; For future reference: ;English = English Abstract = "Abstract" Access = "Access" Access URL = "Access URL" access_denied = "Access denied." Accession Number = "Accession Number" Account = "Account" account_block_options_missing = "Some choices have been removed due to a block on your account. Details: %%details%%" account_checkouts_due = "Items due soon" account_checkouts_overdue = "Items overdue" account_has_alerts = "Your account has alerts" account_menu_label = "Account information and options" account_normal_checkouts = "Items due later" account_requests_available = "Available for Pickup" account_requests_in_transit = "In Transit" account_requests_other = "Other Status" Add a Library Card = "Add a Library Card" Add a Library Card using login = "Add a Library Card using institutional Login" Add a Note = "Add a Note" Add Tag = "Add Tag" Add Tags = "Add Tags" Add to another list = "Add to another list" Add to Book Bag = "Add to Book Bag" Add to favorites = "Save to List" Add your comment = "Add your comment" add_comment_fail_blank = "Comment cannot be blank." add_comment_success = "Comment added." add_favorite_fail = "Error: Record not saved" add_list_fail = "Error: List not created" add_other_libraries = "Include articles at other libraries" add_search = "Add Search Field" add_search_group = "Add Search Group" add_tag_error = "Error: Could Not Save Tags" add_tag_note = "Spaces will separate tags. Use quotes for multi-word tags." add_tag_success = "Tags Saved" add_to_favorites_html = "Add %%title%% to saved items" Additional data = "Additional data" Address = "Address" adv_search_all = "All Fields" adv_search_author = "Author" adv_search_callnumber = "Call Number" adv_search_filters = "Applied Filters" adv_search_isn = "ISBN/ISSN" adv_search_journaltitle = "Journal Title" adv_search_label = "Search for" adv_search_publisher = "Publisher" adv_search_select_all = "select all" adv_search_series = "Series" adv_search_subject = "Subject" adv_search_title = "Title" adv_search_toc = "Table of Contents" adv_search_year = "Year of Publication" Advanced = "Advanced" Advanced Search = "Advanced Search" advSearchError_noRights = "I'm sorry, but you don't have permission to edit that search. Perhaps your browser session has expired?" advSearchError_notAdvanced = "The search you have requested to edit is not an advanced search." advSearchError_notFound = "The search you have requested was not found." ajax_load_interrupted = "Loading interrupted" ajaxview_label_information = "Information" ajaxview_label_tools = "Tools" alert_email_address = "Scheduled alert results will be sent to email address" All = "All" All Fields = "All Fields" All Pages Loaded = "All Pages Loaded" All Text = "All Text" alphabrowse_matches = "Results" alphabrowselink_html = 'Browse entries by %%index%% starting from %%from%%.' Always ask me = "Always ask me" An error has occurred = "An error has occurred" An error occurred during execution; please try again later. = "An error occurred during execution; please try again later." AND = "AND" and = "and" anonymous_tags = "Anonymous Tags" APA Citation = "APA Citation" APA Edition Citation = "APA (7th ed.) Citation" applied_filter = "Applied Filter:" applied_filters = "Applied Filters:" Archival Material = "Archival Material" Article = "Article" Ask a Librarian = "Ask a Librarian" Associated country = "Associated country" Audience = "Audience" Audio = "Audio" authentication_error_admin = "We cannot log you in at this time. Please contact your system administrator for assistance." authentication_error_blank = "Login information cannot be blank." authentication_error_creation_blocked = "You do not have permission to create an account." authentication_error_denied = "Credentials do not match! Access denied." authentication_error_email_not_verified_html = 'Your email address has not been verified yet. Please check your spam filter for the verification message. If necessary, we can Resend the Verification Email.' authentication_error_expired = "The authentication request has expired." authentication_error_in_progress = "Authentication request is already being processed. Please try again later if you need to start over." authentication_error_invalid = "Invalid login -- please try again." authentication_error_loggedout = "You have logged out." authentication_error_session_ip_mismatch = "The authentication request was initiated with a different session and IP address. Access denied." authentication_error_technical = "We cannot log you in at this time. Please try again later." Author = "Author" Author Browse = "Author Browse" Author Notes = "Author Notes" Author Results for = "Author Results for" Author Search Results = "Author Search Results" Authority File = "Authority File" Authors = "Authors" Authors Related to Your Search = "Authors Related to Your Search" Auto configuration is currently disabled = "Auto configuration is currently disabled" auto_configure_description = "If this is a new installation, you may be able to fix the error using VuFind's Auto Configure tool." auto_configure_disabled = "Auto configuration is disabled." auto_configure_title = "Auto Configure" Availability = "Availability" Available = "Available" Available Functionality = "Available Functionality" Awards = "Awards" Back to Record = "Back to Record" Back to Search Results = "Back to Search Results" Backtrace = "Backtrace" Bag = "Bag" Balance = "Balance" Barcode = "Barcode" Be the first to leave a comment = "Be the first to leave a comment" Be the first to tag this record = "Be the first to tag this record" Bibliographic Details = "Bibliographic Details" Bibliography = "Bibliography" blender_backend_error_message = "%%error%% -- %%label%%" Blu-ray Disc = "Blu-ray Disc" Book = "Book" Book Bag = "Book Bag" Book Chapter = "Book Chapter" Book Cover = "Book Cover" bookbag_confirm_empty = "Are you sure you want to empty your Book Bag?" bookbag_delete = "Delete Selected Book Bag Items" bookbag_delete_selected = "Delete Selected" bookbag_full = "Full" bookbag_full_msg = "Your Book Bag is Full" bookbag_is_empty = "Your Book Bag is empty" Bookmark = "Bookmark" bookplate_label = "%%title%% bookplate" Books = "Books" Borrowing Location = "Borrowing Location" bound_with_heading_multiple_callnumbers = "Contents of [%%callnumber%%]" bound_with_heading_one_callnumber = "Contents" bound_with_intro = "The following works are all found in the book indicated by the call number above." Braille = "Braille" Breadcrumbs = "Breadcrumbs" Brief View = "Brief View" Browse = "Browse" Browse Alphabetically = "Browse Alphabetically" Browse for Authors = "Browse for Authors" Browse Home = "Browse Home" Browse the Catalog = "Browse the Catalog" Browse the Collection = "Browse the Collection" Browse the Collection Alphabetically = "Browse the Collection Alphabetically" browse_author = "Author" browse_dewey = "Call Number (Dewey)" browse_format = "Format" browse_lcc = "Call Number (LC)" browse_publishDate = "Year of Publication" browse_title = "Title" browse_topic = "Topic" bulk_email = "Email Selected" bulk_email_success = "Your item(s) were emailed" bulk_email_title = "Library Catalog Items" bulk_error_missing = "Some data was missing. Your request was not successful." bulk_export = "Export Selected" bulk_export_not_supported = "The record(s) you have selected do not support bulk export." bulk_fail = "Sorry, an error has occurred. Please try again." bulk_limit_exceeded = "Selection of %%count%% items exceeds the limit of %%limit%% for this action. Please select fewer items." bulk_noitems_advice = "No items were selected. Please click on a checkbox next to an item and try again." bulk_print = "Print Selected" bulk_save = "Save Selected" bulk_save_error = "Some data was missing. Your items were not saved." bulk_save_success = "Your item(s) were saved successfully" By = "By" by = "by" By Alphabetical = "By Alphabetical" By Author = "By Author" By Call Number = "By Call Number" By Course = "By Course" By Department = "By Department" By Era = "By Era" By Genre = "By Genre" By Instructor = "By Instructor" By Popularity = "By Popularity" By Recent = "By Recent" By Region = "By Region" By Title = "By Title" By Topic = "By Topic" cached_record_warning = "This record is not available in the search index. Last cached version is shown." Call Number = "Call Number" callnumber_abbrev = "Call #" Cannot find record = "Cannot find record" Cannot find similar records = "Cannot find similar records" cannot set = "Cannot set" captcha_label_input = "Please enter what you see:" captcha_label_multiple = "Select your favorite CAPTCHA:" captcha_label_single = "CAPTCHA:" captcha_not_passed = "CAPTCHA not passed" captcha_technical_difficulties = "CAPTCHA failed due to technical difficulties" Cassette = "Cassette" cat_establish_account = "In order to establish your account profile, please enter the following information:" cat_password_abbrev = "Catalog Password" cat_username_abbrev = "Catalog Username" Catalog Login = "Catalog Login" Catalog Results = "Catalog Results" catalog_login_desc = "Enter your library catalog credentials." CD = "CD" Change Email Address = "Change Email Address" Change Password = "Change Password" change_email_disabled = "You are not allowed to change your email address at this time" change_email_verification_reminder = "Submitting this form will send an email to the new address; you will have to click on a link in the email before the change will take