (degrees > 90) { String hdmsCoordinate = hemisphere+"0"; coordinate = coordinateToDecimal(hdmsCoordinate); } else { coordinate = Double.parseDouble(; if (hemisphere.equals("S")) { coordinate *= -1; } } } if (hemisphere.equals("E") || hemisphere.equals("W")) { if (degrees > 180) { String hdmsCoordinate =; coordinate = coordinateToDecimal(hdmsCoordinate); } else { coordinate = Double.parseDouble(; if (hemisphere.equals("W")) { coordinate *= -1; } } } return coordinate; } else if (PMDmatcher.matches()) { coordinate = Double.parseDouble(; return coordinate; } else { return Double.NaN; } } /** * Convert HDMS coordinates to decimal degrees. * * @param String coordinateStr * @return Double coordinate */ protected Double coordinateToDecimal(String coordinateStr) { Matcher matcher = COORDINATES_PATTERN.matcher(coordinateStr); if (matcher.matches()) { String hemisphere =; int degrees = Integer.parseInt(; int minutes = Integer.parseInt(; int seconds = Integer.parseInt(; double coordinate = degrees + (minutes / 60.0) + (seconds / 3600.0); if (hemisphere.equals("W") || hemisphere.equals("S")) { coordinate *= -1; } return coordinate; } return Double.NaN; } /** * Check decimal degree coordinates to make sure they are valid. * * @param Record record * @param Double west, east, north, south * @return boolean */ protected boolean validateDDCoordinates(Record record, Double west, Double east, Double north, Double south) { boolean validValues = true; boolean validLines = true; boolean validExtent = true; boolean validNorthSouth = true; boolean validEastWest = true; boolean validCoordDist = true; if (validateValues(record, west, east, north, south)) { validLines = validateLines(record, west, east, north, south); validExtent = validateExtent(record, west, east, north, south); validNorthSouth = validateNorthSouth(record, north, south); validEastWest = validateEastWest(record, east, west); validCoordDist = validateCoordinateDistance(record, west, east, north, south); } else { return false; } // Validate all coordinate combinations if (!validLines || !validExtent || !validNorthSouth || !validEastWest || !validCoordDist) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Check decimal degree coordinates to make sure they do not form a line at the poles. * * @param Record record * @param Double west, east, north, south * @return boolean */ public boolean validateLines(Record record, Double west, Double east, Double north, Double south) { if ((!west.equals(east) && north.equals(south)) && (north == 90 || south == -90)) { String msgError = "Coordinates form a line at the pole"; HashMap coords = buildCoordinateHashMap(west, east, north, south); logErrorMessage(record, coords, msgError); return false; } return true; } /** * Check decimal degree coordinates to make sure they do not contain null values. * * @param Record record * @param Double west, east, north, south * @return boolean */ public boolean validateValues(Record record, Double west, Double east, Double north, Double south) { if (west.isNaN() || east.isNaN() || north.isNaN() || south.isNaN()) { String msgError = "Decimal Degree coordinates contain invalid values"; HashMap coords = buildCoordinateHashMap(west, east, north, south); logErrorMessage(record, coords, msgError); return false; } return true; } /** * Check decimal degree coordinates to make sure they are within map extent. * * @param Record record * @param Double west, east, north, south * @return boolean */ public boolean validateExtent(Record record, Double west, Double east, Double north, Double south) { if (west > 180.0 || west < -180.0 || east > 180.0 || east < -180.0 || north > 90.0 || north < -90.0 || south > 90.0 || south < -90.0 ) { String msgError = "Coordinates exceed map extent."; HashMap coords = buildCoordinateHashMap(west, east, north, south); logErrorMessage(record, coords, msgError); return false; } return true; } /** * Check decimal degree coordinates to make sure that north is not less than south. * * @param Record record * @param Double north, south * @return boolean */ public boolean validateNorthSouth(Record record, Double north, Double south) { if (north < south) { String msgError = "North < South."; HashMap coords = buildCoordinateHashMap(Double.NaN, Double.NaN, north, south); logErrorMessage(record, coords, msgError); return false; } return true; } /** * Check decimal degree coordinates to make sure that east is not less than west. * * @param Record record * @param Double east, west * @return boolean */ public boolean validateEastWest(Record record, Double east, Double west) { if (east < west) { // Convert to 360 degree grid if (east <= 0) { east = 360 + east; } if (west < 0) { west = 360 + west; } // Check again if (east < west) { String msgError = "East < West."; HashMap coords = buildCoordinateHashMap(west, east, Double.NaN, Double.NaN); logErrorMessage(record, coords, msgError); return false; } } return true; } /** * Check decimal degree coordinates to make sure they are not too close. * Coordinates too close will cause Solr to run out of memory during indexing. * * @param Record record * @param Double west, east, north, south * @return boolean */ public boolean validateCoordinateDistance(Record record, Double west, Double east, Double north, Double south) { Double distEW = east - west; Double distNS = north - south; //Check for South Pole coordinate distance if ((north == -90 || south == -90) && (distNS > 0 && distNS < 0.167)) { String msgError = "Coordinates < 0.167 degrees from South Pole. Coordinate Distance: "+distNS; HashMap coords = buildCoordinateHashMap(west, east, north, south); logErrorMessage(record, coords, msgError); return false; } //Check for East-West coordinate distance if ((west == 0 || east == 0) && (distEW > -2 && distEW <0)) { String msgError = "Coordinates within 2 degrees of Prime Meridian. Coordinate Distance: "+distEW; HashMap coords = buildCoordinateHashMap(west, east, north, south); logErrorMessage(record, coords, msgError); return false; } return true; } /** * Build coordinate hash map for logging. * * @param Double west, east, north, south * @return HashMap coords */ public HashMap buildCoordinateHashMap (Double west, Double east, Double north, Double south) { HashMap coords = new HashMap(); coords.put('d', Double.toString(west)); coords.put('e', Double.toString(east)); coords.put('f', Double.toString(north)); coords.put('g', Double.toString(south)); return coords; } }