; XSLT Import Settings for OJS (using NLM tags) ; IMPORTANT: newer versions of OJS no longer appear to offer this option, so this ; example is out of date. It should likely be revised to use JATS instead; see: ; https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/issues/2358 [General] ; REQUIRED: Name of XSLT file to apply. Path is relative to the import/xsl directory ; of the VuFind installation (or your local override directory). xslt = nlm_ojs.xsl ; OPTIONAL: PHP function(s) to register for use within XSLT file. You may repeat ; this line to register multiple PHP functions. php_function[] = strtolower ; OPTIONAL: PHP class filled with public static functions for use by the XSLT file. ; The class must live within a PHP namespace. You may specify a fully-qualified ; name; if you do not include a namespace, the class will automatically be assumed ; to live in the \VuFind\XSLT\Import namespace. custom_class[] = VuFind custom_class[] = VuFindWorkKeys ; OPTIONAL: If true, all custom_class settings above will be passed to the XSLT with ; their namespaces stripped off; for example, \VuFind\XSLT\Import\VuFind would be ; treated as \VuFind in XSLT files. This allows more compact syntax within XSLT ; files, but it can lead to name conflicts if used carelessly. If set to false, you ; must use fully-qualified names in your XSLT. The false setting is recommended, but ; the current default is "true" for compatibility with legacy configurations. truncate_custom_class = true ; XSLT parameters -- any key/value pairs set here will be passed as parameters to ; the XSLT file, allowing local values to be set without modifying XSLT code. [Parameters] institution = "My University" collection = "OJS" ; These settings will influence work key generation for identifying record versions. ; You can define regular expressions to either specifically include or specifically ; exclude particular characters, and/or you can use Transliterator rules when ; generating keys to identify works. See ; https://unicode-org.github.io/icu/userguide/transforms/general/#icu-transliterators ; for more information on the transliteration rules. workKey_include_regEx = "" workKey_exclude_regEx = "" workKey_transliterator_rules = ":: NFD; :: lower; :: Latin; :: [^[:letter:] [:number:]] Remove; :: NFKC;"