effect." change_notification_email_message = "A request was just made to change your email address at %%library%%. If you did not initiate this request, you may wish to log in at %%url%% and confirm the integrity of your account. Please contact support at %%email%% if you have questions or concerns." change_notification_email_subject = "Account Email Change Notification" channel_add_more = "Add more channels like this" channel_browse = "Browse more records" channel_expand = "Explore related channels" channel_explore = "Explore Channels" channel_search = "Show items as search results" channel_searchbox_label = "Search for more channels:" Check Hold = "Check Hold" Check Recall = "Check Recall" check_profile = "Check user information." Checked Out = "Checked Out" Checked Out Items = "Checked Out Items" Checkedout = "Checked Out" Checkout Date = "Checkout Date" Chicago Citation = "Chicago Style Citation" Chicago Edition Citation = "Chicago Style (17th ed.) Citation" child_record_count = "%%count%% records" child_records = "Contents/pieces" Choose a Category to Begin Browsing = "Choose a Category to Begin Browsing" Choose a Column to Begin Browsing = "Choose a Column to Begin Browsing" Choose a List = "Choose a List" choose_login_method = "Please choose a login method:" citation_issue_abbrev = "no." citation_multipage_abbrev = "pp." citation_singlepage_abbrev = "p." citation_volume_abbrev = "Vol." Citations = "Citations" Cite this = "Cite this" City = "City" Clear = "Clear" clear_feedback_filter = "Clear Filter" clear_selection = "Clear Selection (%%count%%)" clear_tag_filter = "Clear Filter" close = "close" Code = "Code" Collection = "Collection" Collection Browse = "Collection Browse" Collection Items = "Collection Items" collection_disambiguation = "Found Multiple Matching Collections" collection_empty = "No items to display." collection_view_record = "View Record" Collections = "Collections" combined_jump_links_intro = "Jump to Results:" comment_anonymous_user = "Anonymous" comment_error_load = "Error: Could Not Redraw Comment List" comment_error_save = "Error: Could Not Save Comment" Comments = "Comments" Company/Entity = "Company/Entity" Conference Proceeding = "Conference Proceeding" Configuration = "Configuration" confirm_delete = "Are you sure you want to delete this?" confirm_delete_brief = "Delete Item?" confirm_delete_feedback = "Delete Feedback" confirm_delete_library_card_brief = "Delete Library Card?" confirm_delete_library_card_text = "Are you sure you want to delete this library card?" confirm_delete_list_brief = "Delete List?" confirm_delete_list_text = "Are you sure you want to delete this list?" confirm_delete_tags_brief = "Delete Tags" confirm_dialog_no = "No" confirm_dialog_yes = "Yes" confirm_hold_cancel_all_text = "Do you wish to cancel all your current holds?" confirm_hold_cancel_selected_text = "Do you wish to cancel your selected holds?" confirm_ill_request_cancel_all_text = "Do you wish to cancel all your current interlibrary loan requests?" confirm_ill_request_cancel_selected_text = "Do you wish to cancel your selected interlibrary loan requests?" confirm_new_password = "Confirm New Password" confirm_renew_all_text = "Do you wish to renew all your items?" confirm_renew_selected_text = "Do you wish to renew the selected items?" confirm_storage_retrieval_request_cancel_all_text = "Do you wish to cancel all your current storage retrieval requests?" confirm_storage_retrieval_request_cancel_selected_text = "Do you wish to cancel your selected storage retrieval requests?" Connecting of library cards is not supported = "Connecting of library cards is not supported" consortial_vufind_recommend_heading = "Borrow from a Partner Library" consortial_vufind_recommend_intro_html = '%%result_count%% result(s) found at partner libraries.' Contents = "Contents" Contributing Source = "Contributing Source" Contributors = "Contributors" Cookie Settings = "Cookie Settings" Coordinates = "Coordinates" Copies = "Copies" Copy = "Copy" copy_to_clipboard_button_label = "Copy to clipboard" copy_to_clipboard_failure_message = "Copying to clipboard failed" copy_to_clipboard_success_message = "Successfully copied to clipboard" Copyright = "Copyright" Corporate Author = "Corporate Author" Corporate Authors = "Corporate Authors" could_not_process_feedback = "Could not process your feedback. Please try again later." Country = "Country" Course = "Course" Course Reserves = "Course Reserves" course_reserves_empty_list = "No matching Course Reserves found." Cover Image = "Cover Image" cover_source_label = "Cover from" Create a List = "Create a List" Create New Account = "Create New Account" Create New Password = "Create New Password" Created = "Created" csrf_validation_failed = "The request could not be processed. Please try again." Data Set = "Data Set" Database = "Database" databases_recommend_heading = "Databases" databases_recommend_intro = "Search directly in relevant databases for enhanced functionality." databases_recommend_link_to_all = "List of All Databases" Date = "Date" Date of birth = "Date of birth" Date of death = "Date of death" date_day_placeholder = "D" date_from = "From" date_month_placeholder = "M" date_to = "To" date_year_placeholder = "Y" Debug Information = "Debug Information" deep_paging_failure = "The search results page you requested is not currently available; you have been redirected to page %%page%%." default_list_title = "Saved Items" del_search = "Remove Search Group" del_search_num = "Remove Search Group %%num%%" Delete = "Delete" delete_account_confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete your account?" delete_account_description_html = "Saved searches and item lists will be deleted. You can still establish a new account later if you wish." delete_account_failure = "Failed to delete the account." delete_account_success_message = "Your account has been deleted. Logging out..." delete_account_title = "Delete Account" delete_all = "Delete All" delete_comment_failure = "Could not delete comment." delete_comment_success = "Comment deleted." delete_list = "Delete List" delete_page = "Delete Page" delete_selected = "Delete Selected" delete_selected_favorites = "Delete Selected Saved Items" delete_tag = "Delete Tag" delete_tags = "Delete Tags" delete_tags_by = "Delete Tags By" Department = "Department" Description = "Description" Desired Username = "Desired Username" Detailed View = "Detailed View" Details = "Staff View" Displaying the top = "Displaying the top" Document Inspector = "Document Inspector" Document Type = "Document Type" DOI = "DOI" doi_detected_html = 'Your search appears to contain a DOI. Click here to check the availability of the resource: %%doi%%' Draw Search Box = "Draw Search Box" draw_searchbox_end = "Release mouse to finish drawing." draw_searchbox_start = "Click and drag to select an area." Due = "Due" Due Date = "Due Date" dumb_captcha_prompt = "Please enter the above text in reverse order:" DVD = "DVD" eBook = "eBook" Edit = "Edit" edit = "edit" Edit Library Card = "Edit Library Card" Edit this Advanced Search = "Edit this Advanced Search" edit_list = "Edit List" edit_list_fail = "Sorry, you are not permitted to edit this list" edit_list_success = "List successfully updated." Edition = "Edition" EDS Results = "EDS Results" eds_expander_fulltext = "Also search within the full text of the articles" eds_expander_relatedsubjects = "Apply equivalent subjects" eds_expander_thesaurus = "Apply related words" eds_limiter_FC = "Catalog Only" eds_limiter_FC1 = "Institutional Repository Only" eds_limiter_FM6 = "Audio Available" eds_limiter_FR = "References Available" eds_limiter_FT = "Full Text" eds_limiter_FT1 = "Available in Library Collection" eds_limiter_RV = "Peer Reviewed" eds_mode_all = "Find all search terms" eds_mode_any = "Find any of the search terms" eds_mode_bool = "Boolean/Phrase" eds_mode_smart = "SmartText Searching" eds_modes_and_expanders = "Search Modes and Expanders" Electronic = "Electronic" Email = "Email" Email Address = "Email Address" Email address is invalid = "Email address is invalid" Email Record = "Email Record" Email this = "Email this" Email this Search = "Email Search" email_change_pending_html = 'You have a pending email change to %%pending%%. Please click the link in the verification email sent to this address to complete the change. If necessary, we can Resend the Verification Email.' email_failure = "Error - Message Cannot Be Sent" email_link = "Link" email_login_desc = "Please use the following link to log in. If you did not initiate login, you may safely ignore this message. Please note that the link is only valid for a limited time and only with the device you used to enter the email address." email_login_link = "Link to login: <%%url%%>" email_login_link_sent = "We have sent a login link to your email address. It may take a few moments for the link to arrive. If you don't receive the link shortly, please check also your spam filter." email_login_requested = "Login has been requested with your email address at %%title%%." email_login_subject = "Login to %%title%%" email_maximum_recipients_note = "At most %%max%% recipients are allowed." email_multiple_recipients_note = "You may specify multiple recipients separated by commas." email_selected_favorites = "Email Selected Items" email_sending = "Sending Message..." email_subject = "Subject" email_success = "Message Sent" Empty = "Empty" Empty Book Bag = "Empty Book