package org.vufind.index; /** * Class for managing record update dates. * * Copyright (C) Villanova University 2017. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ import java.sql.*; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.time.LocalDateTime; /** * Class for managing record update dates. */ public class UpdateDateTracker { private Connection db; private String core; private String id; private DateTimeFormatter iso8601 = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); private Timestamp firstIndexed; private Timestamp lastIndexed; private Timestamp lastRecordChange; private Timestamp deleted; private static ThreadLocal trackerCache = new ThreadLocal() { @Override protected UpdateDateTracker initialValue() { try { return new UpdateDateTracker(DatabaseManager.instance().getConnection()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } }; public static UpdateDateTracker instance() { return trackerCache.get(); } /* Private support method: create a row in the change_tracker table. */ private void createRow(Timestamp newRecordChange) throws SQLException { // Save new values to the object: firstIndexed = lastIndexed = Timestamp.valueOf(; lastRecordChange = newRecordChange; // Save new values to the database: try ( PreparedStatement insertSql = db.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO change_tracker(core, id, first_indexed, last_indexed, last_record_change) " + "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?);" ); ) { insertSql.setString(1, core); insertSql.setString(2, id); insertSql.setTimestamp(3, firstIndexed); insertSql.setTimestamp(4, lastIndexed); insertSql.setTimestamp(5, lastRecordChange); insertSql.executeUpdate(); } } /* Private support method: read a row from the change_tracker table. */ private boolean readRow() throws SQLException { try ( PreparedStatement selectSql = db.prepareStatement( "SELECT first_indexed, last_indexed, last_record_change, deleted " + "FROM change_tracker WHERE core = ? AND id = ?;", ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY ) ) { selectSql.setString(1, core); selectSql.setString(2, id); try (ResultSet result = selectSql.executeQuery()) { // No results? Return false: if (!result.first()) { return false; } else { // If we got this far, we have results -- load them into the object: firstIndexed = result.getTimestamp(1); lastIndexed = result.getTimestamp(2); lastRecordChange = result.getTimestamp(3); deleted = result.getTimestamp(4); } } } return true; } /* Private support method: update a row in the change_tracker table. */ private void updateRow(Timestamp newRecordChange) throws SQLException { // Save new values to the object: lastIndexed = Timestamp.valueOf(; // If first indexed is null, we're restoring a deleted record, so // we need to treat it as new -- we'll use the current time. if (firstIndexed == null) { firstIndexed = lastIndexed; } lastRecordChange = newRecordChange; // Save new values to the database: try ( PreparedStatement updateSql = db.prepareStatement( "UPDATE change_tracker " + "SET first_indexed = ?, last_indexed = ?, last_record_change = ?, deleted = ? " + "WHERE core = ? AND id = ?;" ) ) { updateSql.setTimestamp(1, firstIndexed); updateSql.setTimestamp(2, lastIndexed); updateSql.setTimestamp(3, lastRecordChange); updateSql.setNull(4, java.sql.Types.NULL); updateSql.setString(5, core); updateSql.setString(6, id); updateSql.executeUpdate(); } } /* Constructor: */ public UpdateDateTracker(Connection dbConnection) throws SQLException { db = dbConnection; } /* Get the first indexed date (IMPORTANT: index() must be called before this method) */ public String getFirstIndexed() { return firstIndexed.toLocalDateTime().format(iso8601); } /* Get the last indexed date (IMPORTANT: index() must be called before this method) */ public String getLastIndexed() { return lastIndexed.toLocalDateTime().format(iso8601); } /* Update the database to indicate that the record has just been received by the indexer: */ public void index(String selectedCore, String selectedId, LocalDateTime recordChange) throws SQLException { // If core and ID match the values currently in the class, we have already // indexed the record and do not need to repeat ourselves! if (selectedCore.equals(core) && selectedId.equals(id)) { return; } // If we made it this far, we need to update the database, so let's store // the current core/ID pair we are operating on: core = selectedCore; id = selectedId; // Convert incoming LocalDateTime to a Timestamp: Timestamp newRecordChange = Timestamp.valueOf(recordChange); // No row? Create one! if (!readRow()) { createRow(newRecordChange); // Row already exists? See if it needs to be updated: } else { // Are we restoring a previously deleted record, or was the stored // record change date before current record change date? Either way, // we need to update the table! // // Note that we check for a time difference of at least one second in // order to count as a change. Because dates are stored with second // precision, some of the date conversions have been known to create // minor inaccuracies in the millisecond range, which used to cause // false positives. if (deleted != null || Math.abs(lastRecordChange.getTime() - newRecordChange.getTime()) > 999) { updateRow(newRecordChange); } } } }