type VisitorKeys$1 = { readonly [type: string]: readonly string[]; }; /** * @typedef {{ readonly [type: string]: ReadonlyArray }} VisitorKeys */ /** * @type {VisitorKeys} */ declare const KEYS: VisitorKeys$1; /** * Get visitor keys of a given node. * @param {object} node The AST node to get keys. * @returns {readonly string[]} Visitor keys of the node. */ declare function getKeys(node: object): readonly string[]; /** * Make the union set with `KEYS` and given keys. * @param {VisitorKeys} additionalKeys The additional keys. * @returns {VisitorKeys} The union set. */ declare function unionWith(additionalKeys: VisitorKeys): VisitorKeys; type VisitorKeys = VisitorKeys$1; export { KEYS, VisitorKeys, getKeys, unionWith };