Bag" empty_search_disallowed = "An empty query is not allowed with the search target" Enable Auto Config = "Enable Auto Config" End Page = "End Page" eol_ellipsis = "…" epf_recommendations = "Publication Results" epf_recommendations_more = "More Publication Results" ePub Full Text = "ePub Full Text" Era = "Era" error_accessing_full_text = "There was an error retrieving the full text you requested." error_creating_marc_xml = "An error occurred when formatting MARC" error_inconsistent_parameters = "Sorry, an error has occurred. Inconsistent parameters detected." error_page_parameter_list_heading = "Request Parameters" error_too_many_requests = "Too Many Requests" error_too_many_requests_retry_after = "Too many requests. Retry after %%seconds%% seconds." Exception = "Exception" Excerpt = "Excerpt" exclude_facet = "Exclude matching results" exclude_newspapers = "Exclude newspaper articles" explain_boost = "* %%boost%% (boost)" explain_boost_description = "(boost) = %%boost_description%%" explain_compared = "Relevance in comparison to the relevance of the top result" explain_coord = "* %%coord%% (adjust for number of matches compared to search)" explain_difference_score = "difference to top score" explain_disabled = "Explain is deactivated for %%searchClassId%%" explain_for_search = "Explanation for search" explain_modified_value = "Product of %%relevanceValue%% (relevance value)" explain_modifier = "with a modifier of %%modifier%%" explain_record_score = "record score" explain_relevance = "Record Id: %%recordId%% found with a relevance value of %%relevanceValue%%" explain_relevance_score = "Relevance Score" explain_result_list_chart_title = "Score: %%score%%" explain_result_list_hint = "Relevance score. Click to see detailed explanation." explain_sum = "sum" explain_top_relevance = "Top Result Relevance" Export = "Export" Export Favorites = "Export Items" Export Items = "Export Items" Export Record = "Export Record" export_choose_format = "Please choose an export format." export_download = "Download File" export_exporting = "Creating Export File" export_fail = "Your items were not exported" export_invalid_format = "The selected export format is not supported by this record." export_missing = "Some data was missing. Your items were not exported." export_no_formats = "This record does not support export." export_save = "Save File" export_selected_favorites = "Export Selected Items" export_send = "Send to %%service%%" export_success = "Export Ready" export_to = "Export to %%target%%" export_unsupported_format = "Unsupported Export Format" external_auth_access_heading = "Request for Access" external_auth_access_login_message = "An external application is requesting access to your data. Please log in to review and authorize the request." external_auth_allow_access = "Allow Access" external_auth_deny_access = "Deny Access" external_auth_heading = "Access to licensed material" external_auth_ils_prompt = "Some of the requested information is retrieved from your library catalog profile." external_auth_login_message = "Login to access licensed material" external_auth_prompt_html = "is requesting the following access rights:" external_auth_scope_address = "Read your address" external_auth_scope_age = "Read your age" external_auth_scope_birthdate = "Read your date of birth" external_auth_scope_block_status = "Check if your account has blocks" external_auth_scope_cat_id = "Read your internal library user identifier" external_auth_scope_email = "Read your email address" external_auth_scope_library_user_id = "Read a unique hash based on your library user identifier" external_auth_scope_locale = "Read your active language" external_auth_scope_name = "Read your name" external_auth_scope_openid = "Read your user identifier" external_auth_scope_phone = "Read your phone number" external_auth_scope_profile = "Read your basic profile information (name, language, birthdate)" external_auth_scope_unique_id = "Read your unique identifier" external_auth_scope_username = "Read your username" external_auth_scopes_none = "none" external_auth_unauthorized = "You are not authorized to access licensed material" external_auth_unauthorized_desc = "Your login method does not provide access to licensed material. Please log out and then log in using another method." facet_list_empty = "No data available" facet_list_for = "Facet list for %%field%%" FAQs = "FAQs" fav_delete = "Delete Selected Items" fav_delete_deleting = "Your saved item(s) are being deleted." fav_delete_fail = "Sorry, an error has occurred. Your saved item(s) were not deleted." fav_delete_missing = "Some data was missing. Your saved item(s) were not deleted." fav_delete_success = "Your saved item(s) were deleted." fav_delete_warn = "You are about to delete these saved items from all your lists - If you want to delete saved items from a specific list only, please select the list before clicking delete." fav_email_fail = "Sorry, an error has occurred. Your saved item(s) were not emailed." fav_email_missing = "Some data was missing. Your saved item(s) were not emailed." fav_email_success = "Your saved item(s) were emailed as requested." fav_export = "Export Saved Items" fav_list_delete = "List has been deleted." fav_list_delete_cancel = "This list was not deleted." fav_list_delete_fail = "Sorry, an error has occurred. Your list was not deleted." Fee = "Fee" Feedback = "Feedback" Feedback Management = "Feedback Management" feedback_delete_failure = "Feedback deletion failed" feedback_delete_filter = "You are using following filter - Form name: %%formname%%, Site URL: %%siteurl%%, Status: %%status%%" feedback_delete_success = "%%count%% feedback responses deleted." feedback_delete_warning = "Warning! You are about to delete %%count%% feedback messages" feedback_email = "Email" feedback_filter_empty = "No feedback available for this filter" feedback_help_label = "Need Help?" feedback_name = "Name" feedback_response = "Thank you for your feedback." feedback_status_answered = "Answered" feedback_status_closed = "Closed" feedback_status_in progress = "In Progress" feedback_status_open = "Open" feedback_status_pending = "Pending" feedback_status_update_failure = "Feedback status update failed" feedback_status_update_success = "Feedback status updated successfully" feedback_title = "Send us your feedback!" Field of activity = "Field of activity" File Description = "File Description" Filter = "Filter" Filter Collection = "Filter collection" filter_tags = "Filter Tags" filter_toggle_entries = "%%count%% filters" filter_wildcard = "Any" Find = "Find" Find New Items = "Find New Items" find_more_ellipsis = "Find More…" Finding Aid = "Finding Aid" Fine = "Fine" Fine Date = "Fine Date" Fine Description = "Description" fine_limit_patron = "You have reached your fines limit and cannot renew items" Fines = "Fines" First = "First" First Name = "First Name" First Search Result = "First Search Result" fix_metadata = "Yes, fix the metadata; I'll wait" footer_header_find_more = "Find More" footer_header_need_help = "Need Help?" footer_header_search_options = "Search Options" for search = "for search" Forget All = "Forget All" Forget Login = "Forget Login" Forgot Password = "Forgot Password" Form name = "Form name" Format = "Format" From = "From" Full description = "Full description" Full text is not displayed to guests = "Full text is not displayed to guests." fulltext_limit = "Limit to articles with full text available" Gender = "Gender" Genre = "Genre" Geographic Search = "Geographic Search" Geographic Terms = "Geographic Terms" Geography = "Geography" Get full text = "Get full text" Get more information = "Get more information" Get RSS Feed = "RSS Feed" Globe = "Globe" Go = "Go" Go to Standard View = "Go to Standard View" go_to_list = "Go to List" google_map_cluster = "Cluster" google_map_cluster_points = "Cluster Points" Government Document = "Government Document" Grid = "Grid" Group = "Group" group_AND = "ALL Groups" group_OR = "ANY Groups" Has Illustrations = "Has Illustrations" Help = "Help" Help with Advanced Search = "Help with Advanced Search" Help with Search Operators = "Help with Search Operators" help_page_missing = "The requested help page does not exist." hierarchy_hide_tree = "Hide Full Hierarchy" hierarchy_show_tree = "Show Full Hierarchy" hierarchy_tree = "Context" hierarchy_tree_error = "Sorry, we were unable to load the hierarchical tree" hierarchy_view_context = "View Context" highlight_snippet_html = "“…%%snippet%%…”" History = "History" history_delete = "Delete" history_delete_link = "Delete" history_empty_search = "Anything (empty search)" history_limits = "Limits" history_login_html = 'Please log in to see your saved searches.' history_no_saved_searches = "You don't have any saved searches." history_no_searches = "There are currently no searches in your history." history_purge = "Purge unsaved searches" history_recent_searches = "Recent Searches" history_results = "Results" history_save = "Save?" history_save_link = "Save" history_saved_searches = "Saved Searches" history_schedule = "Alert schedule" history_search = "Search" history_time = "Time" hold_available = "Available for Pickup" hold_available_until = "Available for Pickup Until %%date%%" hold_cancel = "Cancel Hold" hold_cancel_all = "Cancel All Holds" hold_cancel_fail = "Your request was not canceled. Please contact the circulation desk for further assistance" hold_cancel_fail_items = "%%count%% request(s) could