import {deserialize} from './deserialize.js'; import {serialize} from './serialize.js'; /** * @typedef {Array} Record a type representation */ /** * Returns an array of serialized Records. * @param {any} any a serializable value. * @param {{transfer?: any[], json?: boolean, lossy?: boolean}?} options an object with * a transfer option (ignored when polyfilled) and/or non standard fields that * fallback to the polyfill if present. * @returns {Record[]} */ export default typeof structuredClone === "function" ? /* c8 ignore start */ (any, options) => ( options && ('json' in options || 'lossy' in options) ? deserialize(serialize(any, options)) : structuredClone(any) ) : (any, options) => deserialize(serialize(any, options)); /* c8 ignore stop */ export {deserialize, serialize};