var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var Keyv = require('keyv'); var utils = require('./utils'); var del = require('./del'); var writeJSON = utils.writeJSON; var cache = { /** * Load a cache identified by the given Id. If the element does not exists, then initialize an empty * cache storage. If specified `cacheDir` will be used as the directory to persist the data to. If omitted * then the cache module directory `./cache` will be used instead * * @method load * @param docId {String} the id of the cache, would also be used as the name of the file cache * @param [cacheDir] {String} directory for the cache entry */ load: function (docId, cacheDir) { var me = this; me.keyv = new Keyv(); me.__visited = {}; me.__persisted = {}; me._pathToFile = cacheDir ? path.resolve(cacheDir, docId) : path.resolve(__dirname, '../.cache/', docId); if (fs.existsSync(me._pathToFile)) { me._persisted = utils.tryParse(me._pathToFile, {}); } }, get _persisted() { return this.__persisted; }, set _persisted(value) { this.__persisted = value; this.keyv.set('persisted', value); }, get _visited() { return this.__visited; }, set _visited(value) { this.__visited = value; this.keyv.set('visited', value); }, /** * Load the cache from the provided file * @method loadFile * @param {String} pathToFile the path to the file containing the info for the cache */ loadFile: function (pathToFile) { var me = this; var dir = path.dirname(pathToFile); var fName = path.basename(pathToFile); me.load(fName, dir); }, /** * Returns the entire persisted object * @method all * @returns {*} */ all: function () { return this._persisted; }, keys: function () { return Object.keys(this._persisted); }, /** * sets a key to a given value * @method setKey * @param key {string} the key to set * @param value {object} the value of the key. Could be any object that can be serialized with JSON.stringify */ setKey: function (key, value) { this._visited[key] = true; this._persisted[key] = value; }, /** * remove a given key from the cache * @method removeKey * @param key {String} the key to remove from the object */ removeKey: function (key) { delete this._visited[key]; // esfmt-ignore-line delete this._persisted[key]; // esfmt-ignore-line }, /** * Return the value of the provided key * @method getKey * @param key {String} the name of the key to retrieve * @returns {*} the value from the key */ getKey: function (key) { this._visited[key] = true; return this._persisted[key]; }, /** * Remove keys that were not accessed/set since the * last time the `prune` method was called. * @method _prune * @private */ _prune: function () { var me = this; var obj = {}; var keys = Object.keys(me._visited); // no keys visited for either get or set value if (keys.length === 0) { return; } keys.forEach(function (key) { obj[key] = me._persisted[key]; }); me._visited = {}; me._persisted = obj; }, /** * Save the state of the cache identified by the docId to disk * as a JSON structure * @param [noPrune=false] {Boolean} whether to remove from cache the non visited files * @method save */ save: function (noPrune) { var me = this; !noPrune && me._prune(); writeJSON(me._pathToFile, me._persisted); }, /** * remove the file where the cache is persisted * @method removeCacheFile * @return {Boolean} true or false if the file was successfully deleted */ removeCacheFile: function () { return del(this._pathToFile); }, /** * Destroy the file cache and cache content. * @method destroy */ destroy: function () { var me = this; me._visited = {}; me._persisted = {}; me.removeCacheFile(); }, }; module.exports = { /** * Alias for create. Should be considered depreacted. Will be removed in next releases * * @method load * @param docId {String} the id of the cache, would also be used as the name of the file cache * @param [cacheDir] {String} directory for the cache entry * @returns {cache} cache instance */ load: function (docId, cacheDir) { return this.create(docId, cacheDir); }, /** * Load a cache identified by the given Id. If the element does not exists, then initialize an empty * cache storage. * * @method create * @param docId {String} the id of the cache, would also be used as the name of the file cache * @param [cacheDir] {String} directory for the cache entry * @returns {cache} cache instance */ create: function (docId, cacheDir) { var obj = Object.create(cache); obj.load(docId, cacheDir); return obj; }, createFromFile: function (filePath) { var obj = Object.create(cache); obj.loadFile(filePath); return obj; }, /** * Clear the cache identified by the given id. Caches stored in a different cache directory can be deleted directly * * @method clearCache * @param docId {String} the id of the cache, would also be used as the name of the file cache * @param cacheDir {String} the directory where the cache file was written * @returns {Boolean} true if the cache folder was deleted. False otherwise */ clearCacheById: function (docId, cacheDir) { var filePath = cacheDir ? path.resolve(cacheDir, docId) : path.resolve(__dirname, '../.cache/', docId); return del(filePath); }, /** * Remove all cache stored in the cache directory * @method clearAll * @returns {Boolean} true if the cache folder was deleted. False otherwise */ clearAll: function (cacheDir) { var filePath = cacheDir ? path.resolve(cacheDir) : path.resolve(__dirname, '../.cache/'); return del(filePath); }, };