not be canceled" hold_cancel_selected = "Cancel Selected Holds" hold_cancel_success = "Your request was successfully canceled" hold_cancel_success_items = "%%count%% request(s) were successfully canceled" hold_date_invalid = "Please enter a valid date" hold_date_past = "Please enter a date in the future" hold_edit_conflicting_pickup_locations = "Selected holds have different options for pick up location. Edit a single hold to change its pick up location." hold_edit_failed_items = "Updating failed for %%count%% hold(s)" hold_edit_frozen = "Frozen Status" hold_edit_frozen_set = "Freeze (suspend temporarily)" hold_edit_frozen_through = "Frozen Through" hold_edit_frozen_unset = "Release (resume)" hold_edit_no_change = "No change" hold_edit_selected = "Edit Selected Holds" hold_edit_success_items = "%%count%% hold(s) updated" hold_edit_title = "Change Hold Information" hold_empty_selection = "No holds were selected" hold_error_age_restricted = "A hold cannot be placed due to age restriction on the material." hold_error_blocked = "You do not have sufficient privileges to place a hold on this item" hold_error_fail = "Your request failed. Please contact the circulation desk for further assistance" hold_error_item_not_holdable = "This item cannot be requested." hold_error_not_holdable = "This material cannot be requested." hold_error_on_shelf_blocked = "Shelf holds are not available." hold_error_too_many_holds = "A hold cannot be placed because the maximum number of holds has been reached." hold_error_update_blocked_status = "The hold is in a state that prevents some or all changes." hold_error_update_failed = "The hold could not be updated." hold_expires = "Expires" hold_frozen = "Frozen (temporarily suspended)" hold_frozen_through = "Frozen (temporarily suspended) through %%date%%" hold_frozen_through_date_invalid = 'Please enter a valid "frozen through" date' hold_in_process = "In process" hold_invalid_pickup = "An invalid pick up location was entered. Please try again" hold_invalid_request_group = "An invalid hold request group was entered. Please try again" hold_items_available = "Cannot place a hold because items are available." hold_login = "Login for hold and recall information" hold_place = "Place Request" hold_place_fail_missing = "Your request failed. Some data was missing. Please contact the circulation desk for further assistance" hold_place_success_html = 'Your request was successful. Your Holds and Recalls.' hold_profile_html = 'For hold and recall information, please establish your Library Catalog Profile.' hold_proxied_by = "Requested By" hold_proxied_for = "Requested For" hold_queue_position = "Queue Position" hold_record_already_on_loan = "You already have the record on loan" hold_request_group = "Request from" hold_requested_group = "Requested from" hold_required_by = "No longer required after" hold_required_by_date_before_start_date = 'Please enter a "required by" date later than the start date' hold_required_by_date_invalid = "Please enter a valid 'required by' date" hold_required_by_optional = "No longer required after (optional)" hold_start_date = "Start date" hold_start_date_invalid = "Please enter a valid start date" hold_success = "Your request was successful" Holdings = "Holdings" Holdings at Other Libraries = "Holdings at Other Libraries" holdings_details_from = "Holdings details from %%location%%" Holdings_notes = "Notes" Holds = "Holds" Holds and Recalls = "Holds and Recalls" Home = "Home" home_browse_by_facet = "Browse by %%facet%%" HTML Full Text = "HTML Full Text" Identifier = "Identifier" ill_request_available = "Available for Pickup" ill_request_cancel = "Cancel Interlibrary Loan Request" ill_request_cancel_all = "Cancel All Interlibrary Loan Requests" ill_request_cancel_fail = "Your request was not canceled. Please contact the circulation desk for further assistance" ill_request_cancel_selected = "Cancel Selected Interlibrary Loan Requests" ill_request_cancel_success = "Your request was successfully canceled" ill_request_cancel_success_items = "%%count%% request(s) were successfully canceled" ill_request_canceled = "Canceled" ill_request_check_text = "Check Interlibrary Loan Request" ill_request_comments = "Comments" ill_request_date_invalid = "Please enter a valid date" ill_request_date_past = "Please enter a date in the future" ill_request_empty_selection = "No interlibrary loan requests were selected" ill_request_error_blocked = "You do not have sufficient privileges to place an interlibrary loan request on this item" ill_request_error_fail = "Your request failed. Please contact the circulation desk for further assistance" ill_request_error_technical = "Your request failed due to a system error. Please contact the circulation desk for further assistance" ill_request_error_unknown_patron_source = "Patron library not identified in interlibrary loan request." ill_request_expires = "Expires" ill_request_invalid_pickup = "An invalid pickup location was entered. Please try again" ill_request_pick_up_library = "Pick Up Library" ill_request_pick_up_location = "Pick Up Location" ill_request_place_fail_missing = "Your request failed. Some data was missing. Please contact the circulation desk for further assistance" ill_request_place_success = "Your request was successful" ill_request_place_success_html = 'Your request was successful. Interlibrary Loan Requests.' ill_request_place_text = "Place an Interlibrary Loan Request" ill_request_processed = "Processed" ill_request_profile_html = 'For interlibrary loan request information, please establish your Library Catalog Profile.' ill_request_submit_text = "Place Request" Illustrated = "Illustrated" ils_account_create_error = "Your account could not be created in our library management system. If the problem persists, please contact your library." ils_action_unavailable = "The requested function is not available with the active library card." ils_connection_failed = "Connection to the library management system failed. Information related to your library account cannot be displayed. If the problem persists, please contact your library." ils_offline_holdings_message = "Holdings and item availability information is currently unavailable. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and contact us for further assistance:" ils_offline_home_message = "Your account details and live item information will be unavailable during this time. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and contact us for further assistance:" ils_offline_login_message = "Your account details will be unavailable during this time. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and contact us for further assistance:" ils_offline_status = "Our Library Management System is currently under maintenance." ils_offline_title = "System Under Maintenance" ils_transaction_history_disabled = "Loan history is not enabled for the active library card." Image = "Image" Import Record = "Import Record" in = "in" In This Collection = "In This Collection" in_collection_label = "In collection:" include_synonyms = "Expand results using synonyms" Index Terms = "Index Terms" Indexes = "Indexes" information = "Information" Institution = "Institution" Institutional Login = "Institutional Login" institutional_login_desc = "Enter your campus-wide username and password." Instructor = "Instructor" Interlibrary Loan Requests = "Interlibrary Loan Requests" Internet = "Internet" interval_captcha_not_passed = "This action can only be performed after %%delay%% seconds." Invalid Patron Login = "Invalid Patron Login" Invalid phone number. = "Invalid phone number." Invalid Recipient Email Address = "Invalid Recipient Email Address" Invalid Sender Email Address = "Invalid Sender Email Address" ISBN = "ISBN" ISBN/ISSN = "ISBN/ISSN" ISSN = "ISSN" Issue = "Issue" Item Description = "Item Description" Item Notes = "Notes" Item removed from favorites = "Item removed from saved items" Item removed from list = "Item removed from list" Items = "Items" items = "items" items_added_to_bookbag = "%%count%% item(s) added to your Book Bag" items_already_in_bookbag = "%%count%% item(s) are either already in your Book Bag or could not be added" Journal = "Journal" Journal Articles = "Journal Articles" Journal Info = "Journal Info" Journal Title = "Journal Title" Journals = "Journals" Jump to = "Jump to" just_cataloged = "Just Cataloged" Keyword = "Keyword" Keyword Filter = "Keyword Filter" Kit = "Kit" Language = "Language" large = "Large" Last = "Last" Last Login = "Last Login" Last Modified = "Last Modified" Last Name = "Last Name" Last Search Result = "Last Search Result" less = "less" less_ellipsis = "less…" libguides_profile_suggestion_heading = "Talk to a Subject Librarian" libguides_recommendations = "Research Guide Results" libguides_recommendations_more = "More Research Guide Results" libguidesaz_recommendations = "Database Results" libguidesaz_recommendations_more = "More Database Results" libphonenumber_invalid = "Phone number invalid" libphonenumber_invalidcountry = "Invalid country calling code" libphonenumber_invalidregion = "Invalid region code:" libphonenumber_notanumber = "The string supplied did not seem to be a phone number" libphonenumber_toolong = "The string supplied is too long to be a phone number" libphonenumber_tooshort = "The string supplied is too short to be a phone number" libphonenumber_tooshortidd = "Phone number too short after IDD" Library = "Library" Library Card = "Library Card" Library Card Deleted = "Library Card Deleted" Library Card Name = "Library Card Name" Library Cards = "Library Cards" Library Cards Disabled = "Library Cards Disabled" Library Catalog Password = "Library Catalog Password" Library Catalog Profile = "Library Catalog Profile" Library Catalog Record = "Library Catalog Record" Library Catalog Search = "Library Catalog Search" Library Catalog Search Result = "Library Catalog Search Result" Library Catalog Username = "Library Catalog Username" Library Web Search = "Library Web Search" library_card_edit_password_placeholder = "New Password" lightbox_error = "Error: Cannot Load Popup Box" Limit To = "Limit To" Link to full results = "Link to full results" link_text_need_help = "Need Help?" Linked Full Text = "Linked Full Text" List = "List" List Tags = "List Tags" list_access_denied = "You do not have permission to view this list." list_edit_name_required = "List name is required." load_tag_error = "Error: Could Not Load Tags" Loading = "Loading" loading_ellipsis = "Loading…" Loan History = "Loan History" loan_history_all_purged = "Your loan history has been purged" loan_history_confirm_purge_all = "Do you wish to purge all loans from your loan history?" loan_history_confirm_purge_selected = "Do you wish to purge selected loans from your loan history?" loan_history_empty = "You do not have any loans in your loan history." loan_history_purge_all = "Purge History" loan_history_purge_selected = "Purge Selected" loan_history_selected_purged = "Selected loans have been purged from your loan history" Local Login = "Local Login" local_login_desc = "Enter the username and password you created for this site." Located = "Located" Location = "Location" Log Out = "Log Out" logged_in = "You have logged in." Login = "Login" Login for full access = "Login for full access." login_disabled = "Login is not available at this time." login_target = "Library" Logout = "Logout" Main Author = "Main Author" Main Authors = "Main Authors" Major Categories = "Major Categories" Manage Scheduled Alerts = "Manage Scheduled Alerts" Manage Tags = "Manage Tags" Manuscript = "Manuscript" Map = "Map" Map View = "Map View" map_results_label = "At this location:" Maps = "Maps" Media Format = "Media Format" medium = "Medium" MeSH Terms = "MeSH Terms" Message = "Message" Message From Sender = "Message From Sender" Metadata Prefix = "Metadata Prefix" Microfilm = "Microfilm" MLA Citation = "MLA Citation" MLA Edition Citation = "MLA (9th ed.) Citation" Mobile Number = "Mobile Number" mobile_link = "You appear to be on a mobile device; switch to mobile view?" mobile_toggle_navigation_text = "Toggle navigation" Monograph Title = "Monograph Title" more = "more" More catalog results = "More catalog results" More EDS results = "More EDS results…" More options = "More options" More Summon results = "More Summon results…" More Topics = "More Topics" more_authors_abbrev = "et al." more_ellipsis = "more…" more_info_toggle = "Show/hide more info." more_options_ellipsis = "More options…" more_results_ellipsis = "More results…" more_topics = "%%count%% more topics" Most Recent Received Issues = "Most Recent Received Issues" Multiple Call Numbers = "Multiple Call Numbers" Multiple Locations = "Multiple Locations" Musical Score = "Musical Score" My Fines = "Fines" My Holds = "Holds" My Profile = "Profile" Narrow Search = "Narrow Search" navigate_back = "Back" nearby_items = 'Items Near "%%title%%"' New Item Feed = "New Item Feed" New Item Search = "New Item Search" New Item Search Results = "New Item Search Results" New Items = "New Items" New results found for search = "New results found for search" New Title = "New Title" new_email_success = "Your email address has been changed successfully" new_password = "New Password" new_password_success = "Your password has successfully been changed" new_results_heading = "%%count%% newest results" new_user_welcome_subject = "Your new account at %%library%%" new_user_welcome_text = "Welcome to %%library%%. A new account has been opened for %%firstname%% %%lastname%%. Your username is %%username%%. Please set a password on this page: %%url%%" Newspaper = "Newspaper" Next = "Next" Next Search Result = "Next Search Result" No citations are available for this record = "No citations are available for this record" No Cover Image = "No Cover Image" No dependency problems found = "No dependency problems found" No excerpts were found for this record. = "No excerpts were found for this record." No library account = "No library account" No new item information is currently available. = "No new item information is currently available." No pickup locations available = "No pickup locations available" No Preference = "No Preference" No reviews were found for this record = "No reviews were found for this record" No saved logins = "No saved logins" No Tags = "No Tags" no_description = "Description not available." no_email_address = "Email address missing." no_items_selected = "No Items were Selected" no_proxied_user = "No proxied user (request for yourself)" nohit_active_filters = "One or more facet filters have been applied to this search. If you remove filters, you may retrieve more results." nohit_change_tab = 'You have been searching in the "%%activeTab%%" tab. You may find something in one of the other tabs:' nohit_filters = "Filters currently applied to this search:" nohit_heading = "No Results!" nohit_lookfor_html = "Your search - %%lookfor%% - did not match any resources." nohit_no_filters = "No filters were applied to this search." nohit_parse_error = "There seems to be a problem with your search query. Please check the syntax. If you are not trying to use advanced features, putting the query inside double quotes may help." nohit_query_without_filters = "Remove all filters from this search." nohit_spelling = "Perhaps you should try some spelling variations" nohit_suggest = "You may want to try to revise your search phrase by removing some words or check your spelling." NOT = "NOT" Not Illustrated = "Not Illustrated" Not On Reserve = "Not On Reserve" not_applicable = "n/a" Note = "Note" note_760 = "Main series" note_762 = "Subseries" note_765 = "Translation of" note_767 = "Translation" note_770 = "Has supplement" note_772 = "Supplement to" note_773 = "Contained in" note_774 = "Constituent unit" note_775 = "Other edition available" note_776 = "Additional form" note_777 = "Issued with" note_780_0 = "Continues" note_780_1 = "Continues in part" note_780_2 = "Supersedes" note_780_3 = "Supersedes in part" note_780_4 = "Formed by" note_780_5 = "Absorbed" note_780_6 = "Absorbed in part" note_780_7 = "Separated from" note_785_0 = "Continued by" note_785_1 = "Continued in part by" note_785_2 = "Superseded by" note_785_3 = "Superseded in part by" note_785_4 = "Absorbed by" note_785_5 = "Absorbed in part by" note_785_6 = "Split into" note_785_7 = "Merged with / Forms" note_785_8 = "Changed back to" note_787 = "Other relationship" Notes = "Notes" Number = "Number" number_decimal_point = "." number_thousands_separator = "," OAI Server = "OAI Server" Occupation = "Occupation" od_account_noaccess = "This library card does not have access to content in OverDrive." od_account_problem = "There is a problem with your account. %%message%%" od_admin_menu = "OverDrive API" od_audiobook-mp3 = "MP3 audiobook" od_audiobook-overdrive = "OverDrive Listen audiobook" od_avail_avail = "Available:" od_avail_holds = "Holds:" od_avail_total = "Total Copies:" od_but_cancel_hold = "Cancel this hold" od_but_checkout = "Checkout Through OverDrive" od_but_checkout_s = "Checkout" od_but_edit_hold = "Edit hold" od_but_edit_hold_conf = "Confirm update" od_but_gettitle = "Download this content" od_but_gettitle_s = "Download" od_but_hold = "Place A Hold Through OverDrive" od_but_hold_s = "Place Hold" od_but_return = "Return this title" od_but_susp_hold = "Suspend hold" od_cancel_hold = "Cancel OverDrive Hold" od_cancel_hold_confirm = "Are you sure you want to remove this hold?" od_checkout = "OverDrive Checkout" od_code_connection_failed = "Connection to OverDrive failed. If the problem persists, please contact your library." od_code_contentnotavail = "This content is not available in your area." od_code_login_for_avail = "Login for availability" od_code_resource_not_found = "Title not found" od_content = "OverDrive Content" od_copies_available = "%%copies%% copies available" od_dl_formats = "Supported Download Formats" od_docheckout_failure = "This title could not be checked out." od_docheckout_success = "This title has been checked out to you. It expires on %%expireDate%%." od_early_return = "OverDrive Early Return" od_ebook-epub-adobe = "Adobe EPUB eBook" od_ebook-epub-open = "Open EPUB eBook" od_ebook-kindle = "Kindle Book" od_ebook-mediado = "MediaDo Reader eBook" od_ebook-overdrive = "OverDrive Read eBook" od_ebook-pdf-adobe = "Adobe PDF eBook" od_ebook-pdf-open = "Open PDF eBook" od_edit_hold_email = "Edit Hold Email" od_expires_on = "This title expires on %%due_date%%." od_get_title = "OverDrive Download" od_gettitle_failure = "This title could not be downloaded." od_help_linktext = "OverDrive Help" od_history = "OverDrive History" od_hold = "OverDrive Hold" od_hold_cancel_failure = "The hold cancellation request failed." od_hold_cancel_success = "The hold was canceled successfully." od_hold_email = "Email Address for hold notification: %%holdEmailAddress%%." od_hold_now_avail = "This hold is available for checkout. Checkout expires on %%expireDate%%." od_hold_now_avail_s = "Available to borrow - Expires on %%expireDate%%" od_hold_place_failure = "The hold request failed." od_hold_place_success = "This title has been placed on hold. Your hold position is %%holdListPosition%%." od_hold_placed_on = "Hold placed on %%holdPlacedDate%%." od_hold_queue = "Position %%holdPosition%% of %%numberOfHolds%% in holds queue." od_hold_queue_s = "Position: %%holdPosition%% / %%numberOfHolds%%" od_hold_redelivery = "This hold has been suspended for %%days%% days." od_hold_redelivery_s = "Suspended for %%days%% days" od_hold_susp_indef = "This hold has been suspended indefinitely." od_hold_susp_indef_s = "Suspended indefinitely" od_hold_update_failure = "The hold update request failed. " od_hold_update_success = "The hold was updated successfully." od_holds = "OverDrive Holds" od_info_unavail = "This information is currently unavailable." od_is_checkedout = "You have this resource checked out. It's due on %%due_date%%." od_is_on_hold = "You have this resource on hold." od_loans = "OverDrive Loans" od_mag_issue_ischeckedout = "checked out" od_magazine-overdrive = "Digital Magazine" od_mycontent_help = 'For information about and help with downloading these titles, see OverDrive Help.' od_none_found = "No titles found." od_resource_page = "OverDrive Resource Page" od_return_confirm = "Are you sure you want to return this title?" od_return_failure = "This title could not be returned." od_return_success = "This title has been returned." od_susp_after = "Deliver after %%days%% days" od_susp_asap = "Deliver as soon as possible" od_susp_hold = "Suspend hold" od_susp_hold_confirm = "How long would you like to suspend this hold?" od_susp_hold_edit = "Edit delivery date" od_susp_ind = "Suspend indefinitely" od_unlimited = "Unlimited" od_video-streaming = "Streaming video file" od_waiting = "{holds, plural, =1 {1 person} other {# people}} waiting" of_num_results = "#%%position%% of %%total%% results" old_password = "Old Password" On Reserve = "On Reserve" On Reserve - Ask at Circulation Desk = "On Reserve - Ask at Circulation Desk" on_reserve = "Reserves - Ask at Circulation" on_topic = "%%count%% item(s) on this topic" Online Access = "Online Access" online_resources = "Full Text" open_access_limit = "Limit to Open Access content" operator_contains = "contains" operator_exact = "is (exact)" OR = "OR" or create a new list = "or create a new list" original = "Original" Other associated place = "Other associated place" Other Authors = "Other Authors" Other Editions = "Other Editions" Other Libraries = "Other Libraries" Other Sources = "Other Sources" other_versions_link = "Show other versions (%%count%%)" other_versions_search_link = "Show all versions (%%count%%)" other_versions_title = "Other Versions (%%count%%)" Page not found. = "Page not found." page_first = "Go to First Page" page_last = "Go to Last Page" page_next = "Go to Next Page" page_num = "Page %%page%%" page_prev = "Go to Previous Page" page_reload_on_deselect_hint = "Page will reload when a filter is removed." page_reload_on_select_hint = "Page will reload when a filter is selected or excluded." pagination_label = "Pagination" Password = "Password" Password Again = "Password Again" Password cannot be blank = "Password cannot be blank" password_error_auth_old = "The previously used password is invalid" password_error_invalid = "New password is invalid (e.g. contains invalid characters)" password_error_not_unique = "Password was not changed" password_maximum_length = "Maximum password length is %%maxlength%% characters" password_minimum_length = "Minimum password length is %%minlength%% characters" password_only_alphanumeric = "Numbers and letters A-Z only" password_only_numeric = "Numbers only" Passwords do not match = "Passwords do not match" past_days = "{range, plural, =1 {Yesterday} =7 {Past Week} other {Past # Days}}" patron_account_expires = "Expires" patron_status_address_missing = "Your address is missing." patron_status_card_blocked = "This library card is blocked from borrowing." patron_status_card_expired = "Your library card has expired." patron_status_debarred_overdue = "You have non-returned items overdue." patron_status_debt_limit_reached = "You have %%blockCount%% in fines and fees. Borrowing block limit is %%blockLimit%%." patron_status_guarantees_debt_limit_reached = "Your guarantees have %%blockCount%% in fines and fees. Borrowing block limit is %%blockLimit%%." patron_status_maximum_requests = "You have reached the maximum number (%%blockCount%%) of active requests." PDF Full Text = "PDF Full Text" peer_reviewed = "Peer Reviewed" peer_reviewed_limit = "Limit to articles from peer-reviewed journals" permanent_link = "Permanent link" permission_denied = "You have requested a page or action, but you do not have the necessary permission." permission_denied_title = "Permission denied" persistent_login_warning_email_message = "Unusual activity related to your account was detected. To protect your security, all of your saved logins have been invalidated, and you will be required to log in again. If this notification was not triggered by you returning to the service, it is recommended that you review your account activity to make sure there are no unfamiliar actions." persistent_login_warning_email_subject = "%%title%%: Invalid login attempt detected" Phone Number = "Phone Number" Photo = "Photo" Physical Description = "Physical Description" Physical Object = "Physical Object" pick_up_location = "Pickup Location" Place a Hold = "Place a Hold" Place of birth = "Place of birth" Place of death = "Place of death" Playing Time = "Playing Time" Please check back soon = "Please check back soon" Please contact the Library Reference Department for assistance = "Please contact the Library Reference Department for assistance" Please enable JavaScript. = "Please enable JavaScript." Please upgrade your browser. = "Please upgrade your browser." Postcard = "Postcard" Poster = "Poster" Preferences = "Preferences" Preferred Library = "Preferred Library" preferred_library_default = "Best available option" Prev = "Prev" prev_ellipsis = "Prev…" Preview = "Preview" Preview from = "Preview from" Previous Search Result = "Previous Search Result" Previous Title = "Previous Title" Print = "Print" Private = "Private" Production Credits = "Production Credits" Profile = "Profile" profile_update = "Your profile was updated as requested" pronounced = "pronounced" Provider = "Provider" proxied_user = "Place request for proxied user" proxy_hold_place_success_html = 'Your proxy request was successful. Your Holds and Recalls.' proxy_list_by = "These users are your delegates:" proxy_list_description = "A user's delegates have permission to perform some actions on their behalf." proxy_list_for = "You are a delegate for these users:" proxy_list_heading = "Delegates" Public = "Public" public_list_indicator = "Public List" Publication = "Publication" Publication Date = "Publication Date" Publication Frequency = "Publication Frequency" Publication Information = "Publication Information" Publication Type = "Publication Type" Publication Year = "Publication Year" Publication_Place = "Place of Publication" Published = "Published" Published in = "Published in" Publisher = "Publisher" Publisher Information = "Publisher Information" Publisher Permissions = "Publisher Permissions" QR Code = "QR Code" query time = "query time" random_recommendation_title = "Random items from your results" Range = "Range" Range slider = "Range slider" rating_10 = "½ star" rating_100 = "5 stars" rating_20 = "1 star" rating_30 = "1½ stars" rating_40 = "2 stars" rating_50 = "2½ stars" rating_60 = "3 stars" rating_70 = "3½ stars" rating_80 = "4 stars" rating_90 = "4½ stars" rating_add_or_update = "Add or Update Rating" rating_add_success = "Rating Saved" rating_breakdown_group_title = "from %%from%% to %%to%%" rating_breakdown_percentage = "%%percentage%%%" rating_disabled = "Rating disabled" rating_heading = "" rating_none = "Not rated yet" rating_prompt = "Your Rating" rating_remove = "Remove Rating" rating_summary = "%%count%% ratings" rating_summary_single = "1 rating" rating_summary_unrated = "Add first rating" Read the full review online... = "Read the full review online..." Recall This = "Recall This" recently_returned_channel_title = "Recently Returned" recommend_links_text = "You can also try:" Record Citations = "Record Citations" Record Count = "Record Count" Record in the Search Index = "Record in the Search Index" Record Type = "Record Type" Recover Account = "Recover Account" recovery_by_email = "Recover by email" recovery_by_username = "Recover by username" recovery_disabled = "Password recovery not enabled" recovery_email_notification = "A request was just made to recover the password for your account with %%library%%." recovery_email_sent = "Password recovery instructions have been sent to the email address registered with this account." recovery_email_subject = "VuFind Account Recovery" recovery_email_url_pretext = "You can reset your password at this URL: %%url%%" recovery_expired_hash = "This recovery link has expired" recovery_invalid_hash = "Recovery link not recognized" recovery_new_disabled = "You are not allowed to change your password at this time" recovery_title = "Password Recovery" recovery_too_soon = "Too many recovery requests have been made, please try again later" recovery_user_not_found = "We could not find your account" rectangle_center_message = "This is the center point for the highlighted rectangle" Reference Material = "Reference Material" Refine Results = "Refine Results" Region = "Region" relais_available = "This item is available through Interlibrary Loan. Would you like to request it?" relais_checking = "Checking availability..." relais_error_html = 'There was a problem with this request. Please request this item using the Interlibrary Loan website.' relais_request = "Interlibrary Loan Request" relais_requesting = "Requesting..." relais_search = "Search Interlibrary Loan" relais_success_label = "Confirmation:" relais_success_message = "Request id #%%id%% was created. You will receive a confirmation email." Related Author = "Related Author" Related Items = "Related Items" Related Subjects = "Related Subjects" Relevance = "Relevance" remember_me = "Remember my login for the next %%days%% days" Remove filter = "Remove Filter" Remove Filters = "Remove Filters" Remove from Book Bag = "Remove from Book Bag" renew_all = "Renew All Items" renew_determine_fail = "We were unable to determine if your item can be renewed. Please contact a member of staff." renew_empty_selection = "No items were selected" renew_error = "We were unable to renew your item(s) - Please contact a member of staff" renew_fail = "This item could not be renewed" renew_item = "Renew Item" renew_item_due = "Item due within the next 24 hours" renew_item_due_tooltip = "Items due soon" renew_item_limit = "This item has reached its renewal limit" renew_item_no = "This item cannot be renewed" renew_item_overdue = "Item Overdue" renew_item_overdue_tooltip = "Items overdue" renew_item_requested = "This item has been requested by another user" renew_select_box = "Renew Item" renew_selected = "Renew Selected Items" renew_success = "Renewal Successful" Renewed = "Renewed" Request full text = "Request full text" request_in_transit = "In Transit to Pickup Location" request_place_text = "Place a Request" request_submit_text = "Submit Request" Requests = "Requests" Reserves = "Reserves" Reserves Search = "Reserves Search" Reserves Search Results = "Reserves Search Results" reset_filters_button = "Reset Filters" result_checkbox_label = "Select result number %%number%%" result_count = "%%count%% results" Results = "Results" results = "results" Results for = "Results for" Results per page = "Results per page" results_cited_by_title = 'Results Cited by "%%title%%"' results_cited_by_title_link_html = 'Results Cited by %%title%%' results_cited_by_title_note = "Note that this may not be a complete list of citations." results_cited_by_title_search_link = "Items that this one cites" results_citing_title = 'Results Citing "%%title%%"' results_citing_title_link_html = 'Results Citing %%title%%' results_citing_title_note = "Note that this may not be a complete list of citations." results_citing_title_search_link = "Items that cite this one" Resumption Token = "Resumption Token" Return Date = "Return Date" Review by = "Review by" Reviews = "Reviews" Save = "Save" Save Comment = "Save Comment" save_search = "Save Search" save_search_remove = "Remove Saved Search" Saved in = "Saved in" Saved Logins = "Saved Logins" saved_items = "Saved Items" saved_login_actions = "Actions" saved_login_platform_and_browser = "Platform / Browser" schedule_daily = "Daily" schedule_explanation = "Receive alert emails about new results for search." schedule_none = "None" schedule_weekly = "Weekly" Scheduled Alert Results = "Scheduled alert results" scholarly_limit = "Limit to articles from scholarly journals" Scroll to Load More = "Scroll to Load More" Search = "Search" Search For = "Search For" Search For Items on Reserve = "Search For Items on Reserve" Search History = "Search History" Search Home = "Search Home" Search Mode = "Search Mode" Search Results = "Search Results" search results of = "search results of" Search sidebar = "Search sidebar" Search Tips = "Search Tips" Search Tools = "Search Tools" Search Type = "Search Type" Search within collection = "Search within collection" search_AND = "ALL Terms" search_backend_partial_failure = "Displaying partial results. Search in the following target(s) failed: %%sources%%" search_groups = "Search Groups" search_match = "Match" search_NOT = "NO Terms" search_OR = "ANY Terms" search_save_success = "Search saved successfully." search_terms = "Search terms" search_unsave_success = "Saved search removed successfully." searchform_reset_button = "Clear query" seconds_abbrev = "s" see all = "see all" See also = "See also" see_all_ellipsis = "see all…" Select this record = "Select this record" Select your carrier = "Select your carrier" select_all = "Select all entries" select_all_on_page = "Select all entries on the page" select_item = "Select item for further action" select_item_checked_out_renew = "Select item for renewing" select_item_hold_cancel = "Select item for canceling holds or recalls" select_item_ill_request_cancel = "Select item for canceling interlibrary loan requests" select_item_purge = "Select item for purging" select_item_storage_retrieval_request_cancel = "Select item for canceling storage retrieval requests" select_page_cart = "Select all entries in the book bag" select_pickup_location = "Select Pick Up Location" select_request_group = "Select Request Group" Selected = "Selected" Send = "Send" send_an_email_copy = "Send a copy to this address" send_email_copy_to_me = "Send a copy to me" Sensor Image = "Sensor Image" Serial = "Serial" Series = "Series" Set = "Set" shortlink_redirect = "You will be redirected in %%delay%% seconds..." Show = "Show" show_filters_html = "Show filters (%%count%%)" showing_items_html = "Showing %%start%% - %%end%% Items" showing_items_of_html = "Showing %%start%% - %%end%% of %%total%% Items" showing_results_for_html = "Showing %%start%% - %%end%% results for search '%%lookfor%%'" showing_results_html = "Showing %%start%% - %%end%% results" showing_results_of_for_html = "Showing %%start%% - %%end%% results of %%total%% for search '%%lookfor%%'" showing_results_of_html = "Showing %%start%% - %%end%% results of %%total%%" sidebar_close = "Collapse Sidebar" sidebar_expand = "Expand Sidebar" Similar Items = "Similar Items" Site URL = "Site URL" Skip to content = "Skip to content" skip_confirm = "Are you sure you want to skip this step?" skip_fix_metadata = "Do not fix the metadata at this time." skip_step = "Skip this step" Slide = "Slide" slider_label = "Slider for %%title%%" sms_failure = "Error! Could not send message." sms_phone_number = "10-Digit Phone Number" sms_sending = "Sending message..." sms_success = "Message sent." Software = "Software" Sorry, but the help you requested is unavailable in your language. = "Sorry, but the help you requested is unavailable in your language." Sort = "Sort" sort_alphabetic = "Alphabetical" sort_author = "Author" sort_author_author = "Alphabetical" sort_author_relevance = "Popularity" sort_callnumber = "Call Number" sort_checkout_date_asc = "Checkout Date (oldest first)" sort_checkout_date_desc = "Checkout Date (newest first)" sort_count = "Result Count" sort_due_date_asc = "Due Date (oldest first)" sort_due_date_desc = "Due Date (newest first)" sort_relevance = "Relevance" sort_return_date_asc = "Return Date (oldest first)" sort_return_date_desc = "Return Date (newest first)" sort_title = "Title" sort_year = "Date Descending" sort_year asc = "Date Ascending" Source = "Source" Source Title = "Source Title" spell_expand_alt = "Expand Search" spell_suggest = "Search alternatives" Staff View = "Staff View" Start a new Advanced Search = "Start a new Advanced Search" Start a new Basic Search = "Start a new Basic Search" Start Page = "Start Page" starting from = "starting from" Status = "Status" status_transit = "In Transit" status_unknown_message = "Live Status Unavailable" Storage Retrieval Requests = "Storage Retrieval Requests" storage_retrieval_request_available = "Available for Pickup" storage_retrieval_request_cancel = "Cancel Storage Retrieval Request" storage_retrieval_request_cancel_all = "Cancel All Storage Retrieval Requests" storage_retrieval_request_cancel_fail = "Your request was not canceled. Please contact the circulation desk for further assistance" storage_retrieval_request_cancel_selected = "Cancel Selected Storage Retrieval Requests" storage_retrieval_request_cancel_success = "Your request was successfully canceled" storage_retrieval_request_cancel_success_items = "%%count%% request(s) were successfully canceled" storage_retrieval_request_canceled = "Canceled" storage_retrieval_request_check_text = "Check Storage Retrieval Request" storage_retrieval_request_comments = "Comments" storage_retrieval_request_date_invalid = "Please enter a valid date" storage_retrieval_request_date_past = "Please enter a date in the future" storage_retrieval_request_empty_selection = "No storage retrieval requests were selected" storage_retrieval_request_error_blocked = "You do not have sufficient privileges to place a storage retrieval request on this item" storage_retrieval_request_error_fail = "Your request failed. Please contact the circulation desk for further assistance" storage_retrieval_request_expires = "Expires" storage_retrieval_request_invalid_pickup = "An invalid pick up location was entered. Please try again" storage_retrieval_request_issue = "Date" storage_retrieval_request_place_fail_missing = "Your request failed. Some data was missing. Please contact the circulation desk for further assistance" storage_retrieval_request_place_success = "Your request was successful" storage_retrieval_request_place_success_html = 'Your request was successful. Storage Retrieval Requests.' storage_retrieval_request_place_text = "Place a Storage Retrieval Request" storage_retrieval_request_processed = "Processed" storage_retrieval_request_profile_html = 'For storage retrieval request information, please establish your Library Catalog Profile.' storage_retrieval_request_reference = "Reference" storage_retrieval_request_selected_item = "Selected item" storage_retrieval_request_submit_text = "Place Request" storage_retrieval_request_volume = "Volume" storage_retrieval_request_year = "Year" Subcollection = "Subcollection" Subject = "Subject" Subject Area = "Subject Area" Subject Geographic = "Subject Geographic" Subject Recommendations = "Subject Recommendations" Subject Terms = "Subject Terms" Subjects = "Subjects" Submit = "Submit" Submitting = "Submitting…" Suggested Topics = "Suggested Topics" Summary = "Summary" Summon Results = "Summon Results" summon_database_recommendations = "You may find additional resources here:" Supplements = "Supplements" Supplied by Amazon = "Supplied by Amazon" switch_view = "Switch view to %%view%%" switchquery_fuzzy = "Performing a fuzzy search may retrieve terms with similar spellings" switchquery_intro = "You may be able to get more results by adjusting your search query." switchquery_lowercasebools = "If you are trying to use Boolean operators, they must be ALL CAPS" switchquery_truncatechar = "Shorten your search query to broaden your results" switchquery_unwantedbools = "The words AND, OR and NOT may confuse the search; try adding quotes" switchquery_unwantedquotes = "Removing quotes may allow a broader search" switchquery_wildcard = "Adding a wildcard symbol may retrieve word variants" Synonym = "Synonym" System Unavailable = "System Unavailable" Table of Contents = "Table of Contents" Table of Contents unavailable = "Table of Contents unavailable" Tag = "Tag" Tag Management = "Tag Management" tag_delete_filter = "You are using the following filter - Username: %username%, Tag: %tag%, Resource: %resource%" tag_delete_warning = "Warning! You are about to delete %count% resource tag(s)" tag_filter_empty = "No tags are available for this filter" Tags = "Tags" tags_deleted = "%count% tag(s) deleted" temporary_search_tab_title = "Custom Search" test_fail = "Failed" test_fix = "Fix" test_ok = "OK" Text = "Text" Text this = "Text this" That email address is already used = "That email address is already used" That username is already taken = "That username is already taken" The record you selected is not part of any of your lists. = "The record you selected is not part of any of your lists." The record you selected is not part of the selected list. = "The record you selected is not part of the selected list." The system is currently unavailable due to system maintenance = "The system is currently unavailable due to system maintenance" Theme = "Theme" Thesis = "Thesis" This email was sent from = "This email was sent from" This field is required = "This field is required" This item is already part of the following list/lists = "This item is already part of the following list/lists" This result is not displayed to guests = "This result is not displayed to guests." Title = "Title" Title not available = "Title not available" Title View = "Title View" title_hold_place = "Place a Title Level Request" title_wrapper = "%%pageTitle%% %%titleSeparator%% %%siteTitle%%" To = "To" toggle_dropdown = "Toggle Dropdown" Too Many Email Recipients = "Too Many Email Recipients" too_many_favorites = "This list is too large to display all at once. Try rearranging your saved items into more lists or limiting using tags." too_many_new_items = "There are too many new items to display in a single list. Try limiting your search." too_many_reserves = "There are too many course reserves to display in a single list. Try limiting your search." top_facet_label = "%%label%% within your search." Topic = "Topic" Topics = "Topics" Total Balance Due = "Total Balance Due" total_comments = "Total Comments" total_lists = "Total Lists" total_resources = "Total Resources" total_saved_items = "Total Saved Items" total_tags = "Total Tags" total_users = "Total Users" Transliterated Title = "Transliterated Title" tree_search_limit_reached_html = "Your search returned too many results to display in the tree. Showing only the first %%limit%% items." trending_items_channel_title = "Trending Items" unique_tags = "Unique Tags" University Library = "University Library" Unknown = "Unknown" unrecognized_facet_label = "Other" unsubscribe_confirmation = "Do you want to cancel the email subscription?" unsubscribe_description = "Don't want to receive this message in the future? Cancel the subscription by using the following link" unsubscribe_successful = "Subscription canceled" Updated = "Updated" Upgrade VuFind = "Upgrade VuFind" upgrade_description = "If you are upgrading a previous VuFind version, you can load your old settings with this tool." URL = "URL" Use for = "Use for" Use instead = "Use instead" User Account = "User Account" User Agent = "User Agent" Username = "Username" Username cannot be blank = "Username cannot be blank" Username is already in use in another library card = "Username is already in use in another library card" username_error_invalid = "Username is invalid (e.g. contains invalid characters)" username_maximum_length = "Maximum username length is %%maxlength%% characters" username_minimum_length = "Minimum username length is %%minlength%% characters" username_only_alphanumeric = "Numbers and letters A-Z only" username_only_letters_numbers_and_basic_punctuation = "Letters, numbers and common punctuation characters only" username_only_numeric = "Numbers only" verification_done = "Your email address has been verified successfully." verification_email_change_sent = "Email address verification instructions have been sent to the new email address. You must verify the address before the change will take effect." verification_email_notification = "A request was just made to verify your email address for your account with %%library%%." verification_email_sent = "Email address verification instructions have been sent to the email address registered with this account." verification_email_subject = "Email Verification" verification_email_url_pretext = "You can verify your email address with this link: <%%url%%>." verification_too_soon = "Your email requires validation. An email was recently sent to your registered email address. If you did not receive it, please wait a few minutes and try again." verification_user_not_found = "We could not find your account" Versions = "Versions" VHS = "VHS" Video = "Video" Video Clips = "Video Clips" Video Game = "Video Game" Videos = "Videos" View Book Bag = "View Book Bag" View Complete Issue = "View Complete Issue" View Full Collection = "View Full Collection" View Full Record = "View Full Record" View in EDS = "View in EDS" View online: Full view Book Preview from the Hathi Trust = "View online: Full view Book Preview from the Hathi Trust" View Record = "View Record" View Records = "View Records" View Retraction Notice = "View Retraction Notice" View this record in EBSCOhost = "View this record in EBSCOhost" view_already_selected = "%%current%% view already selected" view_in_opac = "View in OPAC" visual_facet_parent = "From" Volume = "Volume" Volume Holdings = "Volume Holdings" VuFind Administration - Feedback Management = "VuFind Administration - Feedback Management" VuFind Configuration = "VuFind Configuration" vufind_upgrade_fail = "We cannot upgrade VuFind at this time" Warning: These citations may not always be 100% accurate = "Warning: These citations may not always be 100% accurate" wcterms_broader = "Broader Subjects" wcterms_exact = "Related Subjects" wcterms_narrower = "Narrower Subjects" Web = "Web" Website = "Website" What am I looking at = "What am I looking at?" widen_prefix = "Try widening your search to" wiki_link = "Provided by Wikipedia" with filters = "with filters" Year of Publication = "Year of Publication" You do not have any fines = "You do not have any fines" You do not have any holds or recalls placed = "You do not have any holds or recalls placed" You do not have any interlibrary loan requests placed = "You do not have any interlibrary loan requests placed" You do not have any items checked out = "You do not have any items checked out" You do not have any library cards = "You do not have any library cards" You do not have any saved resources = "You do not have any saved resources. Perform a search and use the Save to List button to save items." You do not have any storage retrieval requests placed = "You do not have any storage retrieval requests placed" You must be logged in first = "You must be logged in first" Your Account = "Your Account" Your book bag is empty = "Your book bag is empty" Your Checked Out Items = "Your Checked Out Items" Your Comment = "Your Comment" Your Fines = "Your Fines" Your Holds and Recalls = "Your Holds and Recalls" Your Lists = "Your Lists" Your Profile = "Your Profile" Your search terms = "Your search terms" Your Tags = "Your Tags" your_match_would_be_here = "Your match would be here." Zip = "Zip" zoom = "Zoom"