# # Hierarchical facet mapping for format - level 0 (main level) # Note that this mapping is not used by default. To enable, see the associated # configuration in marc_local.properties. # # DATA FROM INDEXER = Label # Article = 0/Serial/ Atlas = 0/Map/ Book = 0/Book/ BookComponentPart = 0/Book/ Braille = 0/Book/ BRDisc = 0/Video/ CDROM = 0/Software/ Chart = 0/Image/ ChipCartridge = 0/Software/ Collage = 0/Image/ ConferenceProceeding= 0/Conference Proceeding/ DataSet = 0/Software/ DiscCartridge = 0/Software/ Drawing = 0/Image/ eBook = 0/Book/ Electronic = 0/Electronic/ ElectronicResource = 0/Software/ Filmstrip = 0/Video/ FlashCard = 0/Image/ FloppyDisk = 0/Software/ Font = 0/Software/ Globe = 0/Map/ GovernmentDocument = 0/Government Document/ Image = 0/Image/ InteractiveMultimedia = 0/Software/ Journal = 0/Serial/ Kit = 0/Kit/ Manuscript = 0/Manuscript/ Map = 0/Map/ Microfilm = 0/Microfilm/ MotionPicture = 0/Video/ MusicalScore = 0/Musical Score/ MusicRecording = 0/Audio/ Newspaper = 0/Serial/ OnlineIntegratingResource = 0/Database/ Painting = 0/Image/ Photonegative = 0/Image/ Photo = 0/Image/ PhysicalIntegratingResource = 0/Serial/ PhysicalObject = 0/Physical Object/ Postcard = 0/Image/ Poster = 0/Image/ Print = 0/Image/ ProjectedMedium = 0/Image/ SensorImage = 0/Image/ SerialComponentPart = 0/Serial/ Serial = 0/Serial/ Slide = 0/Image/ Software = 0/Software/ SoundCassette = 0/Audio/ SoundDisc = 0/Audio/ SoundRecording = 0/Audio/ TapeCartridge = 0/Software/ TapeCassette = 0/Software/ TapeReel = 0/Software/ Text = 0/Text/ Thesis = 0/Thesis/ Transparency = 0/Image/ Unknown = 0/Unknown/ VideoCartridge = 0/Video/ VideoCassette = 0/Video/ VideoDisc = 0/Video/ VideoGame = 0/Software/ VideoOnline = 0/Video/ VideoReel = 0/Video/ Video = 0/Video/ Website = 0/